

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:31

android Programming Glossary: inl

How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview?


2012 04 adding checkboxes to custom listview in.html The twist is that this reads and populates my listview with..

Creating Web Service for Android Application


adrianandroid.blogspot.in 2012 05 access c net web service in.html Note I have never worked on RESTful services. My work has always..

Android Gallery (view) video (also thumbnail issues)


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager


ing.blogspot.com 2008 11 properly handle progress dialog in.html and seen in Android sources it looks like the only possible..

How to implemennt OnZoomListener on MapView


http pa.rezendi.com 2010 03 responding to zooms and pans in.html Above works great. Is there maybe simpler solution I tried to..

How to write an Android SocketServer to listen on wifi


er.blogspot.com 2011 01 implement simple socket server in.html and http android er.blogspot.com 2011 01 simple communication..

Reading an image file into bitmap from sdcard?


How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview?


I've been working from is from here http androidcocktail.blogspot.com 2012 04 adding checkboxes to custom listview in.html The twist is that this reads and populates my listview with my contacts private void populateContactList Build adapter with..

Creating Web Service for Android Application


Calling Asp Net Webservice ASMX From an Android Ap http adrianandroid.blogspot.in 2012 05 access c net web service in.html Note I have never worked on RESTful services. My work has always been on SOAP and hence it remains my preference. share..

Android Gallery (view) video (also thumbnail issues)


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager


task.cancel false dialog.show From what I have read http bend ing.blogspot.com 2008 11 properly handle progress dialog in.html and seen in Android sources it looks like the only possible situation to get that exception is when activity was destroyed...

How to implemennt OnZoomListener on MapView


ZOOOMED oldZoomLevel getZoomLevel This blog helped me a lot http pa.rezendi.com 2010 03 responding to zooms and pans in.html Above works great. Is there maybe simpler solution I tried to implement onTouchListener on MapView directly but touch event..

How to write an Android SocketServer to listen on wifi


own local host address . Read these two articles http android er.blogspot.com 2011 01 implement simple socket server in.html and http android er.blogspot.com 2011 01 simple communication using.html Remember to have a wifi lock and the appropriate..

Reading an image file into bitmap from sdcard?
