android Programming Glossary: imvxpicturechoosertask
Need an example of take a Picture with MonoDroid and MVVMCross using SIGEP.Mobile.Core.Interfaces namespace SIGEP.Mobile.Core.Models public class PhotoService IMvxServiceConsumer IMvxPictureChooserTask private const int MaxPixelDimension 1024 private const int DefaultJpegQuality 92 public void GetNewPhoto this.GetService.. const int MaxPixelDimension 1024 private const int DefaultJpegQuality 92 public void GetNewPhoto this.GetService IMvxPictureChooserTask .TakePicture MaxPixelDimension DefaultJpegQuality HandlePhotoAvailable cancel is ignored public event EventHandler PhotoStreamEventArgs.. android camera monodroid mvvmcross share improve this question I generally implement a service using the built in IMvxPictureChooserTask this is in a Plugin if using vNext using Cirrious.MvvmCross.ExtensionMethods using Cirrious.MvvmCross.Interfaces.Platform.Tasks..