

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:51

android Programming Glossary: ib

Android color picker to be included in the activity


a 0 r a 1 g a 2 b int ig floatToByte a 5 r a 6 g a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha.. Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static final float PI 3.1415926f @Override public boolean.. color public void setAlphaSliderVisible boolean visible mColorPicker.setAlphaSliderVisible visible..

Draw in Canvas by finger android


a 0 r a 1 g a 2 b int ig floatToByte a 5 r a 6 g a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha.. Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static final float PI 3.1415926f @Override public boolean..

Android Null Exception on Calling function


String color #ffee22 public DrawView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setColor.. a 0 r a 1 g a 2 b int ig floatToByte a 5 r a 6 g a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha.. Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static final float PI 3.1415926f @Override public boolean..

How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk


address of the device..i.e. 00 02 00 A3 03 05 IBluetooth ib getIBluetooth ib.removeBond macAddress To get the IBluetooth.. device..i.e. 00 02 00 A3 03 05 IBluetooth ib getIBluetooth ib.removeBond macAddress To get the IBluetooth Object you need.. getBluetooth private IBluetooth getIBluetooth IBluetooth ibt null try Class c2 Class.forName android.os.ServiceManager Method..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


tmp final float a cm.getArray int ir floatToByte a 0 r a 1 g a 2 b int ig floatToByte a 5 r a 6 g a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static.. a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static final float PI 3.1415926f @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event float x event.getX CENTER_X.. int color mNewColor.setColor color if mListener null mListener.onColorChanged color public void setAlphaSliderVisible boolean visible mColorPicker.setAlphaSliderVisible visible public int getColor return mColorPicker.getColor Usage final..

Draw in Canvas by finger android


tmp final float a cm.getArray int ir floatToByte a 0 r a 1 g a 2 b int ig floatToByte a 5 r a 6 g a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static.. a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static final float PI 3.1415926f @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event float x event.getX CENTER_X..

Android Null Exception on Calling function


new Paint private Path circlePath new Path Canvas mCanvas String color #ffee22 public DrawView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setColor Color.GREEN paint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE paint.setStrokeJoin.. tmp final float a cm.getArray int ir floatToByte a 0 r a 1 g a 2 b int ig floatToByte a 5 r a 6 g a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static.. 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static final float PI 3.1415926f @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event float x event.getX CENTER_X..

How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk


call this method where macAddress is the string of the mac address of the device..i.e. 00 02 00 A3 03 05 IBluetooth ib getIBluetooth ib.removeBond macAddress To get the IBluetooth Object you need to go through a couple of steps create a package.. where macAddress is the string of the mac address of the device..i.e. 00 02 00 A3 03 05 IBluetooth ib getIBluetooth ib.removeBond macAddress To get the IBluetooth Object you need to go through a couple of steps create a package in your project.. IBluetoothCallback.aidl create method in your files called getBluetooth private IBluetooth getIBluetooth IBluetooth ibt null try Class c2 Class.forName android.os.ServiceManager Method m2 c2.getDeclaredMethod getService String.class IBinder..