

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:50

android Programming Glossary: i.setlayoutparams

Lazy download images into gridView


Grid3.this i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER i.setLayoutParams new ViewGroup.LayoutParams 50 50 l new CheckableLayout Grid3.this..

Android: out of memory exception in Gallery


getView position position i.setImageDrawable bufferedImage i.setLayoutParams new CoverFlow.LayoutParams Utils.getInstance .getScreenWidth..

android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2


0xFF000000 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER i.setLayoutParams new ImageSwitcher.LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT.. mThumbIds position i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..

How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate]


position i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 136 88 The preferred Gallery item..

Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview


null i.setImageBitmap b i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY..

A grid layout of icon/text buttons


int w int 36 getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density 0.5f i.setLayoutParams new GridView.LayoutParams w 2 w 2 return i public final int..

Android : BaseAdapter how to?


cursor.getShort 8 i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new AbsListView.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..

Showing Images in GridView


i null if convertView null i new ImageView mContext i.setLayoutParams new GridView.LayoutParams 92 92 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP..

Android gallery with caption


R.id.image_icon i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY..

How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database?


Height of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams.. new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 125 125 return i Returns the size..

Android GalleryView Recycling


ImageView mContext i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY..

How can i Implement SlideShow in android?


0xFF000000 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER i.setLayoutParams new ImageSwitcher.LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT.. mThumbIds position i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..

Lazy download images into gridView


l ImageView i if convertView null i new ImageView Grid3.this i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER i.setLayoutParams new ViewGroup.LayoutParams 50 50 l new CheckableLayout Grid3.this l.setLayoutParams new GridView.LayoutParams GridView.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..

Android: out of memory exception in Gallery


Drawable bufferedImage Drawable getItem position Log.v getView position position i.setImageDrawable bufferedImage i.setLayoutParams new CoverFlow.LayoutParams Utils.getInstance .getScreenWidth 2 Utils.getInstance .getScreenHeight 2 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE..

android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2


makeView ImageView i new ImageView this i.setBackgroundColor 0xFF000000 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER i.setLayoutParams new ImageSwitcher.LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT return i private ImageSwitcher mSwitcher.. ViewGroup parent ImageView i new ImageView mContext i.setImageResource mThumbIds position i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT i.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.picture_frame..

How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate]


ImageView i new ImageView mContext i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 136 88 The preferred Gallery item background i.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground return..

Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview


getContentResolver originalImageId MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND null i.setImageBitmap b i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground..

A grid layout of icon/text buttons


i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER final int w int 36 getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density 0.5f i.setLayoutParams new GridView.LayoutParams w 2 w 2 return i public final int getCount return 9 public final Family getItem int position return..

Android : BaseAdapter how to?


position ImageView i new ImageView mContext i.setImageResource cursor.getShort 8 i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new AbsListView.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT return i Do you have any good examples..

Showing Images in GridView


position View convertView ViewGroup parent System.gc ImageView i null if convertView null i new ImageView mContext i.setLayoutParams new GridView.LayoutParams 92 92 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP i.setImageBitmap mImageArray position ..

Android gallery with caption


tv.setText test ImageView i ImageView v.findViewById R.id.image_icon i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground..

How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database?


i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER Set the Width Height of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 125 125 return i Returns.. of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 125 125 return i Returns the size 0.0f to 1.0f of the views depending on the 'offset' to the..

Android GalleryView Recycling


position View convertView ViewGroup parent ImageView i new ImageView mContext i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground..

How can i Implement SlideShow in android?


makeView ImageView i new ImageView this i.setBackgroundColor 0xFF000000 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER i.setLayoutParams new ImageSwitcher.LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT return i private ImageSwitcher mSwitcher.. ViewGroup parent ImageView i new ImageView mContext i.setImageResource mThumbIds position i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT i.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.picture_frame..