

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:58

android Programming Glossary: ellipsis

EditText causing memory leak


@Override public void setEllipsize TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsis if ellipsis TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE throw new IllegalArgumentException.. public void setEllipsize TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsis if ellipsis TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE throw new IllegalArgumentException.. mode TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE super.setEllipsize ellipsis Where the trick is to refuse the InputConnection. This removes..

Can't get ellipsis to work on Android


get ellipsis to work on Android I have a TextView. I want it to ellipsize.. if I supply a string that has no spaces in it then the ellipsis appears correctly. What am I missing I've tried this on 1.5..

How to send/open email attachments from android app?


... sendIntent.setType ... where the first ellipsis is the path to your chosen file and the second ellipsis is a.. ellipsis is the path to your chosen file and the second ellipsis is a suitable MIME type. and have my app recognized by android..

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds


At the end if the text still does not fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements to animate the text and reuse views and.. minimum text size and still does not fit append with an ellipsis. @author Chase Colburn @since Apr 4 2011 public class AutoResizeTextView.. additional line spacing private float mSpacingAdd 0.0f Add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size private boolean..

Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes?


in ability to ellipsize text truncating it and adding an ellipsis if the text is longer than the available space. You can use.. This works fairly well at least for single line text. The ellipsis that Android uses is not three periods. Rather it uses an actual.. uses is not three periods. Rather it uses an actual ellipsis character where the three dots are contained in a single glyph...

EditText causing memory leak


int index Selection.extendSelection getText index @Override public void setEllipsize TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsis if ellipsis TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE throw new IllegalArgumentException EditText cannot use the ellipsize mode TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE.. int index Selection.extendSelection getText index @Override public void setEllipsize TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsis if ellipsis TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE throw new IllegalArgumentException EditText cannot use the ellipsize mode TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE.. new IllegalArgumentException EditText cannot use the ellipsize mode TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE super.setEllipsize ellipsis Where the trick is to refuse the InputConnection. This removes the suggestions and removes the memory leak. Hope this helps..

Can't get ellipsis to work on Android


get ellipsis to work on Android I have a TextView. I want it to ellipsize if longer than its available width. This does not work unless.. 1 scrollHorizontally false none of these have any effect. Again if I supply a string that has no spaces in it then the ellipsis appears correctly. What am I missing I've tried this on 1.5 1.6 2.0 all same problem. Thanks android android widget share..

How to send/open email attachments from android app?


Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT subject sendIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM ... sendIntent.setType ... where the first ellipsis is the path to your chosen file and the second ellipsis is a suitable MIME type. and have my app recognized by android as.. Intent.EXTRA_STREAM ... sendIntent.setType ... where the first ellipsis is the path to your chosen file and the second ellipsis is a suitable MIME type. and have my app recognized by android as the app to open an attachment with the file extention..

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds


by 2 font pixels and remeasure until I have a size that fits. At the end if the text still does not fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements to animate the text and reuse views and this seems to work well on the devices I have and seems to run.. text size to fit within the view. If the text size equals the minimum text size and still does not fit append with an ellipsis. @author Chase Colburn @since Apr 4 2011 public class AutoResizeTextView extends TextView Minimum text size for this text.. multiplier private float mSpacingMult 1.0f Text view additional line spacing private float mSpacingAdd 0.0f Add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size private boolean mAddEllipsis true Default constructor override public AutoResizeTextView..

Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes?


from one of my books Android's TextView class has the built in ability to ellipsize text truncating it and adding an ellipsis if the text is longer than the available space. You can use this via the android ellipsize attribute for example. This works.. use this via the android ellipsize attribute for example. This works fairly well at least for single line text. The ellipsis that Android uses is not three periods. Rather it uses an actual ellipsis character where the three dots are contained in.. well at least for single line text. The ellipsis that Android uses is not three periods. Rather it uses an actual ellipsis character where the three dots are contained in a single glyph. Hence any font that you use that you also use the ellipsizing..