android Programming Glossary: dim
ActionBar in a DialogFragment Activity activity To show activity as dialog and dim the background you need to declare android theme @style PopupTheme.. params.width 850 fixed width params.alpha 1.0f params.dimAmount 0.5f activity.getWindow .setAttributes android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams..
Hide System Bar in Tablets hide the system bar on tablets . However you could try to dim the system bar as done sometimes during gaming and video playback... for the system bar or navigation bar. Navigation buttons dim and other elements in the system bar also hide. Enabling this..
Adding screen brightness controls to android application out how to do it. I have seen examples to max out or dim brightness but I am looking to add controls so that the user..
Blur or dim background when Android PopupWindow active or dim background when Android PopupWindow active I would like to.. active I would like to be able to either blur or dim the background when I show my popup window using popup.showAtLocation.. show my popup window using popup.showAtLocation and unblur dim the background when popup.dismiss is called. I have tried applying..
How do I dim the system bar in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)? do I dim the system bar in Android 3.0 Honeycomb How do I programatically.. bar in Android 3.0 Honeycomb How do I programatically dim the system bar in Android 3.0 Honeycomb android android 3.0..
How to detect whether screen is on or off if API level is 4? level is 4 I am wondering to know how to detect screen dim or brightness on Android 1.6. I've found a solution on API Level..
toddler safe app on android can be pressed. The only thing I succeeded with it is to dim the status bar. On ice cream sandwich using emulator I still..
Android: Wake & unlock phone will bring the screen back as bright as it was true will dim it protected void onResume super.onResume IntentFilter filter..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? off in the traditional sense. It makes the screen as dim as possible. In the standard platform there is a limit to how.. possible. In the standard platform there is a limit to how dim it can be if your device is actually allowing the screen to.. uses this to allow you to set the screen brightness to dim while using a book and then return to regular brightness when..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off solution for my cellphone was to let the screen on dimmed and ignore battery consuption. Later on I will perform the.. output but no accelerometer event comes out. I have to dim my screen on which I cannot afford the battery drains too fast..
ActionBar in a DialogFragment windowIsTranslucent true item style public static void showAsPopup Activity activity To show activity as dialog and dim the background you need to declare android theme @style PopupTheme on for the chosen activity on the manifest activity.requestWindowFeature.. activity.getWindow .getAttributes params.height 850 fixed height params.width 850 fixed width params.alpha 1.0f params.dimAmount 0.5f activity.getWindow .setAttributes android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams params setContentView R.layout.activity_main..
Hide System Bar in Tablets for the navigation bar used by some handsets it does not hide the system bar on tablets . However you could try to dim the system bar as done sometimes during gaming and video playback. The SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE flag replaces the STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN.. flag. When set this flag enables œlow profile mode for the system bar or navigation bar. Navigation buttons dim and other elements in the system bar also hide. Enabling this is useful for creating more immersive games without distraction..
Adding screen brightness controls to android application screen brightness locally in my app menu but can't seem to figure out how to do it. I have seen examples to max out or dim brightness but I am looking to add controls so that the user can control and set the brightness level. Does anyone have..
Blur or dim background when Android PopupWindow active or dim background when Android PopupWindow active I would like to be able to either blur or dim the background when I show my.. or dim background when Android PopupWindow active I would like to be able to either blur or dim the background when I show my popup window using popup.showAtLocation and unblur dim the background when popup.dismiss is.. like to be able to either blur or dim the background when I show my popup window using popup.showAtLocation and unblur dim the background when popup.dismiss is called. I have tried applying layout params FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND and FLAG_DIM_BEHIND to..
How do I dim the system bar in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)? do I dim the system bar in Android 3.0 Honeycomb How do I programatically dim the system bar in Android 3.0 Honeycomb android android.. do I dim the system bar in Android 3.0 Honeycomb How do I programatically dim the system bar in Android 3.0 Honeycomb android android 3.0 share improve this question Try using the following code..
How to detect whether screen is on or off if API level is 4? to detect whether screen is on or off if API level is 4 I am wondering to know how to detect screen dim or brightness on Android 1.6. I've found a solution on API Level 7. It is easy to develop PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService..
toddler safe app on android can be pressed on. Also I have the switch windows key which can be pressed. The only thing I succeeded with it is to dim the status bar. On ice cream sandwich using emulator I still don't have a real device with this version when calling the..
Android: Wake & unlock phone powerManager.userActivity l false false will bring the screen back as bright as it was true will dim it protected void onResume super.onResume IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF registerReceiver..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? 0 getWindow .setAttributes params Does not turn the screen off in the traditional sense. It makes the screen as dim as possible. In the standard platform there is a limit to how dim it can be if your device is actually allowing the screen.. off in the traditional sense. It makes the screen as dim as possible. In the standard platform there is a limit to how dim it can be if your device is actually allowing the screen to turn completely off then it is some peculiarity of the implementation.. params This definitely works. For example Google's Books apps uses this to allow you to set the screen brightness to dim while using a book and then return to regular brightness when turning that off. To help debug you can use adb shell dumpsys..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off have implemented this solution. So I decided that the temporary solution for my cellphone was to let the screen on dimmed and ignore battery consuption. Later on I will perform the tests for battery usage using another android phone which.. I can verify that my program is still running through LOGcat output but no accelerometer event comes out. I have to dim my screen on which I cannot afford the battery drains too fast to start receiveing accelerometer events again. I also tried..