android Programming Glossary: columnwidth
Android gridview keep item selected fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android columnWidth 50dp android gravity center android numColumns auto_fit android.. center android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth GridView LinearLayout list_item_icon_text xml version 1.0 encoding..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images Here is my GridView xml file. As you can see the columnWidth is set to 200dp . I'd like it to be automatic so the pictures.. layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center.. numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and here is the item xml file which represents..
DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously) 7dp android horizontalSpacing 7dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center style @style GridViewStyle LinearLayout..
A grid layout of icon/text buttons horizontalSpacing 10dp android numColumns 3 android columnWidth 60dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center.. numColumns 3 android columnWidth 60dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and then in your activity @Override protected..
How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android? fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android columnWidth 90dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp.. 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center android layout_gravity bottom android..
Android: How does GridView auto_fit find the number of columns? wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android columnWidth 60dp android numColumns auto_fit And it works fine with a series.. columns. What I don't understand is why the line android columnWidth 60dp is necessary because auto_fit is expected to find the right.. find the right number of columns. Without the line android columnWidth 60dp it displays a grid 3 rows and 2 columns. Here is the ImageAdapter..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? the max height for each row public void measureItems int columnWidth Obtain system inflater LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.. specs int widthMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec columnWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec.. numColumns adapter.getCount if numColumns 1 int columnWidth getMeasuredWidth numColumns adapter.measureItems columnWidth..
Gridview height gets cut false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp My items resource xml version 1.0.. false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp Lastly you just need to ask it..
Android gridview keep item selected vertical GridView android id @ id gridView1 android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android columnWidth 50dp android gravity center android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth GridView LinearLayout list_item_icon_text.. fill_parent android columnWidth 50dp android gravity center android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth GridView LinearLayout list_item_icon_text xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images and phone number. and the other pictures are not stretched correctly. Here is my GridView xml file. As you can see the columnWidth is set to 200dp . I'd like it to be automatic so the pictures will resize automatically for each screen size. xml version.. @ id gridViewContacts android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and here is the item xml file which represents each item itself... fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and here is the item xml file which represents each item itself. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout..
DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously) android layout_height fill_parent android verticalSpacing 7dp android horizontalSpacing 7dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center style @style GridViewStyle LinearLayout ListView android id @ id left_drawer android layout_width..
A grid layout of icon/text buttons android padding 10dp android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android numColumns 3 android columnWidth 60dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and then in your activity @Override protected void onCreate.. verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android numColumns 3 android columnWidth 60dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and then in your activity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState TODO Auto generated..
How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android? apk res android android id @ id gridview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android columnWidth 90dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth.. 90dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center android layout_gravity bottom android layout_marginTop 50dp GridView FrameLayout Activity File
Android: How does GridView auto_fit find the number of columns? apk res android android id @ id gridview android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android columnWidth 60dp android numColumns auto_fit And it works fine with a series of six thumbnails 48 48 pixels . In portrait mode it displays.. 48 48 pixels . In portrait mode it displays one row six columns. What I don't understand is why the line android columnWidth 60dp is necessary because auto_fit is expected to find the right number of columns. Without the line android columnWidth.. 60dp is necessary because auto_fit is expected to find the right number of columns. Without the line android columnWidth 60dp it displays a grid 3 rows and 2 columns. Here is the ImageAdapter class package com.examples.HelloGridView import android.content.Context..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? Run a pass through each item and force a measure to determine the max height for each row public void measureItems int columnWidth Obtain system inflater LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater mContext.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. R.layout.list_confirm_item null Create measuring specs int widthMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec columnWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED Loop through each data object.. R.integer.list_num_columns GridViewItemLayout.initItemLayout numColumns adapter.getCount if numColumns 1 int columnWidth getMeasuredWidth numColumns adapter.measureItems columnWidth super.onLayout changed l t r b The reason I have the number..
Gridview height gets cut gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp My items resource xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp Lastly you just need to ask it to expand mAppsGrid ExpandableHeightGridView findViewById