android Programming Glossary: com.example.myapp
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update android http apk res android package com.example.myapp android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android.. android theme @style AppTheme activity android name com.example.myapp.MainActivity android label @string app_name android windowSoftInputMode.. Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo com.example.myapp com.example.myapp.MainActivity java.lang.ClassNotFoundException..
Receiver as inner class in Android category android name com.example.myapp intent filter intent filter action android name category android name com.example.myapp intent filter receiver application I removed that receiver section.. filter.addCategory com.example.myapp this.registerReceiver new MyC2dmReceiver filter
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Android data com.example.myapp cache root.mkdirs File path new File root uri.getEncodedPath.. new File root uri.getEncodedPath So if the uri was content com.example.myapp some data.xml we'll end up accessing Android data com.example.myapp.. some data.xml we'll end up accessing Android data com.example.myapp cache some data.xml int imode 0 if mode.contains w imode ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_WRITE_ONLY..
What is OBB(Opaque Binary Blob) in Android develop site? d data myfiles k my_secret_key o data data.obb obbtool a n com.example.myapp v 1 s seed_from_mkobb data data.obb After which you can store..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update Manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.example.myapp android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 17 uses permission.. android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android name com.example.myapp.MainActivity android label @string app_name android windowSoftInputMode stateHidden intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. main 05 17 13 09 56.357 E AndroidRuntime 969 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo com.example.myapp com.example.myapp.MainActivity java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Didn't find class com.example.myapp.MainActivity on path..
Receiver as inner class in Android intent filter action android name category android name com.example.myapp intent filter intent filter action android name category android name com.example.myapp.. intent filter intent filter action android name category android name com.example.myapp intent filter receiver application I removed that receiver section and dynamically registered the receiver as follows public.. filter.addAction filter.addCategory com.example.myapp this.registerReceiver new MyC2dmReceiver filter null return super.onStartCommand..
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? uri String mode throws FileNotFoundException File root new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Android data com.example.myapp cache root.mkdirs File path new File root uri.getEncodedPath So if the uri was content com.example.myapp some data.xml we'll.. Android data com.example.myapp cache root.mkdirs File path new File root uri.getEncodedPath So if the uri was content com.example.myapp some data.xml we'll end up accessing Android data com.example.myapp cache some data.xml int imode 0 if mode.contains w .. root uri.getEncodedPath So if the uri was content com.example.myapp some data.xml we'll end up accessing Android data com.example.myapp cache some data.xml int imode 0 if mode.contains w imode ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_WRITE_ONLY if path.exists try path.createNewFile..
What is OBB(Opaque Binary Blob) in Android develop site? permissions and kernel modules creating is basicly d data myfiles k my_secret_key o data data.obb obbtool a n com.example.myapp v 1 s seed_from_mkobb data data.obb After which you can store the data.obb on SDcard and only access the files from your..