

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:15

android Programming Glossary: color.cyan

How to make view resizable on touch event


ball.getX 25 int centerY ball.getY 25 paint.setColor Color.CYAN calculate the radius from the touch to the center of the ball.. generated catch block e.printStackTrace paint.setColor Color.CYAN canvas.drawRect point1.x point2.x point3.x point4.x paint invalidate..

How to make an intent with multiple actions


for editing forEditing.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.CYAN 0 forEditing.length Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE List..

Crop square image to circle - Programmitically


onDraw Canvas canvas Paint paint new Paint paint.setColor Color.CYAN canvas.drawBitmap getclip 30 20 paint public Bitmap getclip..

Change color without affecting anything previously drawn


public void onClick View v view.paint.setColor Color.CYAN dialog.dismiss if btnDG null btnDG.setOnClickListener new..

How to display popup on tapping overlay in android?


Draw the MapLocation's name myPaintBlack.setColor Color.CYAN myPaintBlack.setTextSize 11 canvas.drawText Click for more..

How to save Alarm after app killing?


notify.flags Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS notify.ledARGB Color.CYAN notify.ledOnMS 500 notify.ledOffMS 500 if vibrate notify.vibrate..

Android canvas draw rectangle


30 30 80 80 paint paint.setStrokeWidth 0 paint.setColor Color.CYAN canvas.drawRect 33 60 77 77 paint paint.setColor Color.YELLOW..

Android how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity


state if selectedPos position label.setBackgroundColor Color.CYAN btn.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.next else label.setBackgroundColor..

click event on pie chart in android [closed]


480 8 radius 320 2 colors.add Color.GREEN colors.add Color.CYAN colors.add Color.MAGENTA colors.add Color.BLUE colors.add Color.RED.. 480 8 radius 320 2 colors.add Color.GREEN colors.add Color.CYAN colors.add Color.MAGENTA colors.add Color.BLUE colors.add Color.RED.. mContext Is Red Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if color Color.CYAN Toast.makeText mContext Is Cyan Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if..

How to make view resizable on touch event


of the ball circle get the center for the ball int centerX ball.getX 25 int centerY ball.getY 25 paint.setColor Color.CYAN calculate the radius from the touch to the center of the ball double radCircle Math.sqrt double centerX X centerX X centerY.. point2.x point2.y paint catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace paint.setColor Color.CYAN canvas.drawRect point1.x point2.x point3.x point4.x paint invalidate break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP touch drop just..

How to make an intent with multiple actions


up twice identically Spannable forEditing new SpannableString for editing forEditing.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.CYAN 0 forEditing.length Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE List ResolveInfo resInfo pm.queryIntentActivities editIntent 0 Intent..

Crop square image to circle - Programmitically


R.drawable.glossy_overlay @Override public void onDraw Canvas canvas Paint paint new Paint paint.setColor Color.CYAN canvas.drawBitmap getclip 30 20 paint public Bitmap getclip Bitmap output Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight..

Change color without affecting anything previously drawn


if btnCY null btnCY.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v view.paint.setColor Color.CYAN dialog.dismiss if btnDG null btnDG.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v view.paint.setColor..

How to display popup on tapping overlay in android?


window canvas.drawRoundRect infoWindowRect 5 5 getBorderPaint Draw the MapLocation's name myPaintBlack.setColor Color.CYAN myPaintBlack.setTextSize 11 canvas.drawText Click for more info.. infoWindowOffsetX 105 infoWindowOffsetY 33 myPaintBlack..

How to save Alarm after app killing?


Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND if flashLed add lights notify.flags Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS notify.ledARGB Color.CYAN notify.ledOnMS 500 notify.ledOffMS 500 if vibrate notify.vibrate new long 100 200 300 Intent toLaunch new Intent caller..

Android canvas draw rectangle


Color.BLACK paint.setStrokeWidth 3 canvas.drawRect 30 30 80 80 paint paint.setStrokeWidth 0 paint.setColor Color.CYAN canvas.drawRect 33 60 77 77 paint paint.setColor Color.YELLOW canvas.drawRect 33 33 77 60 paint The activity to start it..

Android how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity


R.id.btn1 change the row color based on selected state if selectedPos position label.setBackgroundColor Color.CYAN btn.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.next else label.setBackgroundColor Color.WHITE label.setText this.getItem position..

click event on pie chart in android [closed]


Integer values new ArrayList Integer startX 320 4 startY 480 8 radius 320 2 colors.add Color.GREEN colors.add Color.CYAN colors.add Color.MAGENTA colors.add Color.BLUE colors.add Color.RED values.add 0 values.add 1 values.add 3 values.add 0.. ArrayList Integer values new ArrayList Float startX 320 4 startY 480 8 radius 320 2 colors.add Color.GREEN colors.add Color.CYAN colors.add Color.MAGENTA colors.add Color.BLUE colors.add Color.RED values.add 5f values.add 1f values.add 3f values.add.. color Log.e is matching if color Color.RED Toast.makeText mContext Is Red Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if color Color.CYAN Toast.makeText mContext Is Cyan Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if color Color.MAGENTA Toast.makeText mContext Is MAGENTA Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..