android Programming Glossary: collapse
is it possible to hide the system bar Class.forName Method collapse statusbarManager.getMethod collapse collapse .setAccessible.. Method collapse statusbarManager.getMethod collapse collapse .setAccessible true collapse .invoke service catch.. Method collapse statusbarManager.getMethod collapse collapse .setAccessible true collapse .invoke service catch Exception..
Get context of PopupMenu like ContextMenu When you click on the TextView it will expand or collapse depending on whether or not the child rows are currently displayed...
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) to GONE . Instead of just dissapearing the View should 'collapse'. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse.. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse but the layout will only resize it's space after or before the..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows the default animation. Note how the surrounding rows collapse onto the deleted row. This animation helps users keep track..
Programmatically collapse a group in ExpandableListView collapse a group in ExpandableListView When I expand a new group can.. in ExpandableListView When I expand a new group can I collapse the last one expanded android expandablelistview share improve.. . @Override public void onGroupExpanded int groupPosition collapse the old expanded group if not the same as new group to expand..
Android: Expand/collapse animation Expand collapse animation Hi all Let's say I have a vertical linearLayout with.. .density v.startAnimation a public static void collapse final View v final int initialHeight v.getMeasuredHeight Animation..
Preventing status bar expansion maybe the user has touched the notifications bar force to collapse the StatusBar here is the code working on a Defy 2.3.5 . You.. Class.forName Method collapse statusbarManager.getMethod collapse collapse .setAccessible.. Method collapse statusbarManager.getMethod collapse collapse .setAccessible true collapse .invoke service catch..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table? GridViewForecasts style color #333333 width 470px border collapse collapse tr class darkblue_pane style color White font weight.. style color #333333 width 470px border collapse collapse tr class darkblue_pane style color White font weight bold th..
Android animate drop down/up view proper android.view.animation.Transformation Class for handling collapse and expand animations. @author Esben Gaarsmand public class.. int mEndHeight private int mType Initializes expand collapse animation has two types collapse 1 and expand 0 . @param view.. mType Initializes expand collapse animation has two types collapse 1 and expand 0 . @param view The view to animate @param duration..
is it possible to hide the system bar Object service getSystemService statusbar Class statusbarManager Class.forName Method collapse statusbarManager.getMethod collapse collapse .setAccessible true collapse .invoke service catch Exception ex share..
Get context of PopupMenu like ContextMenu ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light ImageView RelativeLayout When you click on the TextView it will expand or collapse depending on whether or not the child rows are currently displayed. I have attached an OnClickListener to the ImageView..
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) to make an Animation for when a View gets it's visibility set to GONE . Instead of just dissapearing the View should 'collapse'. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse but the layout will only resize it's space after or before.. . Instead of just dissapearing the View should 'collapse'. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse but the layout will only resize it's space after or before the Animation stops or starts . How can I make the Animation..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows of UITableView rows here's a clip from a youtube video showing the default animation. Note how the surrounding rows collapse onto the deleted row. This animation helps users keep track of what changed in a list and where in the list they were looking..
Programmatically collapse a group in ExpandableListView collapse a group in ExpandableListView When I expand a new group can I collapse the last one expanded android expandablelistview.. collapse a group in ExpandableListView When I expand a new group can I collapse the last one expanded android expandablelistview share improve this question Try putting this in your ExpandableListAdapter.. member variable defined inside your ExpandableListAdapter . @Override public void onGroupExpanded int groupPosition collapse the old expanded group if not the same as new group to expand if groupPosition lastExpandedGroupPosition listView.collapseGroup..
Android: Expand/collapse animation Expand collapse animation Hi all Let's say I have a vertical linearLayout with v1 v2 By default v1 has visibily GONE. I would like to show.. int targtetHeight v.getContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density v.startAnimation a public static void collapse final View v final int initialHeight v.getMeasuredHeight Animation a new Animation @Override protected void applyTransformation..
Preventing status bar expansion method of the activity and when it loses the focus maybe the user has touched the notifications bar force to collapse the StatusBar here is the code working on a Defy 2.3.5 . You need to declare the following permission on the manifest uses.. Object service getSystemService statusbar Class statusbarManager Class.forName Method collapse statusbarManager.getMethod collapse collapse .setAccessible true collapse .invoke service catch Exception ex Update.. Class statusbarManager Class.forName Method collapse statusbarManager.getMethod collapse collapse .setAccessible true collapse .invoke service catch Exception ex Update You will have to use your own custom..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table? class tableMenuCell cellspacing 0 cellpadding 4 border 0 id GridViewForecasts style color #333333 width 470px border collapse collapse tr class darkblue_pane style color White font weight bold th scope col Linje th th scope col Destination th th.. cellspacing 0 cellpadding 4 border 0 id GridViewForecasts style color #333333 width 470px border collapse collapse tr class darkblue_pane style color White font weight bold th scope col Linje th th scope col Destination th th scope col..
Android animate drop down/up view proper import android.view.animation.Animation import android.view.animation.Transformation Class for handling collapse and expand animations. @author Esben Gaarsmand public class ExpandCollapseAnimation extends Animation private View mAnimatedView.. extends Animation private View mAnimatedView private int mEndHeight private int mType Initializes expand collapse animation has two types collapse 1 and expand 0 . @param view The view to animate @param duration @param type The type of.. View mAnimatedView private int mEndHeight private int mType Initializes expand collapse animation has two types collapse 1 and expand 0 . @param view The view to animate @param duration @param type The type of animation 0 will expand from gone..