android Programming Glossary: cameraposition
moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes @Override public void onCameraChange CameraPosition arg0 Move camera. map.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds..
How to handle onTouch event for map in Google Map API v2? @Override public void onCameraChange CameraPosition cameraPosition if mMapIsTouched refreshClustering false ..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? LatLng latLng new LatLng mLatitude mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition.. mLatitude mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng.. new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng float 14.0 options.mapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE..
Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in location.getLongitude LatLng coordinate new LatLng lat lng CameraPosition.Builder x CameraPosition.builder coordinate x.zoom.. coordinate new LatLng lat lng CameraPosition.Builder x CameraPosition.builder coordinate x.zoom 13 Projection proj map.getProjection.. for a way to truly do this in one shot by creating a CameraPosition and then creating a CameraUpdate from that CameraPosition ...
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) back I still got nulled map. So I did two things saving CameraPosition in onPause function to restore it in onResume setting mMap to.. and checking Markers id's . Here are code samples private CameraPosition cp ... public void onPause mMapView.onPause super.onPause cp.. void onPause mMapView.onPause super.onPause cp mMap.getCameraPosition mMap null ... public void onResume super.onResume setUpMapIfNeeded..
On zoom event for google maps on android float currentZoom 1 @Override public void onCameraChange CameraPosition pos if pos.zoom currentZoom currentZoom pos.zoom do you action..
moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes I understand . Example map.setOnCameraChangeListener new OnCameraChangeListener @Override public void onCameraChange CameraPosition arg0 Move camera. map.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds 10 Remove listener to prevent position..
How to handle onTouch event for map in Google Map API v2?
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? LONGITUDE else finish GoogleMapOptions options new GoogleMapOptions LatLng latLng new LatLng mLatitude mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng float 14.0 options.mapType.. options new GoogleMapOptions LatLng latLng new LatLng mLatitude mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng float 14.0 options.mapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE.. latLng new LatLng mLatitude mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng float 14.0 options.mapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE .camera cameraPosition .zoomControlsEnabled..
Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in provider double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude LatLng coordinate new LatLng lat lng CameraPosition.Builder x CameraPosition.builder coordinate x.zoom 13 Projection proj map.getProjection Point focus proj.toScreenLocation.. location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude LatLng coordinate new LatLng lat lng CameraPosition.Builder x CameraPosition.builder coordinate x.zoom 13 Projection proj map.getProjection Point focus proj.toScreenLocation coordinate map.animateCamera..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) the Fragment with map with another one then after clicking back I still got nulled map. So I did two things saving CameraPosition in onPause function to restore it in onResume setting mMap to null in onPause so when the Fragment comes back the Markers.. function I had to change it a little bit since I was saving and checking Markers id's . Here are code samples private CameraPosition cp ... public void onPause mMapView.onPause super.onPause cp mMap.getCameraPosition mMap null ... public void onResume super.onResume.. . Here are code samples private CameraPosition cp ... public void onPause mMapView.onPause super.onPause cp mMap.getCameraPosition mMap null ... public void onResume super.onResume setUpMapIfNeeded mMapView.onResume if cp null mMap.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition..
On zoom event for google maps on android