android Programming Glossary: android's
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen or BetterNinePatch Now just rename your images based on Android's standards and complete your application with hdpi and then just..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask values AsyncTask I am trying to unzip a folder using Android's AsyncTask . The class called Decompress is an inner class of..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? put a quit or exit application button. It is useless with Android's application model. This is also contrary to how core applications..
Using ZXing to create an android barcode scanning app a standalone barcode reader application which &mdash via Android's intent mechanism &mdash can be called by other applications..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address device's primary e mail address How do you get the Android's primary e mail address or a list of e mail addresses It's my..
Source of Android's lock screen of Android's lock screen I am looking for the source code of the android..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically pick an image from Android's built in Gallery app programmatically I am trying to open an..
Image, saved to sdcard, doesn't appear in Android's Gallery app saved to sdcard doesn't appear in Android's Gallery app I save an image to the sdcard and it doesn't appear..
How can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application? can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application How to open an URL from code..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? preferences UI. To see some more examples check Android's Data Storage post on developers site. share improve this answer..
Change the background color of the options menu time to write your own View and figure out how to replace Android's view I'm sure the devil's in the details here then it might..
Android: Sending an Intent to Browser to open specific URL [duplicate] already has an answer here How can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application 7 answers I'm just wondering..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites stack so that pressing the back button returns the user to Android's home screen. I've seen this question asked a few different places..
android - exit application code android exit back button share improve this question Android's design does not favor exiting an application by choice but rather..
Making data persistent in android preferences UI. To see some more examples check Android's Data Storage post on developers site. share improve this answer..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) Please help and please focus on the solutions based on the Android's Apache HttpClient only . android ssl apache commons httpclient..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission improve this question Your first bet is to look into Android's native PackageInstaller . I would recommend modifying that app..
Database not copying from assets public class Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper The Android's default system path of your application database. private static..
Java 7 language features with Android does not exist ... yet It turns out that although Android's library is targeting for 1.6 the Android source does contain..
Set EditText cursor color cursor color I am having this issue where I am using the Android's Holo theme on a tablet project. However I have a fragment on..
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? What's happening Can I do something about it or its just android's limit Thanks Ricardo Perre http
How to link any library in ndk application to the directory ndk_demo and run ndk build. ndk build is android's build tool. You should use it. It can be found at AndroidSDK..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems desired folder and then the tricky part I needed to have android's source code for the config to continue even though I have a..
does android support JDBC is can i use the standard java.sql package to manipulate android's database without using anything from android.database.sqlite...
How to set a timer in android java util Timer.html Or there is a better way in android android's handler android share improve this question Standard Java..
Android audio calls using android's sip audio calls using android's sip I developed an application for a customer to internet calling.. android required false Are you using the android's example It should work on device that support SIP. And add receiver..
How to send image via MMS in Android? content and perform request. If you want to do that using android's internal code please use this final SendReq sendRequest new..
Android Webview Font Size Change the font size is like 24pt. and way too large for my android's screen. I've looked into the websettings but it seems that the..
android design considerations: AsyncTask vs Service (IntentService?) 2 minutes or less. I've been doing a lot of reading about android's AsyncTask and various examples of using a Service ... But I..
Custom options menu in Android As an user it bothers me when the application changes my android's widgets. I wouldn't recommend changing that and android doesn't..
How to change the Spinner font color? Explanation Because CustomArrayAdapter knows that we use android's built in layout resource it also knows that text will be placed..
Android: Speech Recognition without using google server [closed] recognizer in android which should work in offline. As the android's built in speech recognizer uses google server which needs internet..
Which design patterns are used on Android? or is it a view The actual Activity class doesn't extend android's View class but it does however handle displaying a window to..
Get thumbnail Uri/path of the image stored in sd card + android SDK version 1.6 I am using following intent to open android's default gallery Intent intent new Intent intent.setType image..
What to use instead of “addPreferencesFromResource” in a PreferenceActivity? int preferencesResId is marked deprecated in android's documentation Reference Entry . Unfortunately no alternative..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? .checkout payment this new ResultDelegate Use the android's startActivityForResult and pass in our Intent. This will start..
what is the use of MemoryFile in android to read the written bytes. For this purpose I tried using android's MemoryFile class. I am stuck as how to refer to the same shard..
ListView random IndexOutOfBoundsException on Froyo But it's not EndlessAdapter 's fault. It's android's fault. java android listview indexoutofboundsexception commonsware..
Popup over incoming-call screen call screen I want to create a customized popup over the android's incoming call screen where I wish to add information for the..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen To create 9Patch image you can either use DrawNinePatch or BetterNinePatch Now just rename your images based on Android's standards and complete your application with hdpi and then just take drawable hdpi folder and Open Adode Photoshop recommended..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask class can access but not update values AsyncTask I am trying to unzip a folder using Android's AsyncTask . The class called Decompress is an inner class of Unzip where Unzip itself is a non Activity class. The pseudo..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? onStop onDestroy is for. No matter what you do do not put a quit or exit application button. It is useless with Android's application model. This is also contrary to how core applications work. Hehe for every step I take in the Android world..
Using ZXing to create an android barcode scanning app share improve this question The ZXing project provides a standalone barcode reader application which &mdash via Android's intent mechanism &mdash can be called by other applications who wish to integrate barcode scanning. The easiest way to do..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address to get the Android device's primary e mail address How do you get the Android's primary e mail address or a list of e mail addresses It's my understanding that on OS 2.0 there's support for multiple e..
Source of Android's lock screen of Android's lock screen I am looking for the source code of the android lock screen. It can be for any version of Android 1.5 1.6 2.0..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically pick an image from Android's built in Gallery app programmatically I am trying to open an image picture in the Gallery built in app from inside my application...
Image, saved to sdcard, doesn't appear in Android's Gallery app saved to sdcard doesn't appear in Android's Gallery app I save an image to the sdcard and it doesn't appear in the Gallery application until I pull off the sdcard..
How can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application? can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application How to open an URL from code in the built in web browser rather than within my application..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android?
Change the background color of the options menu of the links above . I haven't tried this but if you have time to write your own View and figure out how to replace Android's view I'm sure the devil's in the details here then it might be a nice solution that doesn't require any undocumented hacks...
Android: Sending an Intent to Browser to open specific URL [duplicate] Intent to Browser to open specific URL duplicate This question already has an answer here How can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application 7 answers I'm just wondering how to fire up an Intent to the phone's browser to..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites I want this activity to be at the bottom of the history stack so that pressing the back button returns the user to Android's home screen. I've seen this question asked a few different places all answered with similar answers that I outline here..
android - exit application code on the phone where the application icon is. How can I do that android exit back button share improve this question Android's design does not favor exiting an application by choice but rather manages it by the OS. You can bring up the Home application..
Making data persistent in android
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) the keystore in different order aso. but nothing worked. Please help and please focus on the solutions based on the Android's Apache HttpClient only . android ssl apache commons httpclient world of warcraft share improve this question I expect..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission tools silent installer_wgqi.html android install silent share improve this question Your first bet is to look into Android's native PackageInstaller . I would recommend modifying that app the way you like or just extract required functionality...
Database not copying from assets import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper public class Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper The Android's default system path of your application database. private static String DB_PATH data data gr.peos databases Name of the..
Java 7 language features with Android in 4.4 The @SafeVarargs annotation because java.lang.SafeVarargs does not exist ... yet It turns out that although Android's library is targeting for 1.6 the Android source does contain interfaces like AutoCloseable and traditional interfaces like..
Set EditText cursor color EditText cursor color I am having this issue where I am using the Android's Holo theme on a tablet project. However I have a fragment on screen which has a white background. I am adding an EditText..
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? On the Android tablet Samsung GalaxyTab its really slow. What's happening Can I do something about it or its just android's limit Thanks Ricardo Perre http EDIT I'm trying to make this post somewhat useful to the comunity..
How to link any library in ndk application APP_PLATFORM android 8 Then finally I would navigate to the directory ndk_demo and run ndk build. ndk build is android's build tool. You should use it. It can be found at AndroidSDK NDK ndk build if you are using windows you will either have..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems steps needed to make the standalone toolchain and put in your desired folder and then the tricky part I needed to have android's source code for the config to continue even though I have a standalone compiled openssl you can include the header files..
does android support JDBC classes to manage the internal android database. The question is can i use the standard java.sql package to manipulate android's database without using anything from android.database.sqlite. I try to open connection using sqlite JDBC driver but when..
How to set a timer in android Use this the Java way http j2se 1.4.2 docs api java util Timer.html Or there is a better way in android android's handler android share improve this question Standard Java way to use timers via java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask..
Android audio calls using android's sip audio calls using android's sip I developed an application for a customer to internet calling using sip.For that he provided me two valid sip user_id.. android required true uses feature android name android.hardware.telephony android required false Are you using the android's example It should work on device that support SIP. And add receiver in onCreate IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter filter.addAction..
How to send image via MMS in Android? reciver filter If connection background is ready build content and perform request. If you want to do that using android's internal code please use this final SendReq sendRequest new SendReq final EncodedStringValue sub EncodedStringValue.extract..
Android Webview Font Size Change font size of a webview e.g. When the page loads up in the webview the font size is like 24pt. and way too large for my android's screen. I've looked into the websettings but it seems that the two are not related. Thanks android android webview share..
android design considerations: AsyncTask vs Service (IntentService?) be transferred and stored and I expect the process to take 1 2 minutes or less. I've been doing a lot of reading about android's AsyncTask and various examples of using a Service ... But I don't fully understand the design considerations and trade offs..
Custom options menu in Android options menu share improve this question Short answer As an user it bothers me when the application changes my android's widgets. I wouldn't recommend changing that and android doesn't provide a way to do it. Long answer Even though Android..
How to change the Spinner font color? new CustomArrayAdapter CharSequence this spin_arry Explanation Because CustomArrayAdapter knows that we use android's built in layout resource it also knows that text will be placed in TextView with id . That's why it can..
Android: Speech Recognition without using google server [closed] using google server closed I want to develop an Speech recognizer in android which should work in offline. As the android's built in speech recognizer uses google server which needs internet i want an alternative which works in the absence of internet...
Which design patterns are used on Android? how you perceive android Activity class. Is it a controller or is it a view The actual Activity class doesn't extend android's View class but it does however handle displaying a window to the user and also handle the events of that window onCreate..
Get thumbnail Uri/path of the image stored in sd card + android thumbnail Uri path of the image stored in sd card android SDK version 1.6 I am using following intent to open android's default gallery Intent intent new Intent intent.setType image intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT startActivityForResult..
What to use instead of “addPreferencesFromResource” in a PreferenceActivity? I just noticed the fact that the method addPreferencesFromResource int preferencesResId is marked deprecated in android's documentation Reference Entry . Unfortunately no alternative method is provided in the method's description. Which method..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? to create our Intent. Intent checkoutIntent PayPal.getInstance .checkout payment this new ResultDelegate Use the android's startActivityForResult and pass in our Intent. This will start the library. startActivityForResult checkoutIntent request..
what is the use of MemoryFile in android application application2 I want to access that shared memory to read the written bytes. For this purpose I tried using android's MemoryFile class. I am stuck as how to refer to the same shard memory between two different application. I am also now confused..
ListView random IndexOutOfBoundsException on Froyo thread 4739ce05742841da af59c779e99f5e23 lnk gst q index#af59c779e99f5e23 But it's not EndlessAdapter 's fault. It's android's fault. java android listview indexoutofboundsexception commonsware share improve this question After a lot of time..
Popup over incoming-call screen over incoming call screen I want to create a customized popup over the android's incoming call screen where I wish to add information for the user. I want the popup to not disable any clickability from..