

python Programming Glossary: pywintypes

Py2exe - win32api.pyc ImportError DLL load failed


have tried the following suggestions to no avail Imported pywintypes and pythoncom before win32api in the setup.py for py2exe and.. runtime changes to __path__ but win32com uses them import pywintypes import pythoncom import win32api try # if this doesn't work..

NTLM authentication in Python


string import urllib2 import win32api import sspi import pywintypes import socket class WindoewNtlmMessageGenerator def __init__.. sspi.ClientAuth NTLM user def create_auth_req self import pywintypes output_buffer None error_msg None try error_msg output_buffer.. output_buffer self.sspi_client.authorize None except pywintypes.error return None auth_req output_buffer 0 .Buffer auth_req..

Modifying Microsoft Outlook contacts from Python


The code is straightforward. import win32com.client import pywintypes o win32com.client.Dispatch Outlook.Application ns o.GetNamespace..

Detect inserted USB on Windows


import win32gui_struct struct win32gui_struct.struct pywintypes win32gui_struct.pywintypes import win32con GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE.. struct win32gui_struct.struct pywintypes win32gui_struct.pywintypes import win32con GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE A5DCBF10 6530 11D2.. fmt buf struct.calcsize fmt extra 'classguid' pywintypes.IID guid_bytes True extra 'name' ctypes.wstring_at lparam struct.calcsize..

How do I change the file creation date of a Windows file from Python?


improve this question Yak shaving for the win. import pywintypes win32file win32con def changeFileCreationTime fname newtime.. win32con def changeFileCreationTime fname newtime wintime pywintypes.Time newtime winfile win32file.CreateFile fname win32con.GENERIC_WRITE..

What's making this security descriptor go bad?


FILE_WRITE_DATA FILE_EXECUTE FILE_ALL_ACCESS import pywintypes import winnt TRUE 1 def CheckAccess path AccessDesired result..