python Programming Glossary: portrait
Parsing broken XML with lxml.etree.iterparse listening with her whole heart. lt p gt lt p gt Retired portrait photographer. Main hobby quartet singing. lt p gt articletext..
RGB to HSV conversion using PIL details corner of the image and pastes together pairs of portrait images to avoid displaying a single portrait in the frame's.. pairs of portrait images to avoid displaying a single portrait in the frame's 41 20 low resolution screen. I've implemented..
Resize image maintaining aspect ratio AND making portrait and landscape images exact same size? image maintaining aspect ratio AND making portrait and landscape images exact same size Currently I am using os.chdir.. this works I end up with different sizes images some are portrait and some are landscape but I want all of the images to have.. cropping I mean something like this algorythm if image is portrait make width 80px crop the height will be more than 80px else..