
python Programming Glossary: ctypes.pointer

Python simulate keydown


ctypes LONG ctypes.c_long DWORD ctypes.c_ulong ULONG_PTR ctypes.POINTER DWORD WORD ctypes.c_ushort class MOUSEINPUT ctypes.Structure..

How do I get monotonic time durations in python?


librt.clock_gettime clock_gettime.argtypes ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER timespec def monotonic_time t timespec if clock_gettime CLOCK_MONOTONIC..

Get HWND of each Window Python


EnumWindowsProc ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE ctypes.c_bool ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int GetWindowText ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextW.. ctypes.c_bool ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int GetWindowText ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextW..

Check if key is pressed using python (a daemon in the background)


ctypes.CFUNCTYPE ctypes.c_uint ctypes.c_char_p ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int.. ctypes.c_char_p ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int.. ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_int..

How to use NumPy array with ctypes?


Your code looks like it has some confusion in it ctypes.POINTER creates a new ctypes pointer class not a ctypes instance. Anyway.. data is the right type first. For example c_float_p ctypes.POINTER ctypes.c_float data numpy.array 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 data..

Python & Ctypes: Passing a struct to a function as a pointer to get back data


it as a pointer int_response smbus_read_byte smbus_handle ctypes.POINTER smb_request and I get 1 2 3 4 5 TypeError must be a ctypes type.. up the art types smbus_read_byte.argtypes ctypes.c_void_p ctypes.POINTER SMB_REQUEST I've tried casting but still no go. Can anyone shed..

In Python, how can I detect whether the computer is on battery power?


'BatteryFullLifeTime' wintypes.DWORD SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_P ctypes.POINTER SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS GetSystemPowerStatus ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetSystemPowerStatus..

How to convert pointer to c array to python array


addr Or array_pointer ctypes.cast Data ctypes.POINTER ArrayType a np.frombuffer array_pointer.contents Both methods..