

python Programming Glossary: awkward

Common pitfalls in Python [duplicate]


ones are well old. They lack some features and can have awkward behavior with inheritance. To be usable any of your class must..

Why is the Borg pattern better than the Singleton pattern in Python


we treat init as the set up of the global state. I find it awkward that the Borg object has to query its internal state to see..

python tilde unary operator as negation numpy bool array


been deferred. It appears that the current situation while awkward is not painful enough to force change. np.isfinite when called..

Python snippet to remove C and C++ comments


prefer a non naive implementation that properly handles awkward cases. c python c regex comments share improve this question..

Match groups in Python


t'aime w statement if m print Il aime m.group 1 looks very awkward if else cascade match object creation . python regex share..

Simulating C-style for loops in python


writing the following while loops val START_VAL while awkward complicated test case # do stuff ... val awkward complicated.. while awkward complicated test case # do stuff ... val awkward complicated update The problem with this is that the update.. a complicated iterator def complicated_iterator val while awkward complicated test case yeild val val awkward complicated update..

Programmatically getting an access token for using the Facebook Graph API


'XXXXXX' # Trying to get an access token. Very awkward. oauth_args dict client_id FACEBOOK_APP_ID client_secret FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET..

Python: sort function breaks in the presence of nan


this and functools.cmp_to_key . The latter is a bit more awkward naturally than removing the NaNs first. And care will be required..

What cross-platform GUI libraries are simple, lightweight, and have minimal dependencies?


dependencies. I've always found it to be slightly more awkward to use than wxPython but that's definitely a matter of taste...

Getting data from ctypes array into numpy


y 0 2 but I was only able to get it into numpy via a super awkward np.frombuffer np.core.multiarray.int_asbuffer ctypes.addressof..

Java -> Python?


a good example. Autoboxing helps although it makes things awkward when something turns out to be null. Properties. Python lets..

Elegant ways to return multiple values from a function


returning multiple values from a function is an extremely awkward thing. The typical solutions are to make either a struct or.. of returning them. Using references pointers is pretty awkward because it relies on side effects and means you have yet another.. to pass. The class struct solution is also IMHO pretty awkward because you then end up with a million little classes structs..

Where do the Python unit tests go?


to separate the test files from the main app code but it's awkward to put them into a tests subdirectory inside of the app root..

Basic indexing recurrences of a substring within a string (python)


continue searching for more substrings. I know the code is awkward but I thought that I should still be able to get the answer...