

php Programming Glossary: xml_data

What's wrong with my PHP curl request, please help .. I'm not getting any data back [closed]


wrong. Thanks php url http sensor sens data.php xml_data file_get_contents usr local www data data.xml header POST HTTP.. Content type text xml r n header . Content length .strlen xml_data . r n header . Content transfer encoding text r n header . Connection.. text r n header . Connection close r n r n header . xml_data ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER 0 curl_setopt..

Debugging PHP SOAP call


include SOAP Client.php soapclient new SOAP_Client URL xml_data valid XML is here res soapclient UpdateData 'usrname' 'pass'.. XML is here res soapclient UpdateData 'usrname' 'pass' xml_data but I have also tried param array 'usrname' 'pass' xml_data.. but I have also tried param array 'usrname' 'pass' xml_data res soapclient call 'UpdateData' param namespace Googling suggests..

simplexml_load_file not working “php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known”


getImages search_term Perform search and store xml data xml_data simplexml_load_file this url text search_term search_results.. array Go through xml data and store to array foreach xml_data photos photo as current_photo id current_photo 'id' title..

PHP multipart form data PUT request?


data 'error' this response array 'error' error 'error' xml_data array simplexml_load_string urldecode _POST 'xml' object array.. simplexml_load_string urldecode _POST 'xml' object array xml_data 'object' else object this body 'object' The major problem here..