php Programming Glossary: x1a
How can I read PNG Metadata from PHP? verify header fread this _fp 8 if header x89PNG x0d x0a x1a x0a throw new Exception 'Is not a valid PNG image' Loop through..
PHP : binary image data, checking the image type with JPEG xFF xD8 xFF GIF GIF PNG x89 x50 x4e x47 x0d x0a x1a x0a BMP BM PSD 8BPS SWF FWS The other ones I wouldn't know right..
mysql_real_escape_string VS addslashes backslashes to the following characters x00 n r ' and x1a. from what i gather the major difference is x00 n r x1a which.. x1a. from what i gather the major difference is x00 n r x1a which addslashes doesnt escape can you tell me what the significance..
what does mysql_real_escape_string() really do? to the function. The characters escaped are x00 n r ' and x1a. This can help prevent SQL injection attacks which are often..
What is the difference between mysql_real_escape_string and addslashes? backslashes to the following characters x00 n r ' and x1a. string addslashes string str Returns a string with backslashes..
function to sanitize input to Mysql database input mysql_real_escape_string input escapes x00 n r ' and x1a return input If i understood the definition of get_magic_quotes_qpc..