php Programming Glossary: utility
How to access route, post, get etc. parameters in Zend Framework 2 be to use the Params plugin introduced in beta5. It has utility methods to make it easy to access different types of parameters...
PHP call graph utility? [closed] call graph utility closed I'm looking for a utility similar to gprof that will.. call graph utility closed I'm looking for a utility similar to gprof that will generate a call graph for PHP code...
Getting all dates for Mondays and Tuesdays for the next year array '2010 03 09' '2010 04 13' Then I need some utility functions to see how the dates run and what dates are excluded..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] can also use web services. In general I found very little utility for these but that's just me and my use cases. YQL The YQL Web..
How to close unclosed HTMl Tags? Tidy Tidy is a binding for the Tidy HTML clean and repair utility which allows you to not only clean and otherwise manipulate..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? can also use web services. In general I found very little utility for these but that's just me and my use cases. YQL The YQL Web..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] can also use web services. In general I found very little utility for these but that's just me and my use cases. YQL The YQL Web..
Best way to connect to mysql with php securely database using php. Currently the way Im doing it is a utility php file that I include in the top of all my other php files... that I include in the top of all my other php files. The utility php file is this php if defined 'IN_PHP' die hackerssss mysql_host..
PHP to clean-up pasted Microsoft input PECL extension Tidy which is a binding for the Tidy HTML utility. If those don't help you I suggest you switch to FCKEditor which..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise be to do the same stream the files to the user via a zip utility. This would operate with very little overhead and would be much..
PHP PDF template library with PDF output? this previously I think you can use pdftk a command line utility to fill in a PDF form using FDF XFDF data files which you could..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? such functions Wikipedia babbles about a file encryption utility and Web searches just reveal a few implementations of Blowfish..
PHP global in functions global in functions I ask myself on the utility of the global keyword Are there any reasons to prefer one method..
unit testing and Static methods assumed static functions were a nice way of rounding up utility functions in a class. For example I often use static functions..
How to do text DIFF using PHP? be very large If PHP function is not available what shell utility can I call thanks php shell diff share improve this question..
JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array() this reason most popular libraries come with one in their utility packages. Check out jQuery's inArray and Prototype's Array.indexOf..
Headers already sent by PHP exit header Location finished.html Preferrably even a utility function which prints a user message in case of header failure... if this is used as a fallback by specialized redirect utility functions. Which should first attempt to send a proper header..
Utility of HTTP header “Content-Type: application/force-download” for mobile? of HTTP header &ldquo Content Type application force download&rdquo..
Reports in Codeigniter
case sensitivity on Mac for file_exists()? can make an appropriately formatted disk image using Disk Utility. Note that the UNIX foundation of OS X will work just fine with..
ApnsPHP: Push notifications working in development but not in production and installed it on device with iPhone Configuration Utility . I followed the same procedure with aps_production.cer to make..
Where to put plugins in a Zend Framework website application plugins . If it's a general purpose plugin ie Utility Classes and such it goes in library where follows the Zend Loader..
Dynamically created zip files by ZipStream in PHP won't open in OSX errors except for OS X's default unzipping program Archive Utility. You double click the .zip file and Archive Utility decides.. Utility. You double click the .zip file and Archive Utility decides it doesn't look a real zip and instead compresses into.. with no problem but I need the default program Archive Utility to work for the sake of our users. What sort of things flags..
Xampp 1.7.4 and PHP 5.3.5 (Deprecated warnings) Scooter Personal Watercraft Snowmobile ATV Ride on Mower Utility Vehicle Keeping in mind the last line is the result being returned...
eval base64_decode php virus etc . 3 Download and Install a File Folder Comparison Utility On a Windows machine you can use WinMerge http from 4 Run the File Folder Comparison Utility You should end up with a few different results Files are Identical.. which are Different look at the file the File Difference Utility may even show you which lines have been added modified removed..