php Programming Glossary: strip
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? if substr expr 1 1 ' ' expr substr expr 0 strlen expr 1 strip semicolons at the end is it a variable assignment if preg_match..
How to strip all spaces out of a string in php? [duplicate] to strip all spaces out of a string in php duplicate Possible Duplicate.. out of a string in php duplicate Possible Duplicate To strip whitespaces inside a variable in PHP How can i strip remove.. To strip whitespaces inside a variable in PHP How can i strip remove all spaces of a string in PHP I have a string like string..
Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers? are KVM Xen and VMware. Use a well known distro and stript it down Instal a minimal Debian system and strip down some.. and stript it down Instal a minimal Debian system and strip down some features or create a small live image and use it...
Magic quotes in PHP off checking if magic quotes are enabled then calling stripslashes on _GET _POST _COOKIES _REQUEST and then sanitizing your.. to write a function can recurse into the sub arrays to strip those slashes too. The PHP man page on magic quotes agrees This..
How do I add exif data to an image? various sources. In order to keep the file sizes down we strip all exif data from the source using mogrify mogrify strip image.jpg.. strip all exif data from the source using mogrify mogrify strip image.jpg What we'd like to be able to do is to insert some.. Title Strip all existing exif data from the image mogrify strip image.jpg Add the credit to your image mogrify profile 8BIMTEXT..
Remove all attributes from an html tag some quoting and use the replacement text 1 2 it should strip any text after the tagname until the end of tag or just . Please..
How do I remove  from the beginning of a file? your editor to not use BOMs or use a different editor to strip them out. To automatize the BOM's removal you can use awk as..
How to handle diacritics (accents) when rewriting 'pretty URLs' PHP on linux. So far I've seen several solutions just strip all non allowed characters replace spaces this has strange results.. gallery 280 At_Ben_Haddou Not really helpfull. just strip all non allowed characters replace spaces leave charcode
DOMDocument in php string 3 echo string echo ' br ' but I'm getting a string stripped with something like ... Crap Crap Title Description what.. this case or something similar basically I need NOT to strip my html nodes to analyze if it's crap or information php html..
Best way to automatically remove comments from PHP code comments from a PHP file I want to do something similar to strip whitespace but it shouldn't remove the line breaks as well... up the things that have come up on google. php comments strip share improve this question I'd use tokenizer . Here's my..
Switching between HTTP and HTTPS pages with secure session-cookie HTTP and encrypted HTTPS pages is inevitable prone to SSL strip . Please think about using HTTPS for the whole site although.. for the whole site although this neither can prevent SSL strip at least this gives the user the possibility to call the site..
How to minify php page html output? php function sanitize_output buffer search array ' ^ S s' strip whitespaces after tags except space ' ^ S s' strip whitespaces.. ^ S s' strip whitespaces after tags except space ' ^ S s' strip whitespaces before tags except space ' s s' shorten multiple..
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones both frontend and backend controllers views etc. So if I strip everything from my UserBundle except for controllers and views.. html html head meta charset utf 8 title block 'title' striptags raw title block stylesheets endblock head body block body..
phpmailer: Reply using only “Reply To” address trim address name trim preg_replace ' r n ' '' name Strip breaks and trim if self ValidateAddress address this SetError..
Strip HTML tags and its contents HTML tags and its contents I'm using DOM to parse string. I..
What is the best way to validate a credit card in PHP? author where possible. function luhn_check number Strip any non digits useful for credit card numbers with spaces and..
How do I add exif data to an image? 2#118#Contact THE CONTACT 2#120#Caption AKA Title Strip all existing exif data from the image mogrify strip image.jpg..
Strip Tags and everything in between Tags and everything in between How can i strip h1 including..
Regex: Strip HTML attributes except SRC Strip HTML attributes except SRC I'm trying to write a regular expression.. broken issues... I would recommend looking at Zend_Filter_StripTags as a full proof tags attributes filter in PHP share improve..
Regex: Strip non alpha numeric or punctuation Strip non alpha numeric or punctuation How can I use PHP to strip..
Error on line 14, php curl dom the page from curl search array '@ script ^ . script @si' Strip out javascript var preg_replace search n html_entity_decode.. var preg_replace search n html_entity_decode var Strip out javascript linklabel array link array dom new DOMDocument..
PHP: Strip a specific tag from HTML string? Strip a specific tag from HTML string I have the following html html..
date to time ago ? without useing strtime? if we've hit the precision limit if precision 0 break Strip this divisor from the total seconds seconds divisor FIX if..
How to handle user input of invalid UTF-8 characters? bad form data so the user doesn't lose all their text Strip bad characters Use a replacement character and how For existing..
Using Zend Framework for highload projects part of the ViewRenderer's genetics. Use autoloading. Strip require_once calls from the framework library so unneeded files..
PHP code to generate safe URL? TRANSLIT' text Make text lowercase text strtolower text Strip out anything we haven't been able to convert text preg_replace..
Working with IPv6 Addresses in PHP return false if IPv6 IPv4 Ip substr Ip strrpos Ip ' ' 1 Strip IPv4 Compatibility notation elseif IPv4 return Ip Seems to be..
Strip off URL parameter with PHP off URL parameter with PHP I have some links in a powerpoint..
Strip all HTML tags, except allowed all HTML tags except allowed I've seen a lot of expressions..
PHP number format the number by 100 and use a comma as decimal separator Strip leading zeros Keep two decimals php numberformat share improve..
jqGrid setSelect function with parametrized query while having if isset _REQUEST tempid rowid jqGridUtils Strip _REQUEST tempid else rowid php jquery parameters jqgrid ..