php Programming Glossary: shares
How can I write SQL for a table that shares the same name as a protected keyword in MySql? can I write SQL for a table that shares the same name as a protected keyword in MySql The following..
php access network path under windows service has limited access to network resources such as shares and pipes because it has no credentials and must connect using.. values which are used to specify the pipes and shares to which null sessions may connect HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM.. it to 0 to allow all null sessions to access all pipes and shares created on that machine.` add RestrictNullSessAccess 0 to your..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? ENT_HTML5 Disallow #013 for ENT_HTML5 line 976 ENT_XHTML shares the entity map with ENT_HTML401 . The only difference is that..
IE10 sharing cookies across subdomains by default and each unique subdomain used their own cookies. IE10 now shares the cookie that was set in the TLD with all subdomains. The.. the subdomain. We've observed a few things Even though it shares the value no subdomain is able to clear the cookie. When the..
Multithreading in PHP processes as the processes do not linked to each other or shares the same memory. We just need to fire them up and let them work..
DOM Error - ID 'someAnchor' already defined in Entity, line: HTML and XHTML specs only the a element's name attribute shares name space with id attributes. For some of the elements it can..
Binding params for PDO statement inside a loop
using file get contents or curl use a simple facebook api to return the number of likes or shares at work which return json string. Now since i am going to do..
PHP decoding json laptop last_share 1307389634 score 0 hashrate 0 shares 0 alive false bitcoinjol.david laptop last_share 1307443495.. laptop last_share 1307443495 score 1.7742 hashrate 24 shares 1 alive true bitcoinjol.pierre pc last_share 1307441804 score.. pc last_share 1307441804 score 0 hashrate 0 shares 0 alive true bitcoinjol.testJol last_share 0 score 0 hashrate..
file_exists() and file_get_contents() fail on a file which is named output??#213;ÍÕ¥.txt in PHP? Modern windows versions support UTF 8 on mounted shares. Make a share of your mediafolder and mount it as a network..
Can IP change during session? many customers for instance your entire household likely shares the same public IP what if you and your partner both visit the..
update database when a user shared a link to facebook to track a share. I'm not aware of any hacks to track shares either. Original answer From Facebook docs at this link . The..
How to get Google +1 count for current page in PHP? page I want to do this process in PHP then write number of shares or 1s to database. That's why I need it. So How can I do this..