php Programming Glossary: secret
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 a set of keys. These are The consumer key The consumer secret The access token The access token secret There's a little bit.. key The consumer secret The access token The access token secret There's a little bit of information here on what these tokens.. YOUR_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN 'oauth_access_token_secret' YOUR_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET 'consumer_key' YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY..
What is ?: in PHP 5.3? [duplicate]
PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file pbkdf2 pass salt 1000 32 or die Failed to generate secret key. if handle opendir PATH.' ftpd' while false file readdir.. pbkdf2 pass salt 1000 32 or die Failed to generate secret key. if handle opendir PATH.' encrypted' while false file readdir.. const MODE MCRYPT_MODE_CBC const KEY 'somesecretphrase' public function encrypt plaintext td mcrypt_module_open..
How do I use cookies across two different domains? you control both websites and you can select a secure secret key for both since the communication is only going between the..
another twitter oAuth cURL access token request that fails base64_encode hash_hmac 'SHA1' signatureBaseString this secret. TRUE Do cURL ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url curl_setopt.. together so far and it works class Twitauth var key '' var secret '' var request_token https oauth request_token function.. this key config 'key' consumer key from twitter this secret config 'secret' secret from twitter function getRequestToken..
Logging In To Joomla 1.5 Using External Form (not within joomla folder, but on same server) the non joomla site and everything works fine up until the secret form value is not correct. Any help is greatly appreciated...
Seamless way to check if user likes page where the user needs to like the page in order to view the secret content. Is there a better and more seamless way of doing this.. request is lost echo signed_request was not found else app_secret APP_SECRET data parse_signed_request _REQUEST signed_request.. data parse_signed_request _REQUEST signed_request app_secret if empty data page liked echo You are not a fan else echo Welcome..
facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' '12345678' 'secret' 'REMOVED'.. secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' '12345678' 'secret' 'REMOVED' 'fileUpload' true 'cookie' true facebook setFileUploadSupport.. our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'APP_ID' 'secret' 'APP_SECRET'..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game at game startup which might look like hex encoding AES secret key stored only on server timestamp user id random number You..
Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC? question It all depends on your coding style. Here's the secret It is impossible to write classical MVC in PHP. Any framework..
How do you get a facebook user's information and insert it into a database? administrators of your app and get your application ID and Secret that you will need to use further in your PHP file. If you get..
How to use Zend Service Amazon? doesn't work as is. Requests must include your App ID Secret Key and Associate Tag which the demo script doesn't do by default...
How to hash long passwords (>72 characters) with blowfish least or possibly way more than 0.02 ... As Far As Using A Secret Pepper There is literally no research into feeding one hash..
How to enable HTTPS stream wrappers encoded RFC 2104 compliant HMAC SHA256 signature with Secret Key using PHP 5's native hash_hmac function. params 'Signature'..
$facebook->getSession() returns null in the example code. is that ok? we found a correctly signed session using the Application Secret only Facebook and the Application know. We dont know if it is..
How to test if a string contains gibberish in PHP? I'm sure everyone is going to enter some gibberish in the Secret Answer's input I do that myself I would like to programmatically..
Post on someones wall using Facebook API PHP forward from this point are the App ID API Key and the App Secret. You are now ready to begin creating your application. Understanding.. Service that Handles Authentication client_secret Your App Secret code User Acceptance Code client_id This is your API Key that.. USED ABOVE TO GET THE CODE client_secret This is your App Secret Code that you got from Facebook when you created your application...
Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication? that Service Applications do NOT use Application Secret and Redirect URL as there is no end user in this server to server.. flow. Indeed the Google API Console gave me no Secret and did not prompt me for a Redirect URL. Unfortunately I can..
How to export the whole page or html content with Highcharts not just the chart? grabzIt new GrabzItClient APPLICATION KEY APPLICATION SECRET id grabzIt TakePicture http http
Authorizing a Facebook Fan Page for Status Updates php facebook.php' facebook new Facebook 'APP API KEY' 'APP SECRET KEY' user_id 'MY USER ID' facebook api_client users_setStatus.. php facebook.php' facebook new Facebook MYAPIKEY MYAPISECRET try facebook api_client stream_publish 'INSERT_STATUS_HERE'..
Attach image to Facebook event (php sdk, rest or graph api) [duplicate] are Facebook time ... event_info array privacy_type SECRET name Event Title host Me start_time 1290790800 end_time 1290799800..
passing custom parameters to facebook fan page tab 'facebook.php' app_id YOUR APP ID HERE app_secret YOUR SECRET KEY HERE facebook new Facebook array 'appId' app_id 'secret'..
Redirecting to authentication dialog - “An error occurred. Please try again later” error kept showing up. Then I realized that the ID and the SECRET ID of my Facebook APP had automatically changed with no warning..
Windows live api get email contact vs email hash this question You can test this code dont forget to SECRET API KEY with your api key php function isEmail email return.. grabLiveContacts token if empty token HOTMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET ' SECRET API KEY ' parse_str urldecode token parsedToken token.. token if empty token HOTMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET ' SECRET API KEY ' parse_str urldecode token parsedToken token base64_decode..
How do I capture the whole URL using PHP?
Facebook getLoginUrl and next parameter doesn't work properly APP ID HERE with Your facebook application id YOUR APP API SECRET HERE with Your facebook application secret key YOUR REDIRECT.. define 'FACEBOOK_APP_ID' YOUR APP ID HERE define 'FACEBOOK_SECRET' YOUR APP API SECRET HERE define 'REDIRECT_URI' YOUR REDIRECT.. YOUR APP ID HERE define 'FACEBOOK_SECRET' YOUR APP API SECRET HERE define 'REDIRECT_URI' YOUR REDIRECT URL HERE user null..