php Programming Glossary: screen_name
Get data from url in android user_timeline.json include_entities true include_rts true screen_name 50cent count 2 Button b @Override public void onCreate Bundle..
Twitter API returns error 215, Bad Authentication Data user. http 1.1 followers ids.json cursor 1 screen_name username And I am getting this error message in response. code..
Why is my twitter oauth access token invalid / expired the same never changes store this as ID string 9 ... screen_name username. can change. string 11 ... So if you want to log users.. credentials oauth_secret _SESSION username credentials screen_name You can also get the user's screen name and more from GET account..
How to get user image with Twitter API 1.1? Twitter API 1.1 In API 1.0 we can use users profile_image screen_name For example http 1 users profile_image EA_FIFA_FRANCE.. about the user specified by the required user_id or screen_name parameter. The author's most recent Tweet will be returned inline.. your get string we're using my screen name here getfield ' screen_name j7mbo' Create the object twitter new TwitterAPIExchange settings..
How to Paginate lines in a foreach loop with PHP https users value friendscreenname profile screen_name profile_image_url profile profile_image_url echo a href profile_image_url.. https users value friendscreenname profile screen_name profile_image_url profile profile_image_url echo a href profile_image_url..
limiting number of times a loop runs in php foreach butters users user as user id user id name user screen_name profimg user profile_image_url echo things Would appreciate.. users user as user if i 10 break id user id name user screen_name profimg user profile_image_url echo things i share improve..
Pull twitter profile image now has documentation up as GET users profile_image screen_name . Update Support for this method has been removed from v1.1..
Beginner data caching in PHP update status text url http . status user screen_name to simply store the XML data of a Twitter list into usable variables...
file_get_contents() failed to open stream: My code feed 'http statuses user_timeline.rss screen_name google count 6' tweets file_get_contents feed I'm using google.. data feed 'http statuses user_timeline.rss screen_name google count 6' tweets curl feed share improve this answer..
How do you verify if a user is following you using PHP, JS and/or REST API? this would require to know what the person's user_id or screen_name which goes back to the question above concerning authentication... your followers https 1 followers ids.json screen_name twitterapi https docs api 1 get followers ids.. your following https 1 friends ids.json screen_name twitterapi https docs api 1 get friends ids..