php Programming Glossary: my_url
facebook chat api - php permission function get_access_token app_id app_secret my_url code _REQUEST code if empty code dialog_url http xmpp_login . client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url echo script top.location.href ' . dialog_url . ' script token_url.. access_token client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . client_secret . app_secret . code . code access_token file_get_contents..
cURL equivalent in JAVA the code I would like to replicate in JAVA cp curl_init my_url https . AUTH_SERVER . auth authenticate.asp pt1 uname pt2 pass.. pt1 uname pt2 pass pt4 full curl_setopt cp CURLOPT_URL my_url curl_setopt cp CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 result curl_exec cp..
Facebook php post to fan page with cronjob? app_id xxxxxxxxxxxxxx app_secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx my_url redirect url code _REQUEST code if empty.. dialog oauth client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . state . _SESSION 'state' . scope publish_stream read_friendlists.. . client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . client_secret . app_secret . code . code response file_get_contents..
Facebook XMPP Chat API send Message PHP permission function get_access_token app_id app_secret my_url code _REQUEST code if empty code dialog_url https xmpp_login . client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url echo script top.location.href ' . dialog_url . ' script token_url.. access_token client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . client_secret . app_secret . code . code access_token file_get_contents..
PHP: Remote file size without downloading file file Is there a way to get the size of a remote file http my_url my_file.txt without downloading the file php curl share improve..