php Programming Glossary: mangled
MySQL Case Sensitive Tables Conversion does not correct the databases that were mangled before the flag was set. These all have the lower case table..
PHP-SDK too many redirects tools debug Pretty sure either the token is mangled or the secret. If not it's in code you haven't shown. share..
I need help fixing Broken UTF8 encoding one step through your whole process the encoding can be mangled and problems arise. Once you get in the 'groove' of doing utf..
Why is my twitter oauth access token invalid / expired this as a string to ensure that you don't end up with mangled user IDs and collisions if you can't handle 64bit integers in..
PHP function imagettftext() and unicode 7.10 but on my webhost server the Japanese characters are mangled. What could be causing the difference Everything should be encoded..
get_object_vars() vs. cast to array The array keys represent the property names and are not mangled. The array cast returns at least on PHP 5.3.0 all the object.. public and otherwise. The name of the properties are mangled according to their protection level public not mangled identical.. are mangled according to their protection level public not mangled identical to property names protected key name for property..
Parsing Domain From URL In PHP '' note parse_url doesn't handle really badly mangled urls very well but is fine if you generally expect decent urls...
Extract part from URL for a query string request array_intersect folder request the indexes are mangled up in a strange way. turn 'em back final_request array_values..
PHP translation frontend similar to Rosetta? 60 70 etc translated but like Google language API horribly mangled in terms of making sense in the target language. Then what they..
PHP decoding and encoding json with unicode characters to be decoded with json_decode however the character gets mangled into something else. This is the result from a print_r of the.. from ISO 8859 1 to UTF 8. You did say that you got mangled output when using print_r after doing utf8_encode but the mangled.. output when using print_r after doing utf8_encode but the mangled output you got is actually exactly what would happen by trying..
PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode? special URL delimiters and for protecting URLs from being mangled by transmission media with character conversions like some email..