php Programming Glossary: getmessage
Error logging, in a smooth way a database connection... catch PDOException e error_log e getMessage 3 var tmp my errors.log This would log the error in the my errors.log.. try legit catch Exception e echo 'error here' . e getMessage log it This is an example of what I was talking about above..
How to properly set up a PDO connection echo harmless error message if the connection fails err getMessage . br file_put_contents 'PDOErrors.txt' err FILE_APPEND write..
PDO Prepared Inserts multiple rows in single query try stmt execute insert_values catch PDOException e echo e getMessage pdo commit Although in my test there was only a 1 sec difference..
Secure random number generation in PHP md5 pr_bits TRUE catch Exception ex echo 'Exception ' . ex getMessage if strlen pr_bits 16 do something to warn system owner that..
prepared parameterized query with PDO catch PDOException e die Database Connection Failed . e getMessage Then to prepare a statement prep db prepare SELECT FROM `users`..
PHP MySQL Google Chart JSON - Complete Example echo jsonTable catch PDOException e echo 'ERROR ' . e getMessage html head Load the Ajax API script type text javascript src..
Error: file is encrypted or is not a database has been created ...... br br catch PDOException e echo e getMessage echo br br Database NOT loaded successfully .. die br br Query..
How to backup files from a specific directory to Dropbox using PHP only? weight bold margin left 393px Error ' . htmlspecialchars e getMessage . ' span ' Clean up if isset tmpFile file_exists tmpFile unlink..
PHP PDO prepared statement — mysql LIKE query 'hc_text' dbh null catch PDOException e print Error . e getMessage . br die I've tried the following as well SQL WHERE clause prep..
How to embed images in html email error messages from PHPMailer catch Exception e echo e getMessage Boring error messages from anything else Edit Regarding your..
How to squeeze error message out of PDO? sth print_r dbh errorInfo catch PDOException e echo e getMessage giving out only PDOStatement Object queryString @ T Array 0..
Log-in the user with LightOpenID ' 'has not ' . 'logged in.' catch ErrorException e echo e getMessage echo ' pre '.print_r openid true .' pre ' Where init.php is..
PDO support for multiple queries (PDO_MYSQL, PDO_MYSQLND) [closed] 'car2' 'coupe' try db exec sql catch PDOException e echo e getMessage die Using statements db new PDO mysql host localhost dbname..
Send email using GMail SMTP server from PHP page to headers body if PEAR isError mail echo ' p ' . mail getMessage . ' p ' else echo ' p Message successfully sent p ' This is..
Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result 'NO_CONNECTION' catch Exception ex echo ERROR . e getMessage If I write this line if stmt echo 'Statement prepared' else..
PHP: exceptions vs errors? Exception e echo There was an error inserting the row . e getMessage inserted false echo Some more stuff Program execution will continue..
Symfony2 AJAX Login result array 'success' false 'message' exception getMessage response new Response json_encode result response headers..