

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:10:43

jquery Programming Glossary: yaxis

jqPlot resizing


formatString ' Q' textColor 'black' fontSize '11px' yaxis min 0 tickOptions formatString ' .2f' textColor 'black'..

Constructing Json for JqPlot Bar Charts


rendererOptions barDirection 'horizontal' axes yaxis renderer .jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer jquery asp.net mvc..

How can I hide the points that are displayed on the plot chart?


tickOptions formatString ' d b Y' yaxis tickOptions formatString ' .2f' highlighter show true sizeAdjust..

jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors


of your series data or an approximate middle range of your yaxis. I updated the Boro's fiddle here grid drawGridLines true..

JqPlot : Set a fix height value for the graph area not including y axe labels


of the chart just as you want it. var w parseInt .jqplot yaxis .width 10 parseInt #chart .width 10 var h parseInt .jqplot title..

jqplot set default value


' I M p ' min '11 00 AM' tickInterval '1 minute' yaxis min 0 series lineWidth 4 color '#000000' markerOptions..

How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts?


xaxis mode time timeformat d m y minTickSize 1 day yaxis ticks 11 tickDecimals 0 min 0 max 5 I realize that I need..

JqPlot- How to decrease the width of grids and ticks


1.05 renderer .jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer ticks ticks yaxis pad 1.05 tickOptions formatString ' d' showGridline false.. ticks ticks tickOptions showGridline false yaxis pad 1.05 tickOptions formatString ' d' showGridline false..

JQPlot enlarging the chart and using replot function


' b #d' formatter .jqplot.DateTickFormatter yaxis tickOptions formatString ' .2f' highlighter sizeAdjust..

flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series


mode time minTickSize 1 day max new Date .getTime yaxis mode money min 0 tickDecimals 2 tickFormatter function v..

jqplot - Individual values, not totals in stacked chart


false axes xaxis renderer .jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer yaxis padMin 0 min 0 legend show false Produces share improve..

jqplot Side by Side Stacked Bar Chart


true axes xaxis renderer .jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer yaxis Don't pad out the bottom of the data range. By default axes..

Highcharts - best way to handle and display zero (or negative) values in a line chart series with logarithmic Y axis


using a label formatter var chart new Highcharts.Chart yAxis labels formatter function if this.value 0.00001 return 0..

blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary


text 'Real time data from database' xAxis categories yAxis minPadding 0.2 maxPadding 0.2 title text 'Value' margin 80.. text 'Real time data from database' xAxis categories yAxis minPadding 0.2 maxPadding 0.2 title text 'Value' margin 80..

How to create a historgram from json


0 lineColor '#999' tickLength 70 tickColor '#ccc' yAxis title text '' maxPadding 0 gridLineColor '#e9e9e9' tickWidth..

Highcharts multi line graphs


'Apr' 'May' 'Jun' 'Jul' 'Aug' 'Sep' 'Oct' 'Nov' 'Dec' yAxis title text 'Temperature °C ' plotLines value 0 width 1..

Why doesn't jQuery getJSON function execute when a page is redirected instead of called directly?


'right' style font 'normal 8px Verdana sans serif' yAxis min 0 max 50 title text 'Risks' tickInterval 10 series..

Create six chart with the same rendering,different data (highchart )


'right' style font 'normal 13px Verdana sans serif' yAxis min 0 title text 'Population millions ' legend enabled.. style font 'normal 13px Verdana sans serif' config.yAxis min 0 title text 'Population millions ' config.legend enabled..

PHP JSON Highcharts load database result


somewhere in a calendar' xAxis labels enabled false yAxis min 0 title text 'Amount' linkedTo 0 opposite true series..

Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components


Flow Rate ' xAxis type 'datetime' tickPixelInterval 150 yAxis title text '' plotLines value 0 width 1 color '#808080'..

How to display this mysql loop in a jquery line highchart


Here data series series data xAxis categories label data yAxis allowDecimals true header 'Content Type application json charset..

Highcharts data series issue with ajax/json and PHP


'datetime' dateTimeLabelFormats month ' b e Y' year ' Y' yAxis title text 'Important Values' reversed true min 0 max 100..

Updating a Highchart from a form with a click() event in jquery


zoomType 'xy' title text 'Foo' xAxis title text 'x label' yAxis title text 'y label' series var chart new Highcharts.Chart options.. 'xy' title text 'Foo' xAxis title text 'x label' yAxis title text 'y label' series chart new Highcharts.Chart options..

jqPlot resizing


0.5 tickOptions showGridline false formatString ' b Y' formatString ' Q' textColor 'black' fontSize '11px' yaxis min 0 tickOptions formatString ' .2f' textColor 'black' fontSize '11px' highlighter show true sizeAdjust 7.5..

Constructing Json for JqPlot Bar Charts


135 Here's where we tell the chart it is oriented horizontally. rendererOptions barDirection 'horizontal' axes yaxis renderer .jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer jquery asp.net mvc json jqplot share improve this question Understanding..

How can I hide the points that are displayed on the plot chart?


span ' axesDefaults pad 1.2 axes xaxis renderer .jqplot.DateAxisRenderer tickOptions formatString ' d b Y' yaxis tickOptions formatString ' .2f' highlighter show true sizeAdjust 7.5 tooltipLocation 'nw' formatString ' b s b ' cursor..

jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors


the y value of the start and end properties with an average of your series data or an approximate middle range of your yaxis. I updated the Boro's fiddle here grid drawGridLines true wether to draw lines across the grid or not. gridLineColor..

JqPlot : Set a fix height value for the graph area not including y axe labels


size of your chart in CSS will be taken by the graphical part of the chart just as you want it. var w parseInt .jqplot yaxis .width 10 parseInt #chart .width 10 var h parseInt .jqplot title .height 10 parseInt .jqplot xaxis .height 10 parseInt #chart..

jqplot set default value


pad 0 tickOptions angle 90 fontSize 5pt formatString ' I M p ' min '11 00 AM' tickInterval '1 minute' yaxis min 0 series lineWidth 4 color '#000000' markerOptions style 'square' javascript jquery jqplot share..

How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts?


hoverable true clickable true colors #37b7f3 #d12610 #52e136 xaxis mode time timeformat d m y minTickSize 1 day yaxis ticks 11 tickDecimals 0 min 0 max 5 I realize that I need to make mydata look like date value . Will that work I've..

JqPlot- How to decrease the width of grids and ticks


axis on the x axis and use our custom ticks. xaxis pad 1.05 renderer .jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer ticks ticks yaxis pad 1.05 tickOptions formatString ' d' showGridline false May be someone can help javascript jquery jqplot bar..

JQPlot enlarging the chart and using replot function


renderer to use to draw the axis tickOptions formatString ' b #d' formatter .jqplot.DateTickFormatter yaxis tickOptions formatString ' .2f' highlighter sizeAdjust 7.5 cursor show true PlotChart chartData 3 chart1..

flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series


points show true lines show true grid hoverable true xaxis mode time minTickSize 1 day max new Date .getTime yaxis mode money min 0 tickDecimals 2 tickFormatter function v axis return v.toFixed axis.tickDecimals var i 0 .each results..

jqplot - Individual values, not totals in stacked chart


jqplot Side by Side Stacked Bar Chart


on mouse over. highlightMouseDown true pointLabels show true axes xaxis renderer .jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer yaxis Don't pad out the bottom of the data range. By default axes scaled as if data extended 10 above and below the actual range..

Highcharts - best way to handle and display zero (or negative) values in a line chart series with logarithmic Y axis


blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary


defaultSeriesType 'column' events load requestData title text 'Real time data from database' xAxis categories yAxis minPadding 0.2 maxPadding 0.2 title text 'Value' margin 80 series Request data from the server function requestData .ajax.. chart renderTo 'container' defaultSeriesType 'column' title text 'Real time data from database' xAxis categories yAxis minPadding 0.2 maxPadding 0.2 title text 'Value' margin 80 series chartSeriesData cache false share improve this answer..

How to create a historgram from json


style fontSize '8px' fontWeight 'normal' color '#333' lineWidth 0 lineColor '#999' tickLength 70 tickColor '#ccc' yAxis title text '' maxPadding 0 gridLineColor '#e9e9e9' tickWidth 1 tickLength 3 tickColor '#ccc' lineColor '#ccc' tickInterval..

Highcharts multi line graphs


WorldClimate.com' x 20 xAxis categories 'Jan' 'Feb' 'Mar' 'Apr' 'May' 'Jun' 'Jul' 'Aug' 'Sep' 'Oct' 'Nov' 'Dec' yAxis title text 'Temperature °C ' plotLines value 0 width 1 color '#808080' tooltip valueSuffix '°C' legend layout..

Why doesn't jQuery getJSON function execute when a page is redirected instead of called directly?


logins' xAxis categories arr.name labels rotation 45 align 'right' style font 'normal 8px Verdana sans serif' yAxis min 0 max 50 title text 'Risks' tickInterval 10 series data arr.data dataLabels enabled true formatter function..

Create six chart with the same rendering,different data (highchart )


'Shenzhen' 'Istanbul' labels rotation 45 align 'right' style font 'normal 13px Verdana sans serif' yAxis min 0 title text 'Population millions ' legend enabled false tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.x ' b.. categories cities labels rotation 45 align 'right' style font 'normal 13px Verdana sans serif' config.yAxis min 0 title text 'Population millions ' config.legend enabled false config.tooltip tooltip formatter function return..

PHP JSON Highcharts load database result


rightMargin 80 title text 'Weekdays' subtitle text 'Source somewhere in a calendar' xAxis labels enabled false yAxis min 0 title text 'Amount' linkedTo 0 opposite true series ajax call .getJSON 'ajax calc.ajax.php' function data var..

Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components


'y' events load updateChartData title text 'Feed Flow Rate ' xAxis type 'datetime' tickPixelInterval 150 yAxis title text '' plotLines value 0 width 1 color '#808080' tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.series.name..

How to display this mysql loop in a jquery line highchart


chart defaultSeriesType column data title text Some Title Here data series series data xAxis categories label data yAxis allowDecimals true header 'Content Type application json charset utf 8 ' echo json_encode data share improve this answer..

Highcharts data series issue with ajax/json and PHP


text 'Title for ' domText subtitle text '' xAxis type 'datetime' dateTimeLabelFormats month ' b e Y' year ' Y' yAxis title text 'Important Values' reversed true min 0 max 100 tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.series.name '..

Updating a Highchart from a form with a click() event in jquery


options chart renderTo 'container' defaultSeriesType 'line' zoomType 'xy' title text 'Foo' xAxis title text 'x label' yAxis title text 'y label' series var chart new Highcharts.Chart options #submit .click function options.series name 10402 color.. chart renderTo 'container' defaultSeriesType 'line' zoomType 'xy' title text 'Foo' xAxis title text 'x label' yAxis title text 'y label' series chart new Highcharts.Chart options series3 name 10402 color rgba 255 139 0 0.5 data 146 55.8..