jquery Programming Glossary: xhrfields
jQuery CORS Content-type OPTIONS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12320467/jquery-cors-content-type-options JSON.stringify key 1 key2 2 statusCode 200 function data xhrFields withCredentials true crossDomain true I need to set Content..
Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14462423/cross-domain-post-request-is-not-sending-cookie-ajax-jquery POST url http xxx.com api getlist.json dataType 'json' xhrFields withCredentials true crossDomain true beforeSend function xhr..
Cross-domain ajax request basic authentication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16689496/cross-domain-ajax-request-basic-authentication have Basic authentication set through IIS . .ajax type GET xhrFields withCredentials true dataType jsonp contentType application.. username and password like following code .ajax type GET xhrFields withCredentials true dataType jsonp contentType application..
How to set Cookie value with ajax request? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16851896/how-to-set-cookie-value-with-ajax-request dfskljvdfhpl crossDomain true dataType 'json' xhrFields withCredentials true success function data alert data share..
jQuery: sending credentials with cross-domain posts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2054316/jquery-sending-credentials-with-cross-domain-posts be broken in jQuery 1.5. Since jQuery 1.5.1 you should use xhrFields param. .ajaxSetup type POST data dataType 'json' xhrFields withCredentials.. xhrFields param. .ajaxSetup type POST data dataType 'json' xhrFields withCredentials true crossDomain true Docs http api.jquery.com..
jQuery CORS Content-type OPTIONS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12320467/jquery-cors-content-type-options type POST contentType application json dataType json data JSON.stringify key 1 key2 2 statusCode 200 function data xhrFields withCredentials true crossDomain true I need to set Content type as application json as it's require server side. But instead..
Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14462423/cross-domain-post-request-is-not-sending-cookie-ajax-jquery sharing but it is not working. This is my code. .ajax type POST url http xxx.com api getlist.json dataType 'json' xhrFields withCredentials true crossDomain true beforeSend function xhr xhr.setRequestHeader Cookie session xxxyyyzzz success function..
Cross-domain ajax request basic authentication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16689496/cross-domain-ajax-request-basic-authentication domain ajax request to get some data. The REST service have Basic authentication set through IIS . .ajax type GET xhrFields withCredentials true dataType jsonp contentType application javascript data myData async false crossDomain true url http.. ajax web services share improve this question Pass username and password like following code .ajax type GET xhrFields withCredentials true dataType jsonp contentType application javascript data myData async false crossDomain true url http..
How to set Cookie value with ajax request? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16851896/how-to-set-cookie-value-with-ajax-request
jQuery: sending credentials with cross-domain posts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2054316/jquery-sending-credentials-with-cross-domain-posts share improve this question Functionality is supposed to be broken in jQuery 1.5. Since jQuery 1.5.1 you should use xhrFields param. .ajaxSetup type POST data dataType 'json' xhrFields withCredentials true crossDomain true Docs http api.jquery.com.. be broken in jQuery 1.5. Since jQuery 1.5.1 you should use xhrFields param. .ajaxSetup type POST data dataType 'json' xhrFields withCredentials true crossDomain true Docs http api.jquery.com jQuery.ajax Reported bug http bugs.jquery.com ticket 8146..