jquery Programming Glossary: server.php
Ajax post onbeforeunload doesn't work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10665912/ajax-post-onbeforeunload-doesnt-work to the server window .bind 'beforeunload' function .post server.php name moves Now you need a Page in the server side called server.php.. name moves Now you need a Page in the server side called server.php which contains Capture the String cursorMoves _POST 'name' myFile..
jquery autocomplete ajax response separation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11492162/jquery-autocomplete-ajax-response-separation input#src location .autocomplete source autosuggest server.php 'input#src location' .focus function this .val '' script..
Submit form and pass values with ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13502638/submit-form-and-pass-values-with-ajax Index.html function drawChart var jsonData .ajax url server.php startdate start_date enddate end_date type type dataType json.. by a form without refreshing the page so I can send it to server.php and do some stuff How can I do that without change this jsonData.. 'type' .val function drawChart var jsonData .ajax url server.php startdate start_date enddate end_date type type dataType json..
issue with horizontal wheel scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18791780/issue-with-horizontal-wheel-scroll
Add,Update and delete records of database using jquery datatables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18846999/add-update-and-delete-records-of-database-using-jquery-datatables .dataTable bProcessing true bServerSide true sAjaxSource server.php The above code displays data in the table table cellpadding.. bProcessing true bServerSide true sAjaxSource server.php but the data doesnt show up. How should I go about EDIT Here.. show up. How should I go about EDIT Here is the file server.php that I used. server.php is just a name that I have given to..
JSON and jqGrid. What is “userdata”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3128837/json-and-jqgrid-what-is-userdata data can be accessed here http www.trirand.com blog jqgrid server.php q 2 rows 10 page 2 One of the things that confuse me in the.. These additional parameters will be added to the main url server.php q 2 defined as one of jqGrid parameters. The server give back.. or less rows. In case of http www.trirand.com blog jqgrid server.php q 2 rows 10 page 2 url the server gives back only 3 last rows..
is there a way to programatically set a filter in jquery jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3311929/is-there-a-way-to-programatically-set-a-filter-in-jquery-jqgrid
Live redirect based on periodic server calls with JSON or AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872209/live-redirect-based-on-periodic-server-calls-with-json-or-ajax from database data.location is the location new url .post server.php id studentid function data data is returned by server as json..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add true sortorder asc rowNum 50 scroll true editurl data server.php caption Stockist's and Orchid days colNames 'Actions' 'id' 'Type'..
Ajax post onbeforeunload doesn't work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10665912/ajax-post-onbeforeunload-doesnt-work bind a function to onbeforeunload event that POST the String to the server window .bind 'beforeunload' function .post server.php name moves Now you need a Page in the server side called server.php which contains Capture the String cursorMoves _POST.. window .bind 'beforeunload' function .post server.php name moves Now you need a Page in the server side called server.php which contains Capture the String cursorMoves _POST 'name' myFile testFile.txt fh fopen myFile 'w' fwrite fh cursorMoves..
jquery autocomplete ajax response separation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11492162/jquery-autocomplete-ajax-response-separation id src_submit value Search form script document .ready function input#src location .autocomplete source autosuggest server.php 'input#src location' .focus function this .val '' script PHP part php include db.php return_arr array fetch mysql_query..
Submit form and pass values with ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13502638/submit-form-and-pass-values-with-ajax form and pass values with ajax Index.html function drawChart var jsonData .ajax url server.php startdate start_date enddate end_date type type dataType json async false .responseText var obj jQuery.parseJSON jsonData.. This vars start_date end_date and type should be obtained by a form without refreshing the page so I can send it to server.php and do some stuff How can I do that without change this jsonData structure etc Because I need it to build charts. Thanks.. 'start_date' .val var end_date 'end_date' .val var type 'type' .val function drawChart var jsonData .ajax url server.php startdate start_date enddate end_date type type dataType json async false .responseText var obj jQuery.parseJSON jsonData..
issue with horizontal wheel scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18791780/issue-with-horizontal-wheel-scroll
Add,Update and delete records of database using jquery datatables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18846999/add-update-and-delete-records-of-database-using-jquery-datatables datatables document .ready function var oTable '#example' .dataTable bProcessing true bServerSide true sAjaxSource server.php The above code displays data in the table table cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 border 0 class display id example thead tr.. document .ready function var oTable '#example' .dataTable.makeEditable bProcessing true bServerSide true sAjaxSource server.php but the data doesnt show up. How should I go about EDIT Here is the file server.php that I used. server.php is just a name.. true bServerSide true sAjaxSource server.php but the data doesnt show up. How should I go about EDIT Here is the file server.php that I used. server.php is just a name that I have given to the file server.php php error_reporting E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ..
JSON and jqGrid. What is “userdata”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3128837/json-and-jqgrid-what-is-userdata and then the first example under JSON Data The JSON data can be accessed here http www.trirand.com blog jqgrid server.php q 2 rows 10 page 2 One of the things that confuse me in the JSON is this snipplet userdata amount 1520 tax 202 total 1724.. me the second page of data when the page size is 10 rows . These additional parameters will be added to the main url server.php q 2 defined as one of jqGrid parameters. The server give back 10 or less rows. In case of http www.trirand.com blog jqgrid.. defined as one of jqGrid parameters. The server give back 10 or less rows. In case of http www.trirand.com blog jqgrid server.php q 2 rows 10 page 2 url the server gives back only 3 last rows from the total 10 page 2 total 2 records 13 rows id 11 cell..
is there a way to programatically set a filter in jquery jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3311929/is-there-a-way-to-programatically-set-a-filter-in-jquery-jqgrid
Live redirect based on periodic server calls with JSON or AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872209/live-redirect-based-on-periodic-server-calls-with-json-or-ajax server as json object data.route true or false as validated from database data.location is the location new url .post server.php id studentid function data data is returned by server as json object if data.route window.location data.location json..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add 600 pager '#prowed2' sortname 'id_mdt' viewrecords true gridview true sortorder asc rowNum 50 scroll true editurl data server.php caption Stockist's and Orchid days colNames 'Actions' 'id' 'Type' 'Name' 'Geo Address' 'Display Address' 'Telephone' 'Email'..