jquery Programming Glossary: responsetext
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632483/pushstate-and-popstate-manipulating-browsers-history #sectionContainer .hide .load newLoadedHtml function responseText document.title responseText .filter title .text .fadeIn fast.. .load newLoadedHtml function responseText document.title responseText .filter title .text .fadeIn fast What you may not understand.. #sectionContainer .hide .load newLoadedHtml function responseText document.title responseText .filter title .text .fadeIn fast..
jQuery Validation plugin won't validate when in click event handler of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11067999/jquery-validation-plugin-wont-validate-when-in-click-event-handler-of date #date .val time #time .val logo #logo .val function responseText #result .html responseText html else alert oh no So above.. .val logo #logo .val function responseText #result .html responseText html else alert oh no So above is the script I'm using to.. date #date .val time #time .val logo #logo .val function responseText #result .html responseText html else alert oh no script body..
How to test the done and fail Deferred Object by using jasmine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12080087/how-to-test-the-done-and-fail-deferred-object-by-using-jasmine .response status 500 or whatever response code you want responseText '' expect this.onSuccess .not.toHaveBeenCalled expect this.onFailure..
jquery ajax problem in chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1742049/jquery-ajax-problem-in-chrome 200 and the statusText is ok . the readystate is 4 and the responseText is set to the data i wish to append to the div.. basically from..
Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839966/can-anyone-explain-what-jsonp-is-in-layman-terms be caught by wrapping the attempt to evaluate the responseText in a try catch statement . Because of the nature of a JSONP.. document.getElementById output .innerHTML eval ' ' this.responseText ' ' .bar xhr.open GET somewhere.php true xhr.send JSONP function..
Process a continuous stream of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558129/process-a-continuous-stream-of-json that each time the onreadystatechange handler fires the responseText will be all the data that has been received so far. Define a..
How do jQuery do its cross-domain ajax calls and how can I replicate em with mootools http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726704/how-do-jquery-do-its-cross-domain-ajax-calls-and-how-can-i-replicate-em-with-moo any format json jsoncallback onComplete function person responseText alert responseText .get How can I replicate this behavior what.. jsoncallback onComplete function person responseText alert responseText .get How can I replicate this behavior what causes it jQuery..
jquery ajax, read the stream incrementally? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7740646/jquery-ajax-read-the-stream-incrementally at Ajax so it is no longer possible to directly access responseText before it is finished being populated. I have to write a page..
AJAX Jquery UI Dialog window loaded within Ajax style Jquery UI Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/809035/ajax-jquery-ui-dialog-window-loaded-within-ajax-style-jquery-ui-tabs may provide post parameters within the object function responseText textStatus XMLHttpRequest remove the loading class dialog.removeClass..
how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8937158/how-to-check-whether-a-port-is-open-at-clients-network-firewall-solved false jsonpCallback 'deadCode' complete function xhr responseText thrownError if xhr.status 200 isAccessible true alert Request..
Open Fancybox (or equiv) from Form input type=“submit” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/969522/open-fancybox-or-equiv-from-form-input-type-submit .ready function #myForm .ajaxForm success function responseText .fancybox 'content' responseText So instead of attaching.. success function responseText .fancybox 'content' responseText So instead of attaching fancybox to some artificial a tag..
Jquery .load() is not loading javascript in loaded content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9794762/jquery-load-is-not-loading-javascript-in-loaded-content url this .attr 'href' return target .load url function responseText statusText xhr if statusText success Re initiate all required..
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632483/pushstate-and-popstate-manipulating-browsers-history I can get it by adding the callback argument to the function #sectionContainer .hide .load newLoadedHtml function responseText document.title responseText .filter title .text .fadeIn fast What you may not understand is why I use the .filter and not.. the callback argument to the function #sectionContainer .hide .load newLoadedHtml function responseText document.title responseText .filter title .text .fadeIn fast What you may not understand is why I use the .filter and not the .find function. This.. .attr href History.pushState null newLoadedHtml newLoadedHtml #sectionContainer .hide .load newLoadedHtml function responseText document.title responseText .filter title .text .fadeIn fast History.Adapter.bind window statechange function menuLink.removeClass..
jQuery Validation plugin won't validate when in click event handler of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11067999/jquery-validation-plugin-wont-validate-when-in-click-event-handler-of #district .val region #region .val location #location .val date #date .val time #time .val logo #logo .val function responseText #result .html responseText html else alert oh no So above is the script I'm using to validate some form information then.. .val location #location .val date #date .val time #time .val logo #logo .val function responseText #result .html responseText html else alert oh no So above is the script I'm using to validate some form information then enter it into a database... #district .val region #region .val location #location .val date #date .val time #time .val logo #logo .val function responseText #result .html responseText html else alert oh no script body html jquery jquery validate share improve this question..
How to test the done and fail Deferred Object by using jasmine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12080087/how-to-test-the-done-and-fail-deferred-object-by-using-jasmine .toHaveBeenCalledWith '' mostRecentAjaxRequest .response status 500 or whatever response code you want responseText '' expect this.onSuccess .not.toHaveBeenCalled expect this.onFailure .toHaveBeenCalled Another thing if you can try to..
jquery ajax problem in chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1742049/jquery-ajax-problem-in-chrome passed to the AjaxFailed function has a status code of 200 and the statusText is ok . the readystate is 4 and the responseText is set to the data i wish to append to the div.. basically from what i can see its calling the failure method but it isn't..
Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839966/can-anyone-explain-what-jsonp-is-in-layman-terms response is that any parse errors in a JSON response can potentially be caught by wrapping the attempt to evaluate the responseText in a try catch statement . Because of the nature of a JSONP response however parse errors in the response will yield an.. function if xhr.readyState 4 xhr.status 200 document.getElementById output .innerHTML eval ' ' this.responseText ' ' .bar xhr.open GET somewhere.php true xhr.send JSONP function foo response document.getElementById output .innerHTML..
Process a continuous stream of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558129/process-a-continuous-stream-of-json yet then exit and wait for the next event. I am pretty sure that each time the onreadystatechange handler fires the responseText will be all the data that has been received so far. Define a persistent variable that will hold the position of the first..
How do jQuery do its cross-domain ajax calls and how can I replicate em with mootools http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726704/how-do-jquery-do-its-cross-domain-ajax-calls-and-how-can-i-replicate-em-with-moo services feeds photos_public.gne tags cat tagmode any format json jsoncallback onComplete function person responseText alert responseText .get How can I replicate this behavior what causes it jQuery Doc http docs.jquery.com Ajax jQuery.getJSON#urldatacallback.. feeds photos_public.gne tags cat tagmode any format json jsoncallback onComplete function person responseText alert responseText .get How can I replicate this behavior what causes it jQuery Doc http docs.jquery.com Ajax jQuery.getJSON#urldatacallback..
jquery ajax, read the stream incrementally? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7740646/jquery-ajax-read-the-stream-incrementally things have changed in in the XHR object since I last looked at Ajax so it is no longer possible to directly access responseText before it is finished being populated. I have to write a page that uses AJAX preferably jQuery but I am open to suggestions..
AJAX Jquery UI Dialog window loaded within Ajax style Jquery UI Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/809035/ajax-jquery-ui-dialog-window-loaded-within-ajax-style-jquery-ui-tabs to issue a GET request instead a POST request otherwise you may provide post parameters within the object function responseText textStatus XMLHttpRequest remove the loading class dialog.removeClass 'loading' prevent the browser to follow the link..
how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8937158/how-to-check-whether-a-port-is-open-at-clients-network-firewall-solved get cache false dataType 'jsonp' crossDomain true asynchronous false jsonpCallback 'deadCode' complete function xhr responseText thrownError if xhr.status 200 isAccessible true alert Request complete isAccessible isAccessible this alert does not..
Open Fancybox (or equiv) from Form input type=“submit” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/969522/open-fancybox-or-equiv-from-form-input-type-submit into a fancybox using a manual call to .fancybox . document .ready function #myForm .ajaxForm success function responseText .fancybox 'content' responseText So instead of attaching fancybox to some artificial a tag you attach ajaxForm to the.. call to .fancybox . document .ready function #myForm .ajaxForm success function responseText .fancybox 'content' responseText So instead of attaching fancybox to some artificial a tag you attach ajaxForm to the form itself. share improve this..
Jquery .load() is not loading javascript in loaded content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9794762/jquery-load-is-not-loading-javascript-in-loaded-content 'click' function var target url target this .attr 'data target' url this .attr 'href' return target .load url function responseText statusText xhr if statusText success Re initiate all required javascript if the load was successful. .datepicker .datepicker..