jquery Programming Glossary: propagating
preventDefault won't work on Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1367195/preventdefault-wont-work-on-firefox false with event.preventDefault in this instance but the propagating click event might or might cause other issues depending on what..
Prevent execution of parent event handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1398582/prevent-execution-of-parent-event-handler jquery share improve this question prevent event from propagating up. function handler event event.stopPropagation now do your..
How do you make jQuery bind events to elements loaded via Ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2413797/how-do-you-make-jquery-bind-events-to-elements-loaded-via-ajax handlers intercept the event and stop it from further propagating before it reaches up to the document the live handlers will..
Event on a click everywhere on the page outside of the specific div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/321239/event-on-a-click-everywhere-on-the-page-outside-of-the-specific-div Attach a click event to the div to stop clicks on it from propagating to the document '#somediv' .click function e e.stopPropagation..
Jquery pass click through element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5398787/jquery-pass-click-through-element I'm sure this is something to do with event bubbling or propagating or somewhat but I couldn't figure it out. Any pointers please..
Prompting user to save when they leave a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/765996/prompting-user-to-save-when-they-leave-a-page doesn't seem to be a way to stop the unload event from propagating. javascript jquery html share improve this question Take..
How to prevent a click() event through an internal div to parent div in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7835775/how-to-prevent-a-click-event-through-an-internal-div-to-parent-div-in-jquery improve this question You need to stop the event from propagating up the DOM tree '.closeBtn' .click function evt evt.stopPropagation..
preventDefault won't work on Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1367195/preventdefault-wont-work-on-firefox .show fast return false You can freely replace return false with event.preventDefault in this instance but the propagating click event might or might cause other issues depending on what other event handlers you have. share improve this answer..
Prevent execution of parent event handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1398582/prevent-execution-of-parent-event-handler do I disable the click on a using jQuery thanks javascript jquery share improve this question prevent event from propagating up. function handler event event.stopPropagation now do your stuff '#a' .add '#b' .click handler This way clicks to '#b'..
How do you make jQuery bind events to elements loaded via Ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2413797/how-do-you-make-jquery-bind-events-to-elements-loaded-via-ajax
Event on a click everywhere on the page outside of the specific div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/321239/event-on-a-click-everywhere-on-the-page-outside-of-the-specific-div
Jquery pass click through element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5398787/jquery-pass-click-through-element on elements under this image. I'm using jquery by the way. I'm sure this is something to do with event bubbling or propagating or somewhat but I couldn't figure it out. Any pointers please Thanks Paul jquery html events share improve this question..
Prompting user to save when they leave a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/765996/prompting-user-to-save-when-they-leave-a-page get a styled prompt . I've also tried jquery unload but there doesn't seem to be a way to stop the unload event from propagating. javascript jquery html share improve this question Take a closer look at what Facebook is doing you get a prompt if..
How to prevent a click() event through an internal div to parent div in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7835775/how-to-prevent-a-click-event-through-an-internal-div-to-parent-div-in-jquery