jquery Programming Glossary: previousgrouppigrow
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden indexes p._index names p.groupingView.sortnames 0 iName idParts rows this.rows cRows rows.length iRow row rowData previousGrouppigRow null hasHighlitedItem false lastCollaped false onGroupingExpand function var curRow this .closest tr.jqgroup .next while.. the grouping array gridDiff.jqGrid 'groupingToggle' row 0 .id lastCollaped true the row is the group header if previousGrouppigRow null hasHighlitedItem false the previous group has no highlited items if lastCollaped collapse the group only if it is.. items if lastCollaped collapse the group only if it is not already collaped gridDiff.jqGrid 'groupingToggle' previousGrouppigRow 0 .id previousGrouppigRow.hide previousGrouppigRow row hasHighlitedItem false else if row.hasClass 'jqgrow' rowData..