

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:06:27

jquery Programming Glossary: postdata.filters

jqGrid with user-custom advanced search and addJSONData population


you want to save the information about the filter in the postData.filters you have to hold the standard format . In the case you can have..

Multiple search with multiplefields by default


in jqgrid, why dont toolbarfilter and Multiple Search filter get along (when using stringResult:true)


current version of jqGrid the advance searching module use postData.filters to load the initial filters. The toolbar filter searching on.. searching on the other side don't read the data from the postData.filters and just set it. If you do want to hold separate filters for.. grid initialization. The adnavce searching module read the postData.filters at the first dialog opening only if the default settings recreateFilter..

JQGRID: any easy way to implement undo on excel like jqGrid implementation


postData.searchOper undefined postData.searchOper null if postData.filters undefined postData.filters null return JSON.stringify postData.. postData.searchOper null if postData.filters undefined postData.filters null return JSON.stringify postData colNames ' ' 'AssetId'..

why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading?


postData var newCapture if postData._search true typeof postData.filters undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture.. postData.filters undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter var rules filters.rules for var i 0 i rules.length.. this.jqGrid getGridParam search if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter..

How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on


.jqGrid getGridParam search if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter.. true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length..

jqGrid with user-custom advanced search and addJSONData population


the server. Reloading of the grid is what you need to do. If you want to save the information about the filter in the postData.filters you have to hold the standard format . In the case you can have advantage of local data filtering datatype 'local' or the..

Multiple search with multiplefields by default


in jqgrid, why dont toolbarfilter and Multiple Search filter get along (when using stringResult:true)


the advance searching to make more complex filters. In the current version of jqGrid the advance searching module use postData.filters to load the initial filters. The toolbar filter searching on the other side don't read the data from the postData.filters.. to load the initial filters. The toolbar filter searching on the other side don't read the data from the postData.filters and just set it. If you do want to hold separate filters for the toolbar and advance searching I can suggest the the following.. trick. You can open the advanced filter direct after the grid initialization. The adnavce searching module read the postData.filters at the first dialog opening only if the default settings recreateFilter false and loadDefaults true are used. After the..

JQGRID: any easy way to implement undo on excel like jqGrid implementation


undefined postData.searchString null if postData.searchOper undefined postData.searchOper null if postData.filters undefined postData.filters null return JSON.stringify postData colNames ' ' 'AssetId' 'Item#' 'Make' 'Description' colModel.. postData.searchString null if postData.searchOper undefined postData.searchOper null if postData.filters undefined postData.filters null return JSON.stringify postData colNames ' ' 'AssetId' 'Item#' 'Make' 'Description' colModel name 'ctrls' width 80..

why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading?


function var postData jQuery gridSelector .getGridParam postData var newCapture if postData._search true typeof postData.filters undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter var rules filters.rules for var i 0 i rules.length.. postData var newCapture if postData._search true typeof postData.filters undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter var rules filters.rules for var i 0 i rules.length i var rule rules i var op rule.op the code name of.. iOp postData this.jqGrid getGridParam postData isFiltering this.jqGrid getGridParam search if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules..

How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on


.jqGrid getGridParam postData isFiltering jQuery gridSelector .jqGrid getGridParam search if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules.. gridSelector .jqGrid getGridParam search if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation..