jquery Programming Glossary: personally
Is there an alias for 'this' in TypeScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12756423/is-there-an-alias-for-this-in-typescript This is not good. That's a reasonable solution but I've personally found that developers offten forget to include the proxy call..
Use jQuery or Q.Js for promises http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13610741/use-jquery-or-q-js-for-promises only get re thrown if you call .end . Not sure whether I personally like that. It's the standardized way which jQuery does not follow..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images used for image processing are the gd lib and imagick . personally I prefer the gd lib. It is a bit more manual work but it is..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid column. It is described originally in the answer . I use personally it in every my productive grid because I prefer to have grids..
Using 'window', 'document' and 'undefined' as arguments in anonymous function that wraps a jQuery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15777519/using-window-document-and-undefined-as-arguments-in-anonymous-function-th variables. I assert that the savings are negligible I personally wouldn't bother unless I used a lot of references to window..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599020/what-are-the-typical-reasons-javascript-developed-on-firefox-fails-on-ie other problems as it always prioritizes name before id . I personally use this code falling back with additional checks just to be..
jqGrid - edit only certain rows for an editable column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2863874/jqgrid-edit-only-certain-rows-for-an-editable-column if the user press enter key or canceled on esc key. I personally prefer to implement calling of editRow method inside of ondblClickRow..
jQuery: What listener do I use to check for browser auto filling the password input field? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3066406/jquery-what-listener-do-i-use-to-check-for-browser-auto-filling-the-password-in a word . Since it checks your form really frequently I personally suggest you to only run this a certain number of times. After..
jqGrid data stored in browser cache? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885658/jqgrid-data-stored-in-browser-cache use the caching behavior which you need. For example I use personally Cache Control max age 0 and use ETag with the hash from the..
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5099949/what-are-some-empirical-technical-reasons-not-to-use-jquery and may actually be the most common reaction. What I personally suspect to be the main underlying reason to all of those reactions..
JqGrid forms server validations and custom error messages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5103424/jqgrid-forms-server-validations-and-custom-error-messages or you can overwrite jqGrid default settings see here . I personally prefer to set errorTextFormat by modifying of jQuery.jgrid.edit..
Rails Ajax: .js.erb rendered as text, not JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5311247/rails-ajax-js-erb-rendered-as-text-not-js I wish I had my code with me but I'm at work. However I personally wrote the jQuery Ajax request instead of relying on remote true..
What is meant by ?œleaking??into global scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5951228/what-is-meant-by-leaking-into-global-scope is correct then all the above œleak into global scope. So personally I don ™t see a way NOT to œleak into global scope as even your..
How to edit the selected cell on jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6536654/how-to-edit-the-selected-cell-on-jqgrid 3 jqgrid share improve this question Very good point I personally prefer to use ondblClickRow event handler to start the editing..
rails ajax fav button for user posts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6899037/rails-ajax-fav-button-for-user-posts First you need to set up the database to handle this personally I'd go with a has_many through association because it provides..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group the grid width if the column width will be increased. I personally like the behavior. UPDATE 4 The next version of the demo you..
Move a div in a curved path (like tweening in Flash old days)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8438830/move-a-div-in-a-curved-path-like-tweening-in-flash-old-days code http phrogz.net SVG animation_on_a_curve.html I'd personally use SVG which makes this sort of thing animating along an arbitrary..
When using jQuery on(), why use (document) vs. the element itself? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9418991/when-using-jquery-on-why-use-document-vs-the-element-itself way to simply bind events to specific elements. I personally don't recommend delegating through the document object but rather..
What JQuery selector excludes items with a parent that matches a given selector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/965816/what-jquery-selector-excludes-items-with-a-parent-that-matches-a-given-selector you have. This is not really that big of a deal I am just personally weary of particularly long convoluted selectors when I can avoid..
Why is jQuery so widely adopted versus other Javascript frameworks? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/990077/why-is-jquery-so-widely-adopted-versus-other-javascript-frameworks divided as to which framework to use on web projects. I personally favor MooTools but some of my team seems to want to migrate..
How to disable HTML links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10276133/how-to-disable-html-links this.attr href this.data href .removeAttr disabled Personally I do not like this solution very much if you do not have to..
How to disable rubber band in iOS web apps? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10357844/how-to-disable-rubber-band-in-ios-web-apps element is at its limit and attempted to scroll further. Personally I consider this a failure so I'm continuing to work on it just..
When do you use DOM-based Generation vs. using strings/innerHTML/JQuery to generate DOM content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11550461/when-do-you-use-dom-based-generation-vs-using-strings-innerhtml-jquery-to-gener faster in standard situations benchmark results vary wide. Personally I don't like direct innerHTML for a few reasons which are outlined..
jQuery binding click event best practices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11552174/jquery-binding-click-event-best-practices listener to one event the .on 's power is a moot point. Personally because there are times when I want the advantage of .on I always..
making draggable snap left when dropped http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11684347/making-draggable-snap-left-when-dropped jquery ui drag and drop share improve this question Personally I don't like the idea of using CSS for this effect. Why not..
jPlayer Stream MP3 but prevent from downloading and hotlinking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13987067/jplayer-stream-mp3-but-prevent-from-downloading-and-hotlinking So the goal is to make it harder not impossible. Personally I would go for temporary available links in combination with..
change type of input field with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544317/change-type-of-input-field-with-jquery the type attribute but does not throw a JavaScript error. Personally I'd use jQuery 1.9 with jQuery Migrate or if that's not an option..
jQuery Modal Dialog without jQueryUI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2789773/jquery-modal-dialog-without-jqueryui of jQuery plugins that will handle modal windows for you. Personally I've used SimpleModal with great success. You could always bake..
How do you handle errors from AJAX calls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/407596/how-do-you-handle-errors-from-ajax-calls jquery ajax validation share improve this question Personally I have similar code to the following code in my library. .ajaxSetup..
jQuery History Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4347168/jquery-history-plugin http code.google.com p reallysimplehistory Personally I'd suggest going with Ben Alman's jQuery BBQ as it is cross..
Hide/Show Column in an HTML Table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/455958/hide-show-column-in-an-html-table like to do this without attaching a class to every td Personally I would go with the the class on each td th col approach. Then..
CSS to align label and input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4641346/css-to-align-label-and-input right. Many people will suggest using float left for this. Personally I really dislike floats they seem to cause more problems than..
jquery ajax forms for ASP.NET MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4994032/jquery-ajax-forms-for-asp-net-mvc-3 on the click event of the Form. That's an alternative. Personally that's what I do. I assume that it is correct that I am posting..
How would you go about for switching a site from Prototype to jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53555/how-would-you-go-about-for-switching-a-site-from-prototype-to-jquery jquery prototypejs share improve this question Personally I like to take things in steps so I would start by using both..
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object your modal there are a lot of opinions on how to do it. Personally I prefer to roll my own modal windows based on the needs of..
How to get relative path in Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6310620/how-to-get-relative-path-in-javascript URL's. This affects all relative URL's image's links etc. Personally I'd go for option 1. You'll most likely find that config object..
ASP.NET AJAX vs jQuery in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777523/asp-net-ajax-vs-jquery-in-asp-net-mvc jquery asp.net mvc ajax share improve this question Personally I prefer jQuery for the following reasons The plug in community..
Can jQuery's .animate() method be made to affect variables, rather than CSS properties? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9324081/can-jquerys-animate-method-be-made-to-affect-variables-rather-than-css-prop and from there you can retrieve the current value in now . Personally I used this technique to animate several css properties simultaneously..
What is best way to perform jQuery .change() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9995638/what-is-best-way-to-perform-jquery-change .bind change function e #email .on change function e Personally I prefer the 2nd option as it makes it more explicit what you're..
Is there an alias for 'this' in TypeScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12756423/is-there-an-alias-for-this-in-typescript e JQueryEventObject var height this.textarea.css 'height' This is not good. That's a reasonable solution but I've personally found that developers offten forget to include the proxy call so I've come up with an alternate TypeScript based solution..
Use jQuery or Q.Js for promises http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13610741/use-jquery-or-q-js-for-promises then callbacks will be caught and reject the promise and will only get re thrown if you call .end . Not sure whether I personally like that. It's the standardized way which jQuery does not follow rejecting from then in jQuery deferreds is much more complicated..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images find a solution to convert your .xxx to .yyy Common libraries used for image processing are the gd lib and imagick . personally I prefer the gd lib. It is a bit more manual work but it is faster and comes with most installations by default or is simple..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid trick with resizing of the whole grid after resizing of the column. It is described originally in the answer . I use personally it in every my productive grid because I prefer to have grids without scroll bars. Below I include full code all from the..
Using 'window', 'document' and 'undefined' as arguments in anonymous function that wraps a jQuery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15777519/using-window-document-and-undefined-as-arguments-in-anonymous-function-th reference these will shorten the time it takes to resolve these variables. I assert that the savings are negligible I personally wouldn't bother unless I used a lot of references to window and or document . As for undefined the original author's purpose..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599020/what-are-the-typical-reasons-javascript-developed-on-firefox-fails-on-ie faster than document.getElementById but it has other problems as it always prioritizes name before id . I personally use this code falling back with additional checks just to be sure function getById id var e if document.all e document.all..
jqGrid - edit only certain rows for an editable column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2863874/jqgrid-edit-only-certain-rows-for-an-editable-column the row values in a natural way. The modifications will be saved if the user press enter key or canceled on esc key. I personally prefer to implement calling of editRow method inside of ondblClickRow event handler. So the user can continue selecting..
jQuery: What listener do I use to check for browser auto filling the password input field? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3066406/jquery-what-listener-do-i-use-to-check-for-browser-auto-filling-the-password-in a field for form autofilling activity is autofilling even a word . Since it checks your form really frequently I personally suggest you to only run this a certain number of times. After all a form auto fill will usually do its work as soon as the..
jqGrid data stored in browser cache? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885658/jqgrid-data-stored-in-browser-cache server response the Cache Control directives which force to use the caching behavior which you need. For example I use personally Cache Control max age 0 and use ETag with the hash from the data sent. So all ajax requests will be sent to the server to..
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5099949/what-are-some-empirical-technical-reasons-not-to-use-jquery reason to be added to the list but may be interesting nonetheless and may actually be the most common reaction. What I personally suspect to be the main underlying reason to all of those reactions though is what I believe to be the biggest obstacle to..
JqGrid forms server validations and custom error messages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5103424/jqgrid-forms-server-validations-and-custom-error-messages as a part of prmEdit prmAdd prmDel parameters of the navGrid or you can overwrite jqGrid default settings see here . I personally prefer to set errorTextFormat by modifying of jQuery.jgrid.edit and jQuery.jgrid.del . An example of the corresponding code..
Rails Ajax: .js.erb rendered as text, not JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5311247/rails-ajax-js-erb-rendered-as-text-not-js it as text. I have recently had this problem myself and I wish I had my code with me but I'm at work. However I personally wrote the jQuery Ajax request instead of relying on remote true since that option is mostly used in forms. Try giving your..
What is meant by ?œleaking??into global scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5951228/what-is-meant-by-leaking-into-global-scope call window.myVariable and you will get 10 If the commenter is correct then all the above œleak into global scope. So personally I don ™t see a way NOT to œleak into global scope as even your form controls exists there as well . As such here are my questions..
How to edit the selected cell on jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6536654/how-to-edit-the-selected-cell-on-jqgrid of the first row. Thanks in advance. jquery asp.net mvc 3 jqgrid share improve this question Very good point I personally prefer to use ondblClickRow event handler to start the editing mode. So you can use oneditfunc parameter of the editRow..
rails ajax fav button for user posts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6899037/rails-ajax-fav-button-for-user-posts rails ruby ajax ruby on rails 3 share improve this question First you need to set up the database to handle this personally I'd go with a has_many through association because it provides more flexibility over has_and_belongs_to_many. The choice..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group here to this and this demos. The second demo increase the grid width if the column width will be increased. I personally like the behavior. UPDATE 4 The next version of the demo you can see here . It has an boolean option the parameter useColSpanStyle..
Move a div in a curved path (like tweening in Flash old days)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8438830/move-a-div-in-a-curved-path-like-tweening-in-flash-old-days edit the code or visually drag the curve to see the resulting code http phrogz.net SVG animation_on_a_curve.html I'd personally use SVG which makes this sort of thing animating along an arbitrary Bézier curve trivial using the animateMotion element...
When using jQuery on(), why use (document) vs. the element itself? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9418991/when-using-jquery-on-why-use-document-vs-the-element-itself on the page at load . The latter still works and is a preferred way to simply bind events to specific elements. I personally don't recommend delegating through the document object but rather the closest parent that exists on page load. Here are..
What JQuery selector excludes items with a parent that matches a given selector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/965816/what-jquery-selector-excludes-items-with-a-parent-that-matches-a-given-selector is worth it over the more verbose but faster filter function you have. This is not really that big of a deal I am just personally weary of particularly long convoluted selectors when I can avoid it. A different option is to create your own selector since..
Why is jQuery so widely adopted versus other Javascript frameworks? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/990077/why-is-jquery-so-widely-adopted-versus-other-javascript-frameworks I do value my employees opinion but lately we've been divided as to which framework to use on web projects. I personally favor MooTools but some of my team seems to want to migrate to jQuery because it is more widely adopted. That by itself..
How to disable HTML links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10276133/how-to-disable-html-links disabled And this one to re enable them td a .each function this.attr href this.data href .removeAttr disabled Personally I do not like this solution very much if you do not have to do more with disabled links but it may be more compatible because..
How to disable rubber band in iOS web apps? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10357844/how-to-disable-rubber-band-in-ios-web-apps points out the whole page rubber bands when the scroll element is at its limit and attempted to scroll further. Personally I consider this a failure so I'm continuing to work on it just wanted to pitch in on trying to figure this out. Adding a..
When do you use DOM-based Generation vs. using strings/innerHTML/JQuery to generate DOM content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11550461/when-do-you-use-dom-based-generation-vs-using-strings-innerhtml-jquery-to-gener Mostly html strings are more readable. None of the two is faster in standard situations benchmark results vary wide. Personally I don't like direct innerHTML for a few reasons which are outlined well in these two answers and here as well. Also IE has..
jQuery binding click event best practices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11552174/jquery-binding-click-event-best-practices see @FabrÃcio Matté's answer and if we just want to add one listener to one event the .on 's power is a moot point. Personally because there are times when I want the advantage of .on I always use .on just to be consistent. share improve this answer..
making draggable snap left when dropped http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11684347/making-draggable-snap-left-when-dropped tabindex 0 data letter u p u p div div javascript jquery jquery ui drag and drop share improve this question Personally I don't like the idea of using CSS for this effect. Why not make it as though the letter was actually dropped on the first..
jPlayer Stream MP3 but prevent from downloading and hotlinking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13987067/jplayer-stream-mp3-but-prevent-from-downloading-and-hotlinking screenshot 30 times sec to pass million dollar security measurements So the goal is to make it harder not impossible. Personally I would go for temporary available links in combination with a cookie so I can still use jplayer and don't have to reinvent..
change type of input field with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544317/change-type-of-input-field-with-jquery The jQuery Migrate plugin warns when you attempt to set the type attribute but does not throw a JavaScript error. Personally I'd use jQuery 1.9 with jQuery Migrate or if that's not an option use an earlier version and modify the file. As per usual..
jQuery Modal Dialog without jQueryUI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2789773/jquery-modal-dialog-without-jqueryui jquery ui share improve this question There's a bunch of jQuery plugins that will handle modal windows for you. Personally I've used SimpleModal with great success. You could always bake your own relatively easily but popular plugins will often..
How do you handle errors from AJAX calls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/407596/how-do-you-handle-errors-from-ajax-calls a bit clunky to me but it works. Is there a better alternative jquery ajax validation share improve this question Personally I have similar code to the following code in my library. .ajaxSetup error function xhr alert 'Request Status ' xhr.status..
jQuery History Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4347168/jquery-history-plugin http benalman.com projects jquery hashchange plugin ReallySimpleHistory http code.google.com p reallysimplehistory Personally I'd suggest going with Ben Alman's jQuery BBQ as it is cross browser and very easy to use. Basically window .bind 'hashchange'..
Hide/Show Column in an HTML Table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/455958/hide-show-column-in-an-html-table hide html table show share improve this question I would like to do this without attaching a class to every td Personally I would go with the the class on each td th col approach. Then you can switch columns on and off using a single write to..
CSS to align label and input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4641346/css-to-align-label-and-input one of those things which can be surprisingly tricky to get right. Many people will suggest using float left for this. Personally I really dislike floats they seem to cause more problems than they solve. My preference is to use inline block. This is..
jquery ajax forms for ASP.NET MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4994032/jquery-ajax-forms-for-asp-net-mvc-3 Or would I use Html.BeginForm and register something like .post on the click event of the Form. That's an alternative. Personally that's what I do. I assume that it is correct that I am posting to the create action of the commentscontroller and I would..
How would you go about for switching a site from Prototype to jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53555/how-would-you-go-about-for-switching-a-site-from-prototype-to-jquery switch to jQuery. Any ideas on how best make the switch javascript jquery prototypejs share improve this question Personally I like to take things in steps so I would start by using both like this jQuery.noConflict Put all your code in your document..
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object is including those files javascript_include_tag defaults For your modal there are a lot of opinions on how to do it. Personally I prefer to roll my own modal windows based on the needs of the application. It's only a few lines of jQuery laced JS to..
How to get relative path in Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6310620/how-to-get-relative-path-in-javascript Use the base HTML tag to set the URL prefix for all relative URL's. This affects all relative URL's image's links etc. Personally I'd go for option 1. You'll most likely find that config object coming in handy elsewhere. Obviously the config object will..
ASP.NET AJAX vs jQuery in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777523/asp-net-ajax-vs-jquery-in-asp-net-mvc MVC Which one is better to use in ASP.NET MVC asp.net jquery asp.net mvc ajax share improve this question Personally I prefer jQuery for the following reasons The plug in community is far more varied and attracts developers from a broad..
Can jQuery's .animate() method be made to affect variables, rather than CSS properties? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9324081/can-jquerys-animate-method-be-made-to-affect-variables-rather-than-css-prop in 1 second. The step function is called during animation and from there you can retrieve the current value in now . Personally I used this technique to animate several css properties simultaneously in a non linear fashion. Animate runs by modifying..
What is best way to perform jQuery .change() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9995638/what-is-best-way-to-perform-jquery-change