jquery Programming Glossary: numerical
Which is the proper way of filtering numeric values for a text field? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10866444/which-is-the-proper-way-of-filtering-numeric-values-for-a-text-field we prevent it. If the field is blurred we remove any non numerical values and all those values that follow. This will prevent the.. follow. This will prevent the user from pasting in non numerical strings #textfield .on keypress blur function e if e.type keypress..
Difference in JSON objects using Javascript/JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200562/difference-in-json-objects-using-javascript-jquery two JSON objects in Javascript identical except for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319..
Adding comma as thousands separator (javascript) - output being deleted instead http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13621769/adding-comma-as-thousands-separator-javascript-output-being-deleted-instead deleted instead I am attempting to dynamically adjust a numerical value entered to include thousand separators Here is my code..
Making Wookmark jQuery order divs properly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028347/making-wookmark-jquery-order-divs-properly jQuery plugin Wookmark to display data from a database in numerical order. But they are displaying it in this order and as you can.. rectangles left to right. How could I get it to display in numerical order like so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I'm not sure how to fix this so..
Sort element by numerical value of data attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14160498/sort-element-by-numerical-value-of-data-attribute element by numerical value of data attribute I have multiple elements with the attribute..
Randomize a sequence of div elements with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1533910/randomize-a-sequence-of-div-elements-with-jquery like object in that each matched element is assigned a numerical property think like an index of the object and a length property..
Turn a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987524/turn-a-number-into-star-rating-display-using-jquery-and-css stars holder var span ' span ' .width size Replace the numerical value with stars this .html span If you want to restrict the..
AngularJS 1.2.0-rc.2 vs 1.2.0 element binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19960958/angularjs-1-2-0-rc-2-vs-1-2-0-element-binding explicitly states that Directives with greater numerical priority are compiled first. but playing around with it it seems..
jQuery calculate sum of values in all text fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2417553/jquery-calculate-sum-of-values-in-all-text-fields have an order form with about 30 text fields that contain numerical values. I'd like to calculate the sum of all those values on..
jQuery's $('#divOne').animate({zIndex: -1000}, 2000) does not work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3122926/jquerys-divone-animatezindex-1000-2000-does-not-work z ~~div.css 'zIndex' ~~ to get an integer even from non numerical values like auto .animate z 1000 step function div.css 'zIndex'..
flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4230945/flot-graph-use-legend-to-turn-on-off-series in your case would not work because key would need to be a numerical value but key here is a string. The solution is to replace this..
Conflict between jQuery Validate and Masked Input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4399086/conflict-between-jquery-validate-and-masked-input hyphen removed if the zipcode that is entered only has 5 numerical digits 6 including the hyphen . So it will validate it properly...
On keypress event, how do I change a ',' to a '~' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5266522/on-keypress-event-how-do-i-change-a-to-a ' .live keypress function event i know i could check the numerical value i feel this requirement can get more added to it and I..
Accessing numerical property in a json object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7443605/accessing-numerical-property-in-a-json-object numerical property in a json object I have a PHP multidimensional array..
Get element -moz-transform:rotate value in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8270612/get-element-moz-transformrotate-value-in-jquery question Here's my solution using jQuery. This returns a numerical value corresponding to the rotation applied to any HTML element...
Which is the proper way of filtering numeric values for a text field? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10866444/which-is-the-proper-way-of-filtering-numeric-values-for-a-text-field the key entered is a number. If it is we permit it. Otherwise we prevent it. If the field is blurred we remove any non numerical values and all those values that follow. This will prevent the user from pasting in non numerical strings #textfield .on.. we remove any non numerical values and all those values that follow. This will prevent the user from pasting in non numerical strings #textfield .on keypress blur function e if e.type keypress return String.fromCharCode e.which .match ^ d this.value..
Difference in JSON objects using Javascript/JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200562/difference-in-json-objects-using-javascript-jquery in JSON objects using Javascript JQuery I have two JSON objects in Javascript identical except for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575..
Adding comma as thousands separator (javascript) - output being deleted instead http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13621769/adding-comma-as-thousands-separator-javascript-output-being-deleted-instead comma as thousands separator javascript output being deleted instead I am attempting to dynamically adjust a numerical value entered to include thousand separators Here is my code function addCommas nStr nStr '' x nStr.split '.' x1 x 0 x2..
Making Wookmark jQuery order divs properly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028347/making-wookmark-jquery-order-divs-properly jQuery order divs properly Okay so I am wanting to use the jQuery plugin Wookmark to display data from a database in numerical order. But they are displaying it in this order and as you can tell they are displaying right to left then after four rectangles.. can tell they are displaying right to left then after four rectangles left to right. How could I get it to display in numerical order like so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I'm not sure how to fix this so maybe check out the GitHub here https github.com GBKS Wookmark..
Sort element by numerical value of data attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14160498/sort-element-by-numerical-value-of-data-attribute element by numerical value of data attribute I have multiple elements with the attribute data percentage is there a way of sorting the elements..
Randomize a sequence of div elements with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1533910/randomize-a-sequence-of-div-elements-with-jquery of a div with class band . The jQuery object is an array like object in that each matched element is assigned a numerical property think like an index of the object and a length property is also defined. To get one element is first element 'div.band..
Turn a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987524/turn-a-number-into-star-rating-display-using-jquery-and-css to get width var size Math.max 0 Math.min 5 val 16 Create stars holder var span ' span ' .width size Replace the numerical value with stars this .html span If you want to restrict the stars to only half or quarter star sizes add one of these..
AngularJS 1.2.0-rc.2 vs 1.2.0 element binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19960958/angularjs-1-2-0-rc-2-vs-1-2-0-element-binding jsfiddle.net yC627 What is strange though is that the documentation explicitly states that Directives with greater numerical priority are compiled first. but playing around with it it seems to be the opposite. I can't tell you why that is. Hopefuly..
jQuery calculate sum of values in all text fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2417553/jquery-calculate-sum-of-values-in-all-text-fields calculate sum of values in all text fields I have an order form with about 30 text fields that contain numerical values. I'd like to calculate the sum of all those values on blur. I know how to select all text fields but not how to loop..
jQuery's $('#divOne').animate({zIndex: -1000}, 2000) does not work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3122926/jquerys-divone-animatezindex-1000-2000-does-not-work you can hack animate to make this work var div '#divOne' z ~~div.css 'zIndex' ~~ to get an integer even from non numerical values like auto .animate z 1000 step function div.css 'zIndex' ~~this.z duration 2000 For more info about ~~ see this ...
flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4230945/flot-graph-use-legend-to-turn-on-off-series key inside the plotAccordingToChoices function. results key in your case would not work because key would need to be a numerical value but key here is a string. The solution is to replace this with a for loop which searches through the array for the..
Conflict between jQuery Validate and Masked Input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4399086/conflict-between-jquery-validate-and-masked-input
On keypress event, how do I change a ',' to a '~' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5266522/on-keypress-event-how-do-i-change-a-to-a far document .ready function event var regExComma name 'name ' .live keypress function event i know i could check the numerical value i feel this requirement can get more added to it and I would like to just change the regEx accordingly. if regExComma.test..
Accessing numerical property in a json object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7443605/accessing-numerical-property-in-a-json-object numerical property in a json object I have a PHP multidimensional array witch i converted to JSON using JSON_encode . I am using..
Get element -moz-transform:rotate value in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8270612/get-element-moz-transformrotate-value-in-jquery 7.5 . jquery css transform rotation share improve this question Here's my solution using jQuery. This returns a numerical value corresponding to the rotation applied to any HTML element. function getRotationDegrees obj var matrix obj.css webkit..