

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:05:25

jquery Programming Glossary: minvalue

Strange behaviour on Google Chart


position bottom bar groupWidth 50 fontSize 12 vAxis minValue 0 viewWindowMode explicit viewWindow min 0 hAxis colors chart_color_scheme.blue..

jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record


100 editable true sortable true editrules number true minValue 0 maxValue 24 required true name 'description' index 'description'..

How to change date format (MM/DD/YY) to (YYYY-MM-DD) in date picker


.datepicker #from .datepicker .bind change function var minValue this .val minValue .datepicker.parseDate mm dd yy minValue.. .datepicker .bind change function var minValue this .val minValue .datepicker.parseDate mm dd yy minValue minValue.setDate minValue.getDate.. this .val minValue .datepicker.parseDate mm dd yy minValue minValue.setDate minValue.getDate 1 #to .datepicker option..

Strange behaviour on Google Chart


pointSize 5 height 300 chartArea width 100 left 40 top 20 legend position bottom bar groupWidth 50 fontSize 12 vAxis minValue 0 viewWindowMode explicit viewWindow min 0 hAxis colors chart_color_scheme.blue chart_color_scheme.brown someEvolutionChart.setVAxisMax..

jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record


false editoptions readonly true name 'sum' index 'sum' width 100 editable true sortable true editrules number true minValue 0 maxValue 24 required true name 'description' index 'description' width 600 editable true sortable false jsonReader..

How to change date format (MM/DD/YY) to (YYYY-MM-DD) in date picker


I have foll0wing datepicker script script function #to .datepicker #from .datepicker .bind change function var minValue this .val minValue .datepicker.parseDate mm dd yy minValue minValue.setDate minValue.getDate 1 #to .datepicker option.. datepicker script script function #to .datepicker #from .datepicker .bind change function var minValue this .val minValue .datepicker.parseDate mm dd yy minValue minValue.setDate minValue.getDate 1 #to .datepicker option minDate minValue script.. .datepicker #from .datepicker .bind change function var minValue this .val minValue .datepicker.parseDate mm dd yy minValue minValue.setDate minValue.getDate 1 #to .datepicker option minDate minValue script Now dateformat is MM DD YY .how to..