jquery Programming Glossary: jquery.event.trigger
Custom event in jQuery that isn't bound to a DOM element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1553342/custom-event-in-jquery-that-isnt-bound-to-a-dom-element You can trigger custom global events like this in jQuery jQuery.event.trigger 'mycustomevent' arg1 arg2 arg3 These will trigger for any element...
jQuery.active function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148225/jquery-active-function an AJAX request this happens if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart This is what causes the .ajaxStart event to fire the.. ajax call complete function runs if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStop This is what causes the .ajaxStop event to fire the..
How can I change handleError? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7866199/how-can-i-change-handleerror Watch for a new set of requests if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart var requestDone false Create the request object var.. false Create the request object var xml if s.global jQuery.event.trigger ajaxSend xml s Wait for a response to come back var uploadCallback.. data status Fire the global callback if s.global jQuery.event.trigger ajaxSuccess xml s else jQuery.handleError s xml status catch..
Custom event in jQuery that isn't bound to a DOM element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1553342/custom-event-in-jquery-that-isnt-bound-to-a-dom-element do stuff jquery events share improve this question You can trigger custom global events like this in jQuery jQuery.event.trigger 'mycustomevent' arg1 arg2 arg3 These will trigger for any element. Since jQuery is built around DOM objects you have to..
jQuery.active function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148225/jquery-active-function AJAX requests currently going on. When jQuery starts an AJAX request this happens if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart This is what causes the .ajaxStart event to fire the number of connections just went from 0 to 1 jQuery.active.. stops because of a beforeSend abort via return false or an ajax call complete function runs if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStop This is what causes the .ajaxStop event to fire the number of requests went down to 0 meaning the last simultaneous..
How can I change handleError? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7866199/how-can-i-change-handleerror var frameId 'jUploadFrame' id var formId 'jUploadForm' id Watch for a new set of requests if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart var requestDone false Create the request object var xml if s.global jQuery.event.trigger ajaxSend xml s Wait.. jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart var requestDone false Create the request object var xml if s.global jQuery.event.trigger ajaxSend xml s Wait for a response to come back var uploadCallback function isTimeout var io document.getElementById frameId.. specified fire it and pass it the data if s.success s.success data status Fire the global callback if s.global jQuery.event.trigger ajaxSuccess xml s else jQuery.handleError s xml status catch e status error jQuery.handleError s xml status e The..