

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:20

jquery Programming Glossary: indexes

Finding column index using jQuery when table contains column-spanning cells


such that cells spanning multiple columns have multiple indexes HTML table tbody tr td One td td Two td td id example1 Three..

Get selected text on the page (not in a textarea) with jQuery


Edit Also is it possible to get the starting and ending indexes of the selection I.e. where the selection starts and ends within..

Using jQuery inArray with array of JavaScript Objects


Has anyone ever had any success using inArray to get indexes of JavaScript objects using a field value within that object..

How to select a range of elements in jQuery


share improve this question jQuery slice function taking indexes of the first and the last needed elements selects a subset of..

Jquery and Django multiple checkbox


bills jqtut The problem is that on the server all the indexes I am sending as the GET string are not being handled only half..

jQuery equivalent of getting the context of a Canvas


'2d' jQuery exposes the actual DOM element in numeric indexes where you can perform normal JavaScript DOM functions. share..

How to loop through array in jquery


through the enumerable property names of an object not the indexes of an array . Since arrays are objects and their only enumerable.. and their only enumerable properties by default are the indexes it mostly seems to sort of work in a bland deployment. But it's.. arrays e.g. the array has 15 elements in total but their indexes are strewn across the range 0 to 150 000 for some reason and..

jqgrid load large data set without pagination


directly like in the example loadComplete function var i 0 indexes this.p._index localdata this.p.data rows this.rows rowsCount.. 'jqgrow' 1 rowid row.id rowData localdata indexes rowid if rowData.amount 200 if row .hasClass 'ui state disabled'..

Can you layer pictures on top of each other on a webpage?


then you can easily create more layers assign their z indexes and even do this dynamically using javascript how exciting In..

Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden


below loadComplete function var p this.p data p.data indexes p._index names p.groupingView.sortnames 0 iName idParts rows.. .next while curRow.hasClass 'jqgrow' rowData data indexes curRow 0 .id if rowData.isEqual curRow.hide curRow curRow.next.. false else if row.hasClass 'jqgrow' rowData data indexes row 0 .id if rowData.isEqual hasHighlitedItem true row.css..

Convert js Array() to JSon object for use with JQuery .ajax


url salvaPreventivo.php data saveData async true Array's indexes are strings and not int so for this reason something like saveData.join..

How to initialize a jqGrid with the proper events for row re-ordering (Sortable)


row numbers and multiselect checkboxes are first and have indexes 0 and 1. The columns 'Client' has the index 2 and 'Date' has..

How to update value of data in jqgrid


data var dataArray myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'data' indexes myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' '_index' dataArray indexes rowid.. indexes myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' '_index' dataArray indexes rowid .myColumn newValue UPDATED You can use documented getLocalRow..

Finding column index using jQuery when table contains column-spanning cells


index of an arbitrary table cell in the example table below such that cells spanning multiple columns have multiple indexes HTML table tbody tr td One td td Two td td id example1 Three td td Four td td Five td td Six td tr tr td colspan 2 One td..

Get selected text on the page (not in a textarea) with jQuery


functionality of the latter is available in any jQuery plugin. Edit Also is it possible to get the starting and ending indexes of the selection I.e. where the selection starts and ends within the containing element jquery selection share improve..

Using jQuery inArray with array of JavaScript Objects


need something like .inArray javascriptObject.Name 2 IssuesArray Has anyone ever had any success using inArray to get indexes of JavaScript objects using a field value within that object Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. UPDATE CLARIFICATION..

How to select a range of elements in jQuery


if there were a lot more a s. javascript jquery share improve this question jQuery slice function taking indexes of the first and the last needed elements selects a subset of the matched elements. Note what it doesn't include last element..

Jquery and Django multiple checkbox


value myarray int l myarray.remove value return HttpResponse bills jqtut The problem is that on the server all the indexes I am sending as the GET string are not being handled only half are. Please help me Thanks jquery python django share..

jQuery equivalent of getting the context of a Canvas


How to loop through array in jquery


something even more useful . Specifically for..in loops through the enumerable property names of an object not the indexes of an array . Since arrays are objects and their only enumerable properties by default are the indexes it mostly seems to.. object not the indexes of an array . Since arrays are objects and their only enumerable properties by default are the indexes it mostly seems to sort of work in a bland deployment. But it's not a safe assumption that you can just use it for that... should soften the don't above. If you're dealing with sparse arrays e.g. the array has 15 elements in total but their indexes are strewn across the range 0 to 150 000 for some reason and so the length is 150 001 and if you use appropriate safeguards..

jqgrid load large data set without pagination


you can archive if you use DOM elements of the grid directly like in the example loadComplete function var i 0 indexes this.p._index localdata this.p.data rows this.rows rowsCount rows.length row rowid rowData className for i rowsCount i row.. if row .hasClass 'jqgrow' test for standard row if className.indexOf 'jqgrow' 1 rowid row.id rowData localdata indexes rowid if rowData.amount 200 if row .hasClass 'ui state disabled' if className.indexOf 'ui state disabled' 1 row.className..

Can you layer pictures on top of each other on a webpage?


want. Say you want to add more accessories on top of your person then you can easily create more layers assign their z indexes and even do this dynamically using javascript how exciting In conclusion I hope you found this little tutorial useful. For..

Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden


of new version of the loadComplete handler I fill additionally below loadComplete function var p this.p data p.data indexes p._index names p.groupingView.sortnames 0 iName idParts rows this.rows cRows rows.length iRow row rowData previousGrouppigRow.. onGroupingExpand function var curRow this .closest tr.jqgroup .next while curRow.hasClass 'jqgrow' rowData data indexes curRow 0 .id if rowData.isEqual curRow.hide curRow curRow.next if this.p.datatype 'local' reload grid to sort it setTimeout.. previousGrouppigRow.hide previousGrouppigRow row hasHighlitedItem false else if row.hasClass 'jqgrow' rowData data indexes row 0 .id if rowData.isEqual hasHighlitedItem true row.css background color #FFE3EA background image none else row.hide..

Convert js Array() to JSon object for use with JQuery .ajax


saveData a 2 saveData c 1 alert saveData .ajax type POST url salvaPreventivo.php data saveData async true Array's indexes are strings and not int so for this reason something like saveData.join ' ' doesn't work. Ideas Thanks in advance javascript..

How to initialize a jqGrid with the proper events for row re-ordering (Sortable)


alert message The columns 'rn' and 'cb' used internally for row numbers and multiselect checkboxes are first and have indexes 0 and 1. The columns 'Client' has the index 2 and 'Date' has the index 3. To the permutation array after the reordering..

How to update value of data in jqgrid


rowid 'myColumn' newValue now change the internal local data var dataArray myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'data' indexes myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' '_index' dataArray indexes rowid .myColumn newValue UPDATED You can use documented getLocalRow.. local data var dataArray myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'data' indexes myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' '_index' dataArray indexes rowid .myColumn newValue UPDATED You can use documented getLocalRow method to change the local data first change the cell..