jquery Programming Glossary: functionally
The $ dollar sign http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1180213/the-dollar-sign creating a variable with the name ' selector' so they are functionally equivalent. The nice thing about it is that it does make them..
Are jQuery's :first and :eq(0) selectors functionally equivalent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234087/are-jquerys-first-and-eq0-selectors-functionally-equivalent jQuery's first and eq 0 selectors functionally equivalent I'm not sure whether to use first or eq 0 in a selector...
$(document) vs. $(“document”) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4785952/document-vs-document handler .ready handler handler Notice the first two are functionally equivalent this implies whatever you pass to as long as you..
Count elements with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5706106/count-elements-with-jquery .length You could also use '.someclass' .size which is functionally equivalent but the former is preferred . share improve this..
$this vs $(this) in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7389944/this-vs-this-in-jquery the same as any other non reserved variable name. It's functionally identical to calling a variable JellyBean . share improve this..
difference between isotope and masonry jquery plugins http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8856893/difference-between-isotope-and-masonry-jquery-plugins the masonry and isotope JQuery plugins. They seem to be functionally almost identical and both appear to have the same author. The..
What's the difference between jQuery.bind() and jQuery.on()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9113783/whats-the-difference-between-jquery-bind-and-jquery-on just by how you use the arguments to .on . These pairs are functionally the same events bound directly to the object they occur on '.button'..
JQuery Event Handlers - What's the “Best” method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730277/jquery-event-handlers-whats-the-best-method syntax is just a shortcut. The body.find 'button' is functionally equivalent to 'button' since both select all buttons in the..
The $ dollar sign http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1180213/the-dollar-sign question I've seen it done both ways. All you are doing is creating a variable with the name ' selector' so they are functionally equivalent. The nice thing about it is that it does make them easy to pick out as jQuery objects. share improve this answer..
Are jQuery's :first and :eq(0) selectors functionally equivalent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234087/are-jquerys-first-and-eq0-selectors-functionally-equivalent jQuery's first and eq 0 selectors functionally equivalent I'm not sure whether to use first or eq 0 in a selector. I'm pretty sure that they'll always return the same..
$(document) vs. $(“document”) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4785952/document-vs-document of the following syntaxes are equivalent document .ready handler .ready handler handler Notice the first two are functionally equivalent this implies whatever you pass to as long as you call ready the ready callback is guaranteed to execute immediately..
Count elements with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5706106/count-elements-with-jquery
$this vs $(this) in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7389944/this-vs-this-in-jquery
difference between isotope and masonry jquery plugins http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8856893/difference-between-isotope-and-masonry-jquery-plugins isotope and masonry jquery plugins I recently discovered the masonry and isotope JQuery plugins. They seem to be functionally almost identical and both appear to have the same author. The only obvious difference I can see is the license. What are..
What's the difference between jQuery.bind() and jQuery.on()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9113783/whats-the-difference-between-jquery-bind-and-jquery-on method. You can get the behavior of any of those three just by how you use the arguments to .on . These pairs are functionally the same events bound directly to the object they occur on '.button' .on 'click' fn '.button' .bind 'click' fn events intercepted..
JQuery Event Handlers - What's the “Best” method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730277/jquery-event-handlers-whats-the-best-method the code is first run. These are basically identical. The .click syntax is just a shortcut. The body.find 'button' is functionally equivalent to 'button' since both select all buttons in the body. Note these event handlers will only be attached to the..