jquery Programming Glossary: fox
Web Page Source Annotation Tool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14244498/web-page-source-annotation-tool file system using Javascript. In either Chrome or Firefox after we edit the source code of the page in the inspected view.. javascript jquery html google chrome extension firefox addon share improve this question A chrome extension can.. selection.rangeCount Chrome supports only one range fire fox supports multiple ranges range document.getSelection .getRangeAt..
Wrap Text In JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14484787/wrap-text-in-javascript contains very long text say something like œA quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog I want to wrap it and assign it to the..
How can I insert a character after every n characters in javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1772941/how-can-i-insert-a-character-after-every-n-characters-in-javascript characters in javascript I have a string The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs. I want to use javascript possibly.. For example I want to call var s The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs. var new_s UpdateString 5 new_s should.. new_s UpdateString 5 new_s should equal The q uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs. The goal is to use this function to..
Web Page Source Annotation Tool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14244498/web-page-source-annotation-tool EDIT It seems impossible to download the edited page to local file system using Javascript. In either Chrome or Firefox after we edit the source code of the page in the inspected view there's a save button for us to save the edited page to.. I'd like to make it a default directory with my own save button. javascript jquery html google chrome extension firefox addon share improve this question A chrome extension can automate this functionality you can further extend this skeleton.. content var html addr selection addr if selection.getRangeAt selection.rangeCount Chrome supports only one range fire fox supports multiple ranges range document.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 remove selection range.deleteContents Create a node node..
Wrap Text In JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14484787/wrap-text-in-javascript I am having a variable named as ˜str in JavaScript and it contains very long text say something like œA quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog I want to wrap it and assign it to the same variable ˜str by inserting the proper ˜\n or 'br ' tags..
How can I insert a character after every n characters in javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1772941/how-can-i-insert-a-character-after-every-n-characters-in-javascript can I insert a character after every n characters in javascript I have a string The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs. I want to use javascript possibly with jQuery to insert a character every n characters. For example.. possibly with jQuery to insert a character every n characters. For example I want to call var s The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs. var new_s UpdateString 5 new_s should equal The q uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs. The.. call var s The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs. var new_s UpdateString 5 new_s should equal The q uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs. The goal is to use this function to insert shy into long strings to allow them to wrap. Maybe..