jquery Programming Glossary: extracted
Simple jQuery ajax example not finding elements in returned HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1033460/simple-jquery-ajax-example-not-finding-elements-in-returned-html just fine by using .load . To create a new block with extracted html into the DOM I do this ' div div ' .appendTo 'body' .load..
Best way to validate date string format via jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11218181/best-way-to-validate-date-string-format-via-jquery any date format with 4 digit year and any delimiter. I extracted it from my plugin Ideal Forms which validates dates and much..
Identify & Extract the title/description of an Image (Data Scraping Pinterest) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13796859/identify-extract-the-title-description-of-an-image-data-scraping-pinterest multiple images and descriptions The page title can be extracted very easily but the title may not correspond to the image especially..
JavaScript/jQuery method to find base URL from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420881/javascript-jquery-method-to-find-base-url-from-a-string If so what statement could I use to assign the base URL extracted from a given string to a new variable I've done some searching..
Dynamic JQuery Mobile Navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15095634/dynamic-jquery-mobile-navigation In case the user opens a bookmarked page then the id is extracted from the window.location.href. Please note that instead of passing..
jqGrid from USGS geojson data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15520356/jqgrid-from-usgs-geojson-data and post in a jqGrid a set of earthquakes GeoJSON data extracted from USGS repository. The request is accepted but displays Uncaught..
Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2272160/uploadify-plugin-doesnt-call-java-servlet your problem. I downloaded jquery.uploadify v2.1.0 MIT extracted it and put the entire contents in the WebContent uploadify folder..
What is the non-jQuery equivalent of '$(document).ready()'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2304941/what-is-the-non-jquery-equivalent-of-document-ready without jQuery you might check into this library. Someone extracted just the ready part from jQuery. Its nice and small and you..
SWFUpload “addPostParam” doesn't work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2796322/swfupload-addpostparam-doesnt-work good but i just can't get it to post values that i have extracted from inputs. Everything is looking good and it seems I'm writing..
Dynamic creation of large html table in javascript performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4864294/dynamic-creation-of-large-html-table-in-javascript-performance issues with the creation of the table. The data is extracted from documents and it is important that all data is presented..
How to enforce a “smooth scrolling” rule for mousewheel, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5560714/how-to-enforce-a-smooth-scrolling-rule-for-mousewheel-jquery to get the things work properly. EDIT Note that I have extracted the above functionality into a convenience jquery plugin . ..
Bookmarklet wait until Javascript is loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/756382/bookmarklet-wait-until-javascript-is-loaded load a script. EDIT I did my homework and actually extracted a loadScript function from the jQuery code to use in your bookmarklet...
Phonegap in Dreamweaver CS5.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8643581/phonegap-in-dreamweaver-cs5-5 the downloaded zip file Open the Android folder in the extracted zip. Remove version from the filenames Rename phonegap.1.3.0.jar..
jquery file upload - IE done callback data.result issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8814068/jquery-file-upload-ie-done-callback-data-result-issue of response in all browsers. Then in my done handler I extracted the result from the document object like so var result 'pre'..
Javascript extracting number from string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/987382/javascript-extracting-number-from-string extracting number from string I have a bunch of strings extracted from html using jQuery. They look like this var productBeforePrice..
Simple jQuery ajax example not finding elements in returned HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1033460/simple-jquery-ajax-example-not-finding-elements-in-returned-html I've managed to load snippets off of full html documents just fine by using .load . To create a new block with extracted html into the DOM I do this ' div div ' .appendTo 'body' .load 'some other document.html div#contents' If it's not working..
Best way to validate date string format via jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11218181/best-way-to-validate-date-string-format-via-jquery share improve this question Here this should work with any date format with 4 digit year and any delimiter. I extracted it from my plugin Ideal Forms which validates dates and much more. var isValidDate function value userFormat var userFormat..
Identify & Extract the title/description of an Image (Data Scraping Pinterest) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13796859/identify-extract-the-title-description-of-an-image-data-scraping-pinterest or title corresponding to an image on a webpage with multiple images and descriptions The page title can be extracted very easily but the title may not correspond to the image especially if there are many images present on the page var title..
JavaScript/jQuery method to find base URL from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420881/javascript-jquery-method-to-find-base-url-from-a-string get http www.sitename.com Is a regular expression the best bet If so what statement could I use to assign the base URL extracted from a given string to a new variable I've done some searching on this but everything I find in the JavaScript world seems..
Dynamic JQuery Mobile Navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15095634/dynamic-jquery-mobile-navigation id is passed to the second page through a shared JS variable. In case the user opens a bookmarked page then the id is extracted from the window.location.href. Please note that instead of passing the href value in the shared variable you could pass..
jqGrid from USGS geojson data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15520356/jqgrid-from-usgs-geojson-data from USGS geojson data I'm trying to read and post in a jqGrid a set of earthquakes GeoJSON data extracted from USGS repository. The request is accepted but displays Uncaught SyntaxError Unexpected token when probably meets the..
Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2272160/uploadify-plugin-doesnt-call-java-servlet generated printed JS code. Update I tried to reproduce your problem. I downloaded jquery.uploadify v2.1.0 MIT extracted it and put the entire contents in the WebContent uploadify folder of my empty playground web project in Eclipse. I created..
What is the non-jQuery equivalent of '$(document).ready()'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2304941/what-is-the-non-jquery-equivalent-of-document-ready and can be manipulated. If you want to acheive DOM ready without jQuery you might check into this library. Someone extracted just the ready part from jQuery. Its nice and small and you might find it useful domready at Google Code share improve..
SWFUpload “addPostParam” doesn't work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2796322/swfupload-addpostparam-doesnt-work work I've been testing this upload script and it looks really good but i just can't get it to post values that i have extracted from inputs. Everything is looking good and it seems I'm writing everything correctly but it just stops SWF DEBUG Event..
Dynamic creation of large html table in javascript performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4864294/dynamic-creation-of-large-html-table-in-javascript-performance which is used for data analysis and I'm having a few performance issues with the creation of the table. The data is extracted from documents and it is important that all data is presented on one page pagination is not an option unfortunately . Using..
How to enforce a “smooth scrolling” rule for mousewheel, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5560714/how-to-enforce-a-smooth-scrolling-rule-for-mousewheel-jquery
Bookmarklet wait until Javascript is loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/756382/bookmarklet-wait-until-javascript-is-loaded page you can use the same technique that jQuery uses to dynamically load a script. EDIT I did my homework and actually extracted a loadScript function from the jQuery code to use in your bookmarklet. It might actually be useful to many including me..
Phonegap in Dreamweaver CS5.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8643581/phonegap-in-dreamweaver-cs5-5 dreamweaver cs5.5 Download latest phonegap version. Extract the downloaded zip file Open the Android folder in the extracted zip. Remove version from the filenames Rename phonegap.1.3.0.jar to phonegap.jar and phonegap.1.3.0.js to phonegap.js Copy..
jquery file upload - IE done callback data.result issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8814068/jquery-file-upload-ie-done-callback-data-result-issue on XHR file uploads but this at least gives us the same kind of response in all browsers. Then in my done handler I extracted the result from the document object like so var result 'pre' data.result .text In your case I think the code would look..
Javascript extracting number from string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/987382/javascript-extracting-number-from-string extracting number from string I have a bunch of strings extracted from html using jQuery. They look like this var productBeforePrice DKK 399 95 var productCurrentPrice DKK 299 95 I need..