

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:41

jquery Programming Glossary: corrected

Passing a js array to PHP


PHP I'm trying to use the jQuery .post method. Here is the corrected code with your suggestions My javascript script type text javascript..

handling a full calendar event object


object fullcalendar share improve this question I corrected your code from above. Take a look at this var eventsArray var..

jquery validation plugin and submitHandler


submit it when there are validation errors that should be corrected. I believe the submitHandler is the key to making it work but..

ptTimeSelect JQuery TimePicker plugin issue


I found files are not loaded because of incorrect path I corrected path and its working now. Thanks to browser console Thanks to..

How can I pass arguments to anonymous functions in JavaScript?


improve this question Your specific case can simply be corrected to be working script type text javascript var myButton document.getElementById..

jQuery UI ThemeRoller - Installing themes


the grey one . I get the same results for each grey. also corrected folder structure above EDIT 2 Well I've figured it out.... neither..

Cannot pass null to server using jQuery AJAX. Value received at the server is the string “null”


was added after the answer below was accepted. Here is a corrected version of the original code. Javascript code .ajax url server_url..

Distinguish Chrome from Safari using jQuery.browser


share improve this question Since Sarfraz has not corrected his answer thank you Sarfraz for pointing me in the correct..

jQuery AJAX cross domain


echo _GET 'callback' . .json_encode arr . 09 01 12 corrected the statement The echo might be wrong it's been a while since..

Show first line of a paragraph


to change the height of the DIV back to 100 . EDIT I stand corrected I was not aware that there was a first line pseudo class. However..

How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box?


box on keydown and only on keyup the text box size will be corrected. A work around A work around would be to detect the BACKSPACE..

JQGrid - Multiselect [closed]


improve this question Oct 2011 Updated to use 4.0 API corrected shift selection bugs simplified selection loop. Tested in 4.2.0...

There's something really wrong with my simple Ruby on Rails app


img selector fails to find anything. This can be easily corrected by using the live jQuery method instead of click documentation..

jQuery UI Autocomplete Width Not Set Correctly


parent element which by default is the body. This can be corrected by giving it a containing element of the correct width. First..

Jquery Date picker Default Date


Can you please let me know how the default date can be corrected so it will display the current date. jquery jquery ui datepicker..

Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?


it. If your HTML markup was incorrect invalid it will be corrected in some way by the web browser the DOM structure will not contain..

AJAX and MVC (C#)


head so let me know if something needs to be clarified or corrected. Edit As noted in my comment in order to AJAXify your page you..

Getting Private Repos From Organization with GitHub API V3


share improve this question I have found the problem and corrected it. According the the GitHub API V3 there are multiple scopes..

Passing a js array to PHP


array to PHP Why can't I access my array through _POST in PHP I'm trying to use the jQuery .post method. Here is the corrected code with your suggestions My javascript script type text javascript var selectedValues var serializedValues td .click function..

handling a full calendar event object


crashes..but nothing new in calendar. thanks jquery events object fullcalendar share improve this question I corrected your code from above. Take a look at this var eventsArray var newEvent newEvent 0 some text newEvent 1 new Date y m d got..

jquery validation plugin and submitHandler


remaining problem is that the form will allow the user to submit it when there are validation errors that should be corrected. I believe the submitHandler is the key to making it work but any code I have tried where I comment tried various things..

ptTimeSelect JQuery TimePicker plugin issue


files are loaded or not. After I know about browser console I found files are not loaded because of incorrect path I corrected path and its working now. Thanks to browser console Thanks to all who suggested possible solutions share improve this answer..

How can I pass arguments to anonymous functions in JavaScript?


functions. How can I do this javascript jquery share improve this question Your specific case can simply be corrected to be working script type text javascript var myButton document.getElementById myButton var myMessage it's working myButton.onclick..

jQuery UI ThemeRoller - Installing themes


I tried Smoothness a random selection didn't realise it was the grey one . I get the same results for each grey. also corrected folder structure above EDIT 2 Well I've figured it out.... neither of the initial Smoothness or Redmond downloads had a..

Cannot pass null to server using jQuery AJAX. Value received at the server is the string “null”


a way to replicate this behavior using jQuery. This section was added after the answer below was accepted. Here is a corrected version of the original code. Javascript code .ajax url server_url dataType 'json' type 'POST' success receiveAjaxMessage..

Distinguish Chrome from Safari using jQuery.browser


visa versa jquery safari google chrome webkit browser detection share improve this question Since Sarfraz has not corrected his answer thank you Sarfraz for pointing me in the correct direction I will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase..

jQuery AJAX cross domain


element1 element2 array element31 element32 arr 'name' response echo _GET 'callback' . .json_encode arr . 09 01 12 corrected the statement The echo might be wrong it's been a while since I done php. In any case you need to output callbackName 'jsonString'..

Show first line of a paragraph


change to show the whole line with javascript just use it to change the height of the DIV back to 100 . EDIT I stand corrected I was not aware that there was a first line pseudo class. However changing the height may still be the simplest way. share..

How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box?


the BACKSPACE and ARROW keys they will also expand the text box on keydown and only on keyup the text box size will be corrected. A work around A work around would be to detect the BACKSPACE SHIFT and ARROW keys manually and act based on that keydown..

JQGrid - Multiselect [closed]


I use for multiselect jquery jqgrid multi select share improve this question Oct 2011 Updated to use 4.0 API corrected shift selection bugs simplified selection loop. Tested in 4.2.0. If like me you needed a proper multiselect in the jqgrid..

There's something really wrong with my simple Ruby on Rails app


there is no image in your document yet so your #video_div img selector fails to find anything. This can be easily corrected by using the live jQuery method instead of click documentation . I updated it to this #video_div img .live 'click' function..

jQuery UI Autocomplete Width Not Set Correctly


is that the menu is expanding to fill the width of its parent element which by default is the body. This can be corrected by giving it a containing element of the correct width. First I added a div like so div id menu container style position..

Jquery Date picker Default Date


current date but showing a date 1st January 2001 as default. Can you please let me know how the default date can be corrected so it will display the current date. jquery jquery ui datepicker jquery ui datepicker share improve this question intesting..

Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?


of the web page is the DOM structure that was created from it. If your HTML markup was incorrect invalid it will be corrected in some way by the web browser the DOM structure will not contain the invalid code in any way. Basically HTML should be..

AJAX and MVC (C#)


List SelectListItem This is all very much off the top of my head so let me know if something needs to be clarified or corrected. Edit As noted in my comment in order to AJAXify your page you don't really want to push everything around in your Model...

Getting Private Repos From Organization with GitHub API V3


Thanks in advance jquery git api github github api share improve this question I have found the problem and corrected it. According the the GitHub API V3 there are multiple scopes that can be used. It seems the the user scope is not valid..