

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:38

jquery Programming Glossary: conn

How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid”


list of usersssss listOfUsers while itr.hasNext psmtt conn.prepareStatement INSERT INTO patentInvite invitedWhom patentId.. ConnectToDatabase db new ConnectToDatabase Connection conn db.makeconnection PreparedStatement psmt conn.prepareStatement.. db new ConnectToDatabase Connection conn db.makeconnection PreparedStatement psmt conn.prepareStatement SELECT FROM..

How to pass ms sql data to jquery float


chartdata myResult new List chartdata using SqlConnection conn new SqlConnection ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings demo.. using SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand sqlString conn cmd.CommandType System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure conn.Open.. cmd.CommandType System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure conn.Open SqlDataReader rdr cmd.ExecuteReader CommandBehavior.CloseConnection..

Submit Search query & get Search result without refresh


Database Error User Message define DB_MSG_ERROR 'Could not connect br Please contact the site 's administrator.' ##############.. the site 's administrator.' ############## Make the mysql connection ########### conn mysql_connect HOST DBUSER PASS or die.. ############## Make the mysql connection ########### conn mysql_connect HOST DBUSER PASS or die DB_MSG_ERROR db mysql_select_db..

Jquery Autocomplete with JSON beginners question


WHERE tNAdvertisors.UserName Like ' term ' rs odbc_exec conn sql a array while odbc_fetch_row rs a htmlentities odbc_result..

jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example


auto class ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE.. ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn.. localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q strtolower _GET birds query mysql_query select FIELD from..

White spaces are required between publicId and systemId


login password.toCharArray URLConnection conn url.openConnection InputStream in conn.getInputStream DocumentBuilderFactory.. URLConnection conn url.openConnection InputStream in conn.getInputStream DocumentBuilderFactory dbf DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance..

jQuery ajax GET returns 405 Method Not Allowed


new URL http yourdestinationurlhere.com HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection searchURL.openConnection read the request.. read the request data and send it as POST data unchanged conn.setDoOutput true forwardedSearchRequest new OutputStreamWriter.. true forwardedSearchRequest new OutputStreamWriter conn.getOutputStream at least for Tomcat 6.0 the default is really..

How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid”


and setters Iterator itr listOfUsers.iterator System.out.println list of usersssss listOfUsers while itr.hasNext psmtt conn.prepareStatement INSERT INTO patentInvite invitedWhom patentId personalInfoId VALUES String inviteWhom itr.next .toString.. new CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01 ConnectToDatabase db new ConnectToDatabase Connection conn db.makeconnection PreparedStatement psmt conn.prepareStatement SELECT FROM patentInvite WHERE patentId System.out.println.. listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01 ConnectToDatabase db new ConnectToDatabase Connection conn db.makeconnection PreparedStatement psmt conn.prepareStatement SELECT FROM patentInvite WHERE patentId System.out.println patent id..

How to pass ms sql data to jquery float


public static List chartdata GetData int StartRowindex List chartdata myResult new List chartdata using SqlConnection conn new SqlConnection ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings demo .ConnectionString string sqlString SelectbyYearTotalProductAssign.. string sqlString SelectbyYearTotalProductAssign1 using SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand sqlString conn cmd.CommandType System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure conn.Open SqlDataReader rdr cmd.ExecuteReader CommandBehavior.CloseConnection.. using SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand sqlString conn cmd.CommandType System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure conn.Open SqlDataReader rdr cmd.ExecuteReader CommandBehavior.CloseConnection while rdr.Read chartdata obj new chartdata..

Submit Search query & get Search result without refresh


define PASS password Database name define DB database_name Database Error User Message define DB_MSG_ERROR 'Could not connect br Please contact the site 's administrator.' ############## Make the mysql connection ########### conn mysql_connect.. define DB_MSG_ERROR 'Could not connect br Please contact the site 's administrator.' ############## Make the mysql connection ########### conn mysql_connect HOST DBUSER PASS or die DB_MSG_ERROR db mysql_select_db DB or die DB_MSG_ERROR query.. 'Could not connect br Please contact the site 's administrator.' ############## Make the mysql connection ########### conn mysql_connect HOST DBUSER PASS or die DB_MSG_ERROR db mysql_select_db DB or die DB_MSG_ERROR query mysql_query SELECT FROM..

Jquery Autocomplete with JSON beginners question


tNAdvertisors.UsageNumber FROM tNAdvertisors WHERE tNAdvertisors.UserName Like ' term ' rs odbc_exec conn sql a array while odbc_fetch_row rs a htmlentities odbc_result rs UserName echo json_encode a current jquery code for the..

jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example


Result div id log style height 200px width 300px overflow auto class ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q strtolower _GET birds query mysql_query select.. div id log style height 200px width 300px overflow auto class ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q strtolower _GET birds query mysql_query select FIELD from.. ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q strtolower _GET birds query mysql_query select FIELD from TABLE where FIELD like ' q ' while row mysql_fetch_array query..

White spaces are required between publicId and systemId


getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication login password.toCharArray URLConnection conn url.openConnection InputStream in conn.getInputStream DocumentBuilderFactory dbf DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance DocumentBuilder.. return new PasswordAuthentication login password.toCharArray URLConnection conn url.openConnection InputStream in conn.getInputStream DocumentBuilderFactory dbf DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance DocumentBuilder db dbf.newDocumentBuilder Document..

jQuery ajax GET returns 405 Method Not Allowed


the search server and return any results try URL searchURL new URL http yourdestinationurlhere.com HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection searchURL.openConnection read the request data and send it as POST data unchanged conn.setDoOutput true.. conn HttpURLConnection searchURL.openConnection read the request data and send it as POST data unchanged conn.setDoOutput true forwardedSearchRequest new OutputStreamWriter conn.getOutputStream at least for Tomcat 6.0 the default.. request data and send it as POST data unchanged conn.setDoOutput true forwardedSearchRequest new OutputStreamWriter conn.getOutputStream at least for Tomcat 6.0 the default is really iso 8859 1 although it is reported as UTF 8 so we will explicitly..

.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY


edited this post to have the latest code. jQuery in HEAD script type text javascript document .ready function .submitConnectButton .click function evt evt.preventDefault alert hello click alert .emailConnectTextBox .val .ajax type POST .. document .ready function .submitConnectButton .click function evt evt.preventDefault alert hello click alert .emailConnectTextBox .val .ajax type POST url asynchronous insertEmail.ashx data email ' .emailConnectTextBox .val ' optin ' .connectCheckbox.. hello click alert .emailConnectTextBox .val .ajax type POST url asynchronous insertEmail.ashx data email ' .emailConnectTextBox .val ' optin ' .connectCheckbox .val ' contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json success function..