jquery Programming Glossary: communicating
Jquery Waypoints Refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10447604/jquery-waypoints-refresh #32 #26 #24 #13 #10 #4 . This is easily the most misunderstood thing about Waypoints and is absolutely my fault in not communicating how Waypoints works well enough. I plan to make this much clearer in the next iteration of the plugin. For anybody wondering..
jQuery Standards and Best Practice [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1245598/jquery-standards-and-best-practice of Web Developers within our company. Part of this involves presenting a course however another part involves communicating standards and best practice. If you Google 'jQuery best practice' you ™ll probably find the following among the search results...
Best practice for documenting events [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14518857/best-practice-for-documenting-events all that en vouque JavaScript stuff that shouldn't be too extraordinary nowadays . The modules of this application are communicating with each other and with the application core through events JQuery Events Backbone Events . Events of those frameworks..
javascript How to trigger native click action (replay event) later? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3278300/javascript-how-to-trigger-native-click-action-replay-event-later to do is send some data via a GET request and when it completes allow the default click action to proceed. Since I am communicating accross domain I must use GET rather than POST and so cannot make a synchronous call. Therefore I have to return 'false'..
problem to display dynamically a javascript google ad in an iframe using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3473416/problem-to-display-dynamically-a-javascript-google-ad-in-an-iframe-using-jquery intent to keep hackers and virus creators at bay they do not allow access to an iframe using javascript when it is communicating with a different domain then the site it is hosted on. You are going to be stuck in this method and I am unsure that there..
Alternatives to JavaScript eval() for parsing JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/945015/alternatives-to-javascript-eval-for-parsing-json .getJSON url function data alert data.exampleType eval is usually considered safe for JSON parsing when you are only communicating with your own server and especially when you use a good JSON library on server side that guarantees that generated JSON..