

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:31

jquery Programming Glossary: coded

Add content to a new open window


to it. I need to open a new window with a page already coded inside the same domain and add some content. The problem is..

FancyBox displaying contents of a DIV as type iFrame


if I change the href attribute to #pg and have the page coded this way body div id pg div script type text javascript document.getElementById..

Code for a simple JavaScript countdown timer? [closed]


is run and ending at 0. No milliseconds. How can it be coded jquery timer counter setinterval clearinterval share improve..

How to solve/hack fading semi-transparent PNG bug in IE8?


many solutions and the only one that worked fine is one I coded myself. The issue seems to be IE lacking opacity support and..

How to combine jQuery animate with css3 properties without using css transitions?


in mind that things like and won't work properly unless coded for. Update Here's a combination of my solution and cuzzea's..

Get List of jQuery UI themes - from an URL (same-origin-policy)


corner and select a new theme. Right now the list is hard coded as below div id theme list ul li class themes el ui state highlight..

How to Display Selected Item in Bootstrap Button Dropdown Title


selected item as the btn caption.As you can see it is hard coded by Please Select From List but how I can display selected Item..

jQuery framework internals


I am familiar with it although not an expert and have not coded some of the advanced topics like closures. Here are the books..

How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService?


I get back from the server has a problem with my hand coded JSON. I can't use the jQuery getJSON function because the request.. pulling data out of text inputs in forms but for now hard coded test data is fine. How do I build a properly formatted JSON.. c not working 2656543#2656543 . The data should be JSON encoded. You should separate encode every input parameter. Because you..

Loading content with ajax while scrolling


I need to load them few at a time. Since it's javascript coded I can't have the scroll position as far as I know. I want to..

Dealing with overlapping jQuery sortable lists


there's a overlay in place. For my purposes I just hard coded the rules since that suited my needs time constraints but you..

requireJS and jQuery


require order.js plugin since jQuery was basically hard coded to load first. To me #2 isn't very helpful. Most real applications..

Convert string to variable name in Javascript


the function so I need it to work dynamically not hard coded if statements javascript jquery variables share improve this..

Getting all selected checkboxes in an array


value 5 And so on. There are about 6 of them and are hand coded i.e not fetched from a db so they are likely to remain the same..

jQuery ajax error function


retrieved the successful call from the page but i have coded it so that it raises an error in the asp. How do i retrieve..

Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery


with jQuery I have a form with a standard reset button coded thusly input type reset class button standard value Clear Trouble..

Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances


Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts


urlArgs bust v2 for production where I increment the hard coded version num after rolling out an updated required script. Note..

jQuery click not working for dynamically created items


add the dynamic links. So you have a wrapper which is hard coded into the HTML source code div id wrapper div and you fill it..

Add content to a new open window


this issue I've trying reading many post but no one answer to it. I need to open a new window with a page already coded inside the same domain and add some content. The problem is that if I use OpenWindow.write the page is not loaded yet or..

FancyBox displaying contents of a DIV as type iFrame


That is FancyBox opens and displays the CNN homepage. However if I change the href attribute to #pg and have the page coded this way body div id pg div script type text javascript document.getElementById pg .innerHTML DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD..

Code for a simple JavaScript countdown timer? [closed]


countdown timer starting at 30 seconds from when the function is run and ending at 0. No milliseconds. How can it be coded jquery timer counter setinterval clearinterval share improve this question var count 30 var counter setInterval timer..

How to solve/hack fading semi-transparent PNG bug in IE8?


same issue animating a div with a PNG image inside. I tried many solutions and the only one that worked fine is one I coded myself. The issue seems to be IE lacking opacity support and proper PNG support so it breaks PNG display after applying..

How to combine jQuery animate with css3 properties without using css transitions?


method you can animate almost anything as long as you keep in mind that things like and won't work properly unless coded for. Update Here's a combination of my solution and cuzzea's solution abstracted behind a function. http jsfiddle.net qZRdZ..

Get List of jQuery UI themes - from an URL (same-origin-policy)


dynamically. Working fiddle Click on Themes on Right top corner and select a new theme. Right now the list is hard coded as below div id theme list ul li class themes el ui state highlight data theme cupertino cupertino li li class themes el..

How to Display Selected Item in Bootstrap Button Dropdown Title


1 href # Other a li ul div now i would like to display the selected item as the btn caption.As you can see it is hard coded by Please Select From List but how I can display selected Item instead of that in the btn using jquery I know that I can..

jQuery framework internals


I have read about many of the topics you have mentioned and I am familiar with it although not an expert and have not coded some of the advanced topics like closures. Here are the books I have used so far Head first javascript good in the beginning..

How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService?


a valid response using javascript and jQuery because the message I get back from the server has a problem with my hand coded JSON. I can't use the jQuery getJSON function because the request requires HTTP POST so I'm using the lower level ajax function.. to my ajax call like so data theRequest I'll eventually be pulling data out of text inputs in forms but for now hard coded test data is fine. How do I build a properly formatted JSON object to send to the web service UPDATE It turns out that the.. questions 2651091 jquery ajax call to httpget webmethod c not working 2656543#2656543 . The data should be JSON encoded. You should separate encode every input parameter. Because you have only one parameter you should do like following first..

Loading content with ajax while scrolling


as image slider image here but due to large amount of images I need to load them few at a time. Since it's javascript coded I can't have the scroll position as far as I know. I want to load them as soon as the last image shows up or something like..

Dealing with overlapping jQuery sortable lists


that detects and selectively ignores hovering over lists when there's a overlay in place. For my purposes I just hard coded the rules since that suited my needs time constraints but you should be able to make it completely generic without too much..

requireJS and jQuery


are guaranteed that jQuery is ready. You don't even need the require order.js plugin since jQuery was basically hard coded to load first. To me #2 isn't very helpful. Most real applications have many .js files that must load in the right order&mdash..

Convert string to variable name in Javascript


that There are a number of variables that could be called into the function so I need it to work dynamically not hard coded if statements javascript jquery variables share improve this question If it's a global variable then window variableName..

Getting all selected checkboxes in an array


checkbox name type value 1 input type checkbox name type value 5 And so on. There are about 6 of them and are hand coded i.e not fetched from a db so they are likely to remain the same for a while. My question is how I can get them all in an..

jQuery ajax error function


call passing data to a page which then returns a value. I have retrieved the successful call from the page but i have coded it so that it raises an error in the asp. How do i retrieve that error from the jquery For example cache false url addInterview_Code.asp..

Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery


a multi stage form with jQuery I have a form with a standard reset button coded thusly input type reset class button standard value Clear Trouble is said form is of the multi stage sort so if a user fills..

Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances


Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts


.getTime for automatic cache busting during development and urlArgs bust v2 for production where I increment the hard coded version num after rolling out an updated required script. Note @Dustin Getz mentioned in a recent answer that Chrome Developer..

jQuery click not working for dynamically created items


... where #wrapper is a static element in which you add the dynamic links. So you have a wrapper which is hard coded into the HTML source code div id wrapper div and you fill it with dynamic content. The idea is to delegate the events to..