

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:23

jquery Programming Glossary: catch

How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery


both right and left click what is the way of being able to catch right mouse click I'd be happy if something like below exists..

jQuery & Prototype Conflict


to use noConflict as alluded to above . However there's a catch. Since you're including a plugin you'll need to do the includes..

JqGrid need hyperlink - need to capture value through Jquery


generate span which look for the user like a link. You can catch the click event on the cell using beforeSelectRow or onCellSelect..

How to add click event to a iframe with JQuery


no 'onclick' event for an iframe but you can try to catch the click even of the document in the iframe document.getElementById..

dynamic drop down box?


objDb query sql list statement fetchAll PDO FETCH_ASSOC catch PDOException e echo 'There was a problem' DOCTYPE HTML html.. implode '' out else echo json_encode array 'error' true catch PDOException e echo json_encode array 'error' true else echo..

Obtain form input fields using jQuery?


using jQuery I have a form with many input fields. When I catch the submit form event with jQuery is it possible to get all..

jQuery UI Dialog OnBeforeUnload


OnBeforeUnload I have a small problem. I'm attempting to catch the OnUnLoad Event of the Window and ask a confirmation question..

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet


System.out.println Type item.getContentType catch Exception e throw new ServletException e I registered com.example.UploadServlet..

How can you check for a #hash in a URL using JavaScript?


check for this character using JavaScript I need a simple catch all test that would detect URLs like these example.com page.html#anchor..

Event on a disabled input


could place an element in front of the disabled input and catch the click on that element. Here's an example of what I mean..

Change CSS of selected text using Javascript


BackColor false colour makeEditableAndHighlight colour catch ex makeEditableAndHighlight colour else if document.selection..

jQuery Ajax error handling, show custom exception messages


ApplicationException User name already exists I want to catch this message user name already exists in the jQuery Ajax error..

Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms?


wrapping the attempt to evaluate the responseText in a try catch statement . Because of the nature of a JSONP response however.. however parse errors in the response will yield an uncatchable JS Parse error. Both formats however can implement timeout..

Using HTML5 file uploads with AJAX and jQuery


at FileReader Interface . So when the form is submitted catch the submission process and var file document.getElementById..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


hr errorText errorInfo i .Source errorInfo i .Message catch e errorText errorIconSpan errorText else htmlBody body. s..

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery


IEContentLoaded document.documentElement.doScroll left catch error setTimeout arguments.callee 0 return and execute any..

jQuery scroll() detect when user stops scrolling


understand. So with that I am trying to figure out how to catch when someone has stopped. From the above example you can see..

How soon will jQuery(document).ready be called?


bindReady function if readyBound return readyBound true Catch cases where document .ready is called after the browser event..

webservice - unknown web method parameter name methodname


CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos startDate endDate Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception FullCalendar GetEventos.. CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos startDate endDate Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception FullCalendar getEventos..

Catch only keypresses that change input?


only keypresses that change input I want to do something when..

Catch paste input


paste input I'm looking for a way to sanitize input that I..

Can jQuery check whether input content has changed?


following answers for more details jQuery keyboard events Catch only keypresses that change input Example except IE 9 see links..

jQuery disable scroll when mouse over an absolute div


http jsfiddle.net eXQf3 371 The code works as follows Catch scroll event on the current element Cancel the scroll event..

Catch scrolling event on overflow:hidden element


scrolling event on overflow hidden element Any insights on..

How to check if a variable or object is undefined?


the global context this will create the jQuery property. Catch the ReferenceError . Honestly I have never seen this nor do..

How can one smooth scroll up and down between objects on a page with arrow keys?


question This is a fun and easy one if you know jQuery. Catch the up down arrow key presses and prevent their default scroll..

How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery


.bind 'click' function alert 'clicked' this is triggered by both right and left click what is the way of being able to catch right mouse click I'd be happy if something like below exists 'div' .bind 'rightclick' function alert 'right mouse button..

jQuery & Prototype Conflict


copy of Scriptaculous. If that does not work you will need to use noConflict as alluded to above . However there's a catch. Since you're including a plugin you'll need to do the includes in a specific order for example script src jquery.js script..

JqGrid need hyperlink - need to capture value through Jquery


title Click here to go to EditMicro In the way you will generate span which look for the user like a link. You can catch the click event on the cell using beforeSelectRow or onCellSelect callback. For example beforeSelectRow function rowid e..

How to add click event to a iframe with JQuery


jquery iframe onclick share improve this question There's no 'onclick' event for an iframe but you can try to catch the click even of the document in the iframe document.getElementById iframe_id .contentWindow.document.body.onclick function..

dynamic drop down box?


utf8' sql SELECT FROM `category` WHERE `master` 0 statement objDb query sql list statement fetchAll PDO FETCH_ASSOC catch PDOException e echo 'There was a problem' DOCTYPE HTML html lang en head meta charset utf 8 title Dependable dropdown menu.. .' option ' echo json_encode array 'error' false 'list' implode '' out else echo json_encode array 'error' true catch PDOException e echo json_encode array 'error' true else echo json_encode array 'error' true The 2nd drop down box is not..

Obtain form input fields using jQuery?


form input fields using jQuery I have a form with many input fields. When I catch the submit form event with jQuery is it possible to get all the input fields of that form in an associative array javascript..

jQuery UI Dialog OnBeforeUnload


UI Dialog OnBeforeUnload I have a small problem. I'm attempting to catch the OnUnLoad Event of the Window and ask a confirmation question and if the user decides they want to stay then fine and..

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet


Name item.getName System.out.println Size item.getSize System.out.println Type item.getContentType catch Exception e throw new ServletException e I registered com.example.UploadServlet in web.xml as follows servlet servlet..

How can you check for a #hash in a URL using JavaScript?


when there is a hash # anchor link in a URL. How can you check for this character using JavaScript I need a simple catch all test that would detect URLs like these example.com page.html#anchor example.com page.html#anotheranchor Basically something..

Event on a disabled input


solution but for complete cross browser compatibility you could place an element in front of the disabled input and catch the click on that element. Here's an example of what I mean div style display inline block position relative input type..

Change CSS of selected text using Javascript


IE9 and non IE try if document.execCommand BackColor false colour makeEditableAndHighlight colour catch ex makeEditableAndHighlight colour else if document.selection document.selection.createRange IE 8 case range document.selection.createRange..

jQuery Ajax error handling, show custom exception messages


throw an exception on the server side via Struts by throw new ApplicationException User name already exists I want to catch this message user name already exists in the jQuery Ajax error message. jQuery #save .click function if jQuery '#form' .jVal..

Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms?


errors in a JSON response can potentially be caught by wrapping the attempt to evaluate the responseText in a try catch statement . Because of the nature of a JSONP response however parse errors in the response will yield an uncatchable JS.. a try catch statement . Because of the nature of a JSONP response however parse errors in the response will yield an uncatchable JS Parse error. Both formats however can implement timeout errors by setting a timeout before initiating the request..

Using HTML5 file uploads with AJAX and jQuery


improve this question It's not too hard. Firstly take a look at FileReader Interface . So when the form is submitted catch the submission process and var file document.getElementById 'fileBox' .files 0 Files 0 1st file var reader new FileReader..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


0 i errorInfo.length i 1 if errorText.length 0 errorText hr errorText errorInfo i .Source errorInfo i .Message catch e errorText errorIconSpan errorText else htmlBody body. s S body i.exec jqXHR.responseText if htmlBody null htmlBody.length..

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery


is used use the trick by Diego Perini http javascript.nwbox.com IEContentLoaded document.documentElement.doScroll left catch error setTimeout arguments.callee 0 return and execute any waiting functions jQuery.ready A fallback to window.onload..

jQuery scroll() detect when user stops scrolling


.show I can tell when someone is scrolling from what i understand. So with that I am trying to figure out how to catch when someone has stopped. From the above example you can see I am removing a class from a set of elements while the scrolling..

How soon will jQuery(document).ready be called?


body html FYI here is the relevant code from jquery 1.4.2 bindReady function if readyBound return readyBound true Catch cases where document .ready is called after the browser event has already occurred. if document.readyState complete return..

webservice - unknown web method parameter name methodname


As String ByVal endDate As String As String Try Return CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos startDate endDate Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception FullCalendar GetEventos ex.Message Finally End Try End Function The webservice is loaded.. As String ByVal endDate As String As String Try Return CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos startDate endDate Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception FullCalendar getEventos ex.Message Finally End Try End Function share improve this..

Catch only keypresses that change input?


only keypresses that change input I want to do something when a keypress changes the input of a textbox. I figure the keypress..

Catch paste input


paste input I'm looking for a way to sanitize input that I paste into the browser is this possible to do with jQuery I've..

Can jQuery check whether input content has changed?


elements and there's a simple workaround for IE 9. See the following answers for more details jQuery keyboard events Catch only keypresses that change input Example except IE 9 see links above for workaround #your_id .on input function alert Change..

jQuery disable scroll when mouse over an absolute div


any other divs to scroll. The example fiddle showcases this. http jsfiddle.net eXQf3 371 The code works as follows Catch scroll event on the current element Cancel the scroll event Manually scroll the current element only '#abs' .bind 'mousewheel..

Catch scrolling event on overflow:hidden element


scrolling event on overflow hidden element Any insights on how to catch a scrolling event on a element that has overflow..

How to check if a variable or object is undefined?


valid. Note that var is just an annotation and is hoisted. In the global context this will create the jQuery property. Catch the ReferenceError . Honestly I have never seen this nor do I recommend it but it would work. Happy coding. share improve..

How can one smooth scroll up and down between objects on a page with arrow keys?


you. javascript jquery html html5 share improve this question This is a fun and easy one if you know jQuery. Catch the up down arrow key presses and prevent their default scroll action. Then find the next or previous image based on the..