jquery Programming Glossary: caption
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation '#pager' sortname 'id' viewrecords true sortorder asc caption Contacts emptyrecords Empty records loadonce false loadComplete.. 10 rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 pager #pager gridview true caption Contacts rownumbers true autoencode true height 100 idPrefix..
Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660226/should-one-replace-the-usage-addjsondata-of-jqgrid-to-the-usage-of-setgridparam reset current page number to 1 and optionally change the caption of the grid. All these can be done with respect to setGridParam..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service true imgpath ' Content jqGridCss redmond images' caption 'Movies from 2008' editurl ' Home EditMovieData ' caption.. 'Movies from 2008' editurl ' Home EditMovieData ' caption 'Movie List' #bedata .click function var gr jQuery #editgrid.. rowNum 0 height '100 ' viewrecords true rownumbers true caption 'Movies from 2008' .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' add false edit..
jqGrid get “th” and “thead” using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3462071/jqgrid-get-th-and-thead-using-jquery div#gbox_list div#gview_list div.ui jqgrid titlebar caption div.ui userdata#t_list optional top toolbar div.ui jqgrid hdiv..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data pager '#pager' sortname 'StationId' sortorder 'asc' caption 'Weather Records' loadComplete function if the page index is.. caching on the server and not use _search parameter caption 'Weather Records' script head body table id list tr td tr..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert 'exercise_value' index 'exercise_value' editable true caption 'MyFitnessApplication' pager '#pager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 20..
Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4404526/unexpected-token-illegal-in-webkit hovering manualAdvance false Force manual transitions captionOpacity 0 Universal caption opacity beforeChange function afterChange.. false Force manual transitions captionOpacity 0 Universal caption opacity beforeChange function afterChange function slideshowEnd..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box true rownumbers true sortorder desc pager '#pager' caption Demonstrate dependend select dropdown lists edit on double click.. true rownumbers true sortorder desc pager '#pager' caption Demonstrate dependend select dropdown lists inline editing on..
jqGrid access cell data while it is being edited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121350/jqgrid-access-cell-data-while-it-is-being-edited rowNum 1000 pager '#pager' viewrecords true sortorder desc caption afterSaveCell Issue height 100 cellEdit true gridComplete function..
can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328072/can-jqgrid-support-dropdowns-in-the-toolbar-filter-fields sortorder desc ignoreCase true pager '#pager' height auto caption How to use filterToolbar better locally .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager'..
is it possible to have html inside of a jqgrid treegrid cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507186/is-it-possible-to-have-html-inside-of-a-jqgrid-treegrid-cell 'auto' rowNum 10000 treeGrid true ExpandColumn 'desc' caption TreeGrid Test where 'AdjacencyTreeWithHTML.json' total 1 page..
Sorting of jqGrid (v4.1.2) treegrid not working with Ajacency Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330572/sorting-of-jqgrid-v4-1-2-treegrid-not-working-with-ajacency-model 'adjacency' treedatatype local ExpandColumn 'name' caption Demonstrate how to use Tree Grid for the Adjacency Set Model..
How do I hide the tooltip on hover from the title tag when using FancyBox 2.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9610883/how-do-i-hide-the-tooltip-on-hover-from-the-title-tag-when-using-fancybox-2-0 61 Following that documentation I'm passing caption information for my lightbox via the Title attribute in my link.. for my lightbox via the Title attribute in my link tag. My caption information is quite long and has some HTML in it. So I want.. CPU load instead . This is also useful for long or complex captions that include links as in the example above. Then your fancybox..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation rowList 20 40 60 height 200 autowidth true rownumbers true pager '#pager' sortname 'id' viewrecords true sortorder asc caption Contacts emptyrecords Empty records loadonce false loadComplete function Is this achievable Do I need to parse JSON data.. 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 pager #pager gridview true caption Contacts rownumbers true autoencode true height 100 idPrefix mainGridPrefix subGrid true jsonReader repeatitems false beforeProcessing..
Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660226/should-one-replace-the-usage-addjsondata-of-jqgrid-to-the-usage-of-setgridparam use addJSONData . Update url of jqGrid based on user's input reset current page number to 1 and optionally change the caption of the grid. All these can be done with respect to setGridParam and optionally setCaption jqGrid methods. At the end call..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service 'id' sortorder desc height '100 ' width '100 ' viewrecords true imgpath ' Content jqGridCss redmond images' caption 'Movies from 2008' editurl ' Home EditMovieData ' caption 'Movie List' #bedata .click function var gr jQuery #editgrid.. true imgpath ' Content jqGridCss redmond images' caption 'Movies from 2008' editurl ' Home EditMovieData ' caption 'Movie List' #bedata .click function var gr jQuery #editgrid .jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'selrow' if gr null jQuery #editgrid.. width 55 hidden true pager jQuery '#pager' pginput false rowNum 0 height '100 ' viewrecords true rownumbers true caption 'Movies from 2008' .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' add false edit false del false search false REMARK I remove from the example..
jqGrid get “th” and “thead” using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3462071/jqgrid-get-th-and-thead-using-jquery tables. The structure of jqGrid not full will looks like following div#gbox_list div#gview_list div.ui jqgrid titlebar caption div.ui userdata#t_list optional top toolbar div.ui jqgrid hdiv all grid headers div.ui jqgrid hbox table.ui jqgrid htable..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data align 'right' name 'SnowDepth' index 'SnowDepth' align 'right' pager '#pager' sortname 'StationId' sortorder 'asc' caption 'Weather Records' loadComplete function if the page index is not set e.g. page index 0 force the page index to first page.. 100 width 100 prmNames nd null search null we switch of data caching on the server and not use _search parameter caption 'Weather Records' script head body table id list tr td tr table div id pager div body html You can download the full..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert name 'exercise_id' index 'exercise_id' editable false name 'exercise_value' index 'exercise_value' editable true caption 'MyFitnessApplication' pager '#pager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 sortorder desc viewrecords true height '250px' loadonce..
Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4404526/unexpected-token-illegal-in-webkit Use left right arrows pauseOnHover false Stop animation while hovering manualAdvance false Force manual transitions captionOpacity 0 Universal caption opacity beforeChange function afterChange function slideshowEnd function Triggers after all slides.. false Stop animation while hovering manualAdvance false Force manual transitions captionOpacity 0 Universal caption opacity beforeChange function afterChange function slideshowEnd function Triggers after all slides have been shown lastSlide..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box editurl 'clientArray' sortname 'Name' height '100 ' viewrecords true rownumbers true sortorder desc pager '#pager' caption Demonstrate dependend select dropdown lists edit on double click .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' edit true add true del false.. sortname 'name' ignoreCase true height '100 ' viewrecords true rownumbers true sortorder desc pager '#pager' caption Demonstrate dependend select dropdown lists inline editing on double click grid.jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' del false editGridRowOptions..
jqGrid access cell data while it is being edited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121350/jqgrid-access-cell-data-while-it-is-being-edited false name 'note' index 'note' width 100 sortable false rowNum 1000 pager '#pager' viewrecords true sortorder desc caption afterSaveCell Issue height 100 cellEdit true gridComplete function calculateTotal afterSaveCell function rowid name val..
can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328072/can-jqgrid-support-dropdowns-in-the-toolbar-filter-fields width 200 sortname 'Name' viewrecords true rownumbers true sortorder desc ignoreCase true pager '#pager' height auto caption How to use filterToolbar better locally .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' edit false add false del false search false refresh false..
is it possible to have html inside of a jqgrid treegrid cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507186/is-it-possible-to-have-html-inside-of-a-jqgrid-treegrid-cell background color Tomato ' treeGridModel 'adjacency' height 'auto' rowNum 10000 treeGrid true ExpandColumn 'desc' caption TreeGrid Test where 'AdjacencyTreeWithHTML.json' total 1 page 1 records 2 rows id 1 cell 1 Super b Item b 300 0 false true..
Sorting of jqGrid (v4.1.2) treegrid not working with Ajacency Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330572/sorting-of-jqgrid-v4-1-2-treegrid-not-working-with-ajacency-model true rowNum 10000 sortname 'id' treeGrid true treeGridModel 'adjacency' treedatatype local ExpandColumn 'name' caption Demonstrate how to use Tree Grid for the Adjacency Set Model jsonReader repeatitems false root function obj return obj page..
How do I hide the tooltip on hover from the title tag when using FancyBox 2.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9610883/how-do-i-hide-the-tooltip-on-hover-from-the-title-tag-when-using-fancybox-2-0 a demo of the development site http ab.basikgroup.com exhibition_works 61 Following that documentation I'm passing caption information for my lightbox via the Title attribute in my link tag. My caption information is quite long and has some HTML.. that documentation I'm passing caption information for my lightbox via the Title attribute in my link tag. My caption information is quite long and has some HTML in it. So I want to hide the default tooltip from showing it when a user rolls.. the value of the title attribute you only would be adding CPU load instead . This is also useful for long or complex captions that include links as in the example above. Then your fancybox script should look like document .ready function .fancybox..