jquery Programming Glossary: callbackfunction
JQuery DIalog and ASP.NET Repeater http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1570329/jquery-dialog-and-asp-net-repeater the previous client function passing the original asp.net callbackFunction of your control as parameter I generalized protected void AddConfirmRequest..
jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586003/jquery-getjson-url-data-callback JSONP JSON wrapped in a callback . JSONP looks like callbackFunction json_object some_data The browser can load JSONP Data from other..
jQuery-UI Dialog Memory Leaks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2095095/jquery-ui-dialog-memory-leaks with ok button function AlertDialog dialogTitle dialogText callbackFunction dynamically generate and add a div so we can create the pop.. button is highlighted by default .bind 'click' callback callbackFunction callbackResponse 'OK' dialogId 'alertDialog' CallbackAndCloseDialog.. event ui Close X button was clicked NOT the OK button if callbackFunction undefined callbackFunction 'cancel' callbackFunction null..
JQuery DIalog and ASP.NET Repeater http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1570329/jquery-dialog-and-asp-net-repeater div id divConfirm div On c# code behind you have to register the previous client function passing the original asp.net callbackFunction of your control as parameter I generalized protected void AddConfirmRequest WebControl control string title string message..
jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586003/jquery-getjson-url-data-callback this question Google returns pure JSON and does not support JSONP JSON wrapped in a callback . JSONP looks like callbackFunction json_object some_data The browser can load JSONP Data from other domains like it can load JavaScript in script tags from..
jQuery-UI Dialog Memory Leaks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2095095/jquery-ui-dialog-memory-leaks 'dialogbeforeclose' .dialog 'close' alert dialog modal with ok button function AlertDialog dialogTitle dialogText callbackFunction dynamically generate and add a div so we can create the pop up 'body' .append div id alertDialog style display none title.. '.ui dialog buttonpane button eq 0 ' .focus focus so the button is highlighted by default .bind 'click' callback callbackFunction callbackResponse 'OK' dialogId 'alertDialog' CallbackAndCloseDialog overlay backgroundColor '#000' opacity 0.5 buttons.. 0.5 buttons 'OK' function .bind 'dialogbeforeclose' function event ui Close X button was clicked NOT the OK button if callbackFunction undefined callbackFunction 'cancel' callbackFunction null .bind 'dialogclose' DialogDestroyAndRemove One thing I did above..