

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:18

jquery Programming Glossary: cake's

X-Requested-With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin


ajaxForms plugin to make an ajax submit to my CakePHP app. Cake's RequestHandler detects ajax requests by looking at the X Requested..

Save data using AJAX and CakePHP


' orders save_column_order' type 'POST' data data 2. Use Cake's magic function save_column_order if this data null this Model.. doing... Since you're doing ajax you probably do NOT want Cake's default view rendering behavior just a guess. If you want to.. friendly. If you need to view the contents of this data Cake's built in debugging from anywhere in your app will help you get..

X-Requested-With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin


not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin I'm using the jQuery ajaxForms plugin to make an ajax submit to my CakePHP app. Cake's RequestHandler detects ajax requests by looking at the X Requested With header but the forms plugin does not seem to set..

Save data using AJAX and CakePHP


'Html' 'Form' 'Js' array Jquery Fix your jQuery .ajax url ' orders save_column_order' type 'POST' data data 2. Use Cake's magic function save_column_order if this data null this Model save this data whatever else needs doing... Since you're.. data null this Model save this data whatever else needs doing... Since you're doing ajax you probably do NOT want Cake's default view rendering behavior just a guess. If you want to render any view at all it's probably just a snip of markup.. working make sure the structure of this data is Cake save friendly. If you need to view the contents of this data Cake's built in debugging from anywhere in your app will help you get straightened out debug this data 3. Wait what Not sure I..