jquery Programming Glossary: br
Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029241/javascript-object-watch-for-all-browsers Object.Watch for all browsers Hey all I was looking for an easy way to monitor an object.. and I found Object.Watch that's supported in Mozilla browsers but not IE. So I started searching around to see if anyone.. know of any better alternatives that would work cross browser Thanks Update after answers Thanks everyone for the responses..
Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064089/inserting-a-text-where-cursor-is-using-javascript-jquery areaId var scrollPos txtarea.scrollTop var strPos 0 var br txtarea.selectionStart txtarea.selectionStart '0' ff document.selection.. '0' ff document.selection ie false if br ie txtarea.focus var range document.selection.createRange range.moveStart.. txtarea.value.length strPos range.text.length else if br ff strPos txtarea.selectionStart var front txtarea.value .substring..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti input type text name field1 input type text name field2 br input type submit form How would I integrate the usage of these..
Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1694595/can-i-call-jquery-click-to-follow-an-a-link-if-i-havent-bound-an-event-hand in this question but I am also interested in what other browsers will do with this. If I have not used 'a' .bind 'click'.. .click seems to do nothing at all. It does not call the browser's default handler for this event as the browser does not.. call the browser's default handler for this event as the browser does not load the new page. However if I set an event handler..
AJAX request callback using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17973386/ajax-request-callback-using-jquery table width 800 border 1 tr td align center Number To Send br input type text id numSend size 40 style border 2px solid black.. border 2px solid black td td align center Number Returned br input type text id numReturn size 40 readonly td tr tr td align.. table width 800 border 1 tr td align center Number To Send br input type text id numSend size 40 style border 2px solid black..
detect elements overflow using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2059743/detect-elements-overflow-using-jquery .append 'some text ' HTML div id 'blue1' class blue div br a href 'javascript void 0 ' onclick 'addChar ' Add a div id..
JavaScript / jQuery: Test if window has focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3479734/javascript-jquery-test-if-window-has-focus jQuery Test if window has focus How do you test if the browser has focus javascript jquery events share improve this.. improve this question I haven't tested this in other browsers but it seems to work in Webkit. I'll let you try IE. o.. you click to start the interval change the focus of the browser window to see the result change. Again tested only in Webkit...
JQuery - multiple $(document).ready …? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5263385/jquery-multiple-document-ready .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 1 br ' document .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target.. .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 2 br ' document .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target.. .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 3 br ' Demo Also one thing i would like to mention in place of this..
Dialog box runs for 1 sec and disappears? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063522/dialog-box-runs-for-1-sec-and-disappears margin 0 7px 20px 0 ' span Are you sure you want to leave brandName br Your order will not be saved. p div Create Dialog.. 7px 20px 0 ' span Are you sure you want to leave brandName br Your order will not be saved. p div Create Dialog box '#confirmDialog'.. question beforeunload utilizes a method built in to the browser you need to return a string to it and the browser will..
jQuery scroll To Element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677035/jquery-scroll-to-element div id div1 style height 1000px width 100px Test div br div id div2 style height 1000px width 100px Test 2 div button..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div at the cursor I would like to directly insert html for brevity we'll say its a br tag. Using the answer to the question.. like to directly insert html for brevity we'll say its a br tag. Using the answer to the question above actually works in.. in IE as it uses the range.pasteHTML method but in other browsers the br tag would appear as plain text and not html. How..
What is alternative to use after jQuery 1.9 removed .toggle(function,function)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14490957/what-is-alternative-to-use-after-jquery-1-9-removed-togglefunction-function title Glen Takahashi p p class content THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS.. p p class content THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT p div.. THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT p div jquery css animation..
I am stuck with the concept of fading in and out in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20343742/i-am-stuck-with-the-concept-of-fading-in-and-out-in-jquery label class questiontext tokens.nextToken label br BR BR INPUT TYPE radio NAME out.println question paper.getId VALUE.. label class questiontext tokens.nextToken label br BR BR INPUT TYPE radio NAME out.println question paper.getId VALUE.. rboc this class option out.println paper.getOptiona BR INPUT TYPE radio NAME out.println question paper.getId VALUE..
jQuery autocomplete in ASP.NET webforms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/240721/jquery-autocomplete-in-asp-net-webforms to create an aspx that will return matching terms as a BR separated list http www.dyve.net jquery autocomplete The documentation..
How to remove the first two BR tags with jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3667904/how-to-remove-the-first-two-br-tags-with-jquery to remove the first two BR tags with jquery My customer's CMS from the last century outputs.. following code. And I'd like to remove only the first two BR tags with jquery. div id system BR CLEAR ALL BR I want to remove.. only the first two BR tags with jquery. div id system BR CLEAR ALL BR I want to remove both BR. ... BR ... ... BR I assume..
Dealing with line Breaks on contentEditable DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6023307/dealing-with-line-breaks-on-contenteditable-div is all working fine except the function that makes sure a BR element is always the lastChild ... Any idea on how to fix this.. I think I got it working in FF Safari Chrome... All return BR for new lines... The problem is now that when I'm inside an.. Ordered or UnorderedList I need to get a new line without BR... Edit 4 If anyone interested in the solution of the last edit..
Avoid createElement function if it's inside a <LI> element (contentEditable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6024594/avoid-createelement-function-if-its-inside-a-li-element-contenteditable this function in order to replace DIV New Divs DIV with BR in break lines on contentEditable divs using Safari and Chrome.. LI UL and I press the return key I don't want to get a BR so I can continue whit the list... How could I create a condition..
Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029241/javascript-object-watch-for-all-browsers Object.Watch for all browsers Hey all I was looking for an easy way to monitor an object or variable for changes and I found Object.Watch that's.. for an easy way to monitor an object or variable for changes and I found Object.Watch that's supported in Mozilla browsers but not IE. So I started searching around to see if anyone had written some sort of equivalent. About the only thing.. plugin I'm having problems making it work... Or does anyone know of any better alternatives that would work cross browser Thanks Update after answers Thanks everyone for the responses I tried out the code posted here http webreflection.blogspot.com..
Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064089/inserting-a-text-where-cursor-is-using-javascript-jquery insertAtCaret areaId text var txtarea document.getElementById areaId var scrollPos txtarea.scrollTop var strPos 0 var br txtarea.selectionStart txtarea.selectionStart '0' ff document.selection ie false if br ie txtarea.focus var range document.selection.createRange.. var strPos 0 var br txtarea.selectionStart txtarea.selectionStart '0' ff document.selection ie false if br ie txtarea.focus var range document.selection.createRange range.moveStart 'character' txtarea.value.length strPos range.text.length.. range document.selection.createRange range.moveStart 'character' txtarea.value.length strPos range.text.length else if br ff strPos txtarea.selectionStart var front txtarea.value .substring 0 strPos var back txtarea.value .substring strPos txtarea.value.length..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti options initialize tooltipster HTML form id myform input type text name field1 input type text name field2 br input type submit form How would I integrate the usage of these two jQuery plugins so that validation errors appear inside..
Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1694595/can-i-call-jquery-click-to-follow-an-a-link-if-i-havent-bound-an-event-hand happens and why. I'm using Firefox for everything I describe in this question but I am also interested in what other browsers will do with this. If I have not used 'a' .bind 'click' fn or 'a' .click fn to set an event handler then calling 'a'.. fn or 'a' .click fn to set an event handler then calling 'a' .click seems to do nothing at all. It does not call the browser's default handler for this event as the browser does not load the new page. However if I set an event handler first.. calling 'a' .click seems to do nothing at all. It does not call the browser's default handler for this event as the browser does not load the new page. However if I set an event handler first then it works as expected even if the event handler..
AJAX request callback using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17973386/ajax-request-callback-using-jquery script style type text css td border none style head body table width 800 border 1 tr td align center Number To Send br input type text id numSend size 40 style border 2px solid black td td align center Number Returned br input type text id.. Number To Send br input type text id numSend size 40 style border 2px solid black td td align center Number Returned br input type text id numReturn size 40 readonly td tr tr td align center colspan 4 input type button value Get Number id getNum.. script style type text css td border none style head body table width 800 border 1 tr td align center Number To Send br input type text id numSend size 40 style border 2px solid black td td align center Number Returned br input type text id..
detect elements overflow using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2059743/detect-elements-overflow-using-jquery #000000 overflow auto JavaScript function addChar '.blue' .append 'some text ' HTML div id 'blue1' class blue div br a href 'javascript void 0 ' onclick 'addChar ' Add a div id 'blue1' has overflow property set to auto . I want to detect..
JavaScript / jQuery: Test if window has focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3479734/javascript-jquery-test-if-window-has-focus jQuery Test if window has focus How do you test if the browser has focus javascript jquery events share improve this question I haven't tested this in other browsers but it.. test if the browser has focus javascript jquery events share improve this question I haven't tested this in other browsers but it seems to work in Webkit. I'll let you try IE. o Try it out http jsfiddle.net ScKbk After you click to start.. let you try IE. o Try it out http jsfiddle.net ScKbk After you click to start the interval change the focus of the browser window to see the result change. Again tested only in Webkit. var window_focus window .focus function window_focus..
JQuery - multiple $(document).ready …? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5263385/jquery-multiple-document-ready and On first Called first run basis div id target div document .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 1 br ' document .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 2 br ' document .ready function jQuery '#target' .append.. function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 1 br ' document .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 2 br ' document .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 3 br ' Demo Also one thing i would like to mention in place.. function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 2 br ' document .ready function jQuery '#target' .append 'target edit 3 br ' Demo Also one thing i would like to mention in place of this document .ready function you can use this shortcut jQuery..
Dialog box runs for 1 sec and disappears? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063522/dialog-box-runs-for-1-sec-and-disappears p span class 'ui icon ui icon alert' style 'float left margin 0 7px 20px 0 ' span Are you sure you want to leave brandName br Your order will not be saved. p div Create Dialog box '#confirmDialog' .dialog autoOpen false modal true overlay.. class 'ui icon ui icon alert' style 'float left margin 0 7px 20px 0 ' span Are you sure you want to leave brandName br Your order will not be saved. p div Create Dialog box '#confirmDialog' .dialog autoOpen false modal true overlay backgroundColor.. window .unbind jquery jquery ui share improve this question beforeunload utilizes a method built in to the browser you need to return a string to it and the browser will display the string and ask the user if they want to leave the..
jQuery scroll To Element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677035/jquery-scroll-to-element body' .animate scrollTop #div1 .offset .top 2000 script div id div1 style height 1000px width 100px Test div br div id div2 style height 1000px width 100px Test 2 div button id click Click me button html share improve this answer..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div key is pressed. Similar to this question which inserts text at the cursor I would like to directly insert html for brevity we'll say its a br tag. Using the answer to the question above actually works in IE as it uses the range.pasteHTML.. to this question which inserts text at the cursor I would like to directly insert html for brevity we'll say its a br tag. Using the answer to the question above actually works in IE as it uses the range.pasteHTML method but in other browsers.. br tag. Using the answer to the question above actually works in IE as it uses the range.pasteHTML method but in other browsers the br tag would appear as plain text and not html. How could I modify the answer to insert html and not text javascript..
What is alternative to use after jQuery 1.9 removed .toggle(function,function)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14490957/what-is-alternative-to-use-after-jquery-1-9-removed-togglefunction-function display none and the html div class circleBase home p class title Glen Takahashi p p class content THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT p div jquery css animation toggle share improve.. the html div class circleBase home p class title Glen Takahashi p p class content THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT p div jquery css animation toggle share improve this question .. circleBase home p class title Glen Takahashi p p class content THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT BR THIS IS CONTENT p div jquery css animation toggle share improve this question With two states you..
I am stuck with the concept of fading in and out in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20343742/i-am-stuck-with-the-concept-of-fading-in-and-out-in-jquery qx paper.getId style display none while tokens.hasMoreTokens label class questiontext tokens.nextToken label br BR BR INPUT TYPE radio NAME out.println question paper.getId VALUE A id out.println A paper.getId onClick rboc this class option.. paper.getId style display none while tokens.hasMoreTokens label class questiontext tokens.nextToken label br BR BR INPUT TYPE radio NAME out.println question paper.getId VALUE A id out.println A paper.getId onClick rboc this class option.. question paper.getId VALUE A id out.println A paper.getId onClick rboc this class option out.println paper.getOptiona BR INPUT TYPE radio NAME out.println question paper.getId VALUE B id out.println B paper.getId onClick rboc this class option..
jQuery autocomplete in ASP.NET webforms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/240721/jquery-autocomplete-in-asp-net-webforms web. I've used this one before and if I recall you only need to create an aspx that will return matching terms as a BR separated list http www.dyve.net jquery autocomplete The documentation shows php in the example but there's no difference..
How to remove the first two BR tags with jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3667904/how-to-remove-the-first-two-br-tags-with-jquery to remove the first two BR tags with jquery My customer's CMS from the last century outputs the following code. And I'd like to remove only the first.. jquery My customer's CMS from the last century outputs the following code. And I'd like to remove only the first two BR tags with jquery. div id system BR CLEAR ALL BR I want to remove both BR. ... BR ... ... BR I assume something like this... last century outputs the following code. And I'd like to remove only the first two BR tags with jquery. div id system BR CLEAR ALL BR I want to remove both BR. ... BR ... ... BR I assume something like this. But I am not sure. '#system br' .remove..
Dealing with line Breaks on contentEditable DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6023307/dealing-with-line-breaks-on-contenteditable-div DIV Edit With the code I found bottom of this question is all working fine except the function that makes sure a BR element is always the lastChild ... Any idea on how to fix this Edit 2 I'm getting this error on the console Uncaught TypeError.. document.createChild br to document.createElement br and I think I got it working in FF Safari Chrome... All return BR for new lines... The problem is now that when I'm inside an Ordered or UnorderedList I need to get a new line without BR..... for new lines... The problem is now that when I'm inside an Ordered or UnorderedList I need to get a new line without BR... Edit 4 If anyone interested in the solution of the last edit Avoid createElement function if it's inside a LI element..
Avoid createElement function if it's inside a <LI> element (contentEditable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6024594/avoid-createelement-function-if-its-inside-a-li-element-contenteditable if it's inside a LI element contentEditable I'm using this function in order to replace DIV New Divs DIV with BR in break lines on contentEditable divs using Safari and Chrome #form_description .live keypress function e if e.which 13.. The problem is that when I'm typing inside an UL LI Something LI UL and I press the return key I don't want to get a BR so I can continue whit the list... How could I create a condition for that function not to work if I'm inside a LI element..